Chapter 3 - Starbucks and Music, What Could Be Better?

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A/N: Hi guys! This is the third chapter!! Things will start to pick up after this chapter, so I'm very happy and I hope you guys are too! I have big plans for this story! Don't forget to vote and comment! -Erin

Chapter 3 - Starbucks and Music, What Could Be Better?


Faintly hearing the sound of voices, wakes me up and I forget for a minute that I'm not at home in my bed, I'm at Ben's house. There is a knock at my door, and I quickly sit up, attempting to run across the room to open my door. Well, that was the plan but it didn't happen like I wanted. I jump off of the bed but my foot got caught in the tangled up sheets and my face hit the floor. I look up right as my door opens slowly, and Rhi stands at the entrance and her expression was a lot of shock and a little amusement. "Are you okay?" She walks into my room and unwraps the sheets from my foot and my body curls up and lays flat on the floor. "Yeah, I think so. This is what I get when I want to open the door first. Can you please not tell Ben about this? He would laugh at me forever." Rhi softly laughs, her laugh was like bells ringing. "I already know." Ben says after he takes a picture of me on the ground, I groan and put my forehead on the floor.

"Let's go kiddo, we have huge plans today." Ben walks across the room, and holds out his hand to help me up but Rhiannon tries to push him out of the way. I reach for Rhiannon's hand but end up pulling her down with me, we both start laughing. "Jeez, I was only trying to help you." She says as our laughter quieted down. We stand up and I go to my suitcase, which I still have to unpack, and that was their cue to leave so I could get ready for whatever Ben had planned for us today. As I walked downstairs, I notice Ben and Rhiannon sitting at their kitchen table talking, it seemed serious so I started to walk into the living room but the sound of my name made me stop and turn around. It was Rhiannon that had called my name, she had a small smile on her face. I walk into the kitchen and sit down across from Rhiannon. I don't look up from my hands until I hear Ben talking about the studio that his band records at. "Can we go to your studio Ben? I've only seen it in videos." My sudden outburst made them both stare at me, I attempt at shrinking because I didn't like to be stared at. Ben looks at his girlfriend and back at me, he nods and stands up. "Sure, let me call John to see if its locked still." He takes out his phone and leaves the kitchen. Minutes later, he walks back in and motions for us to follow him, he picks up Rhiannon's car keys and tosses them to her.

The ride to the studio was a short and silent one. When we arrived, an older man came out to greet us. Ben hugged him and turned to us. "John, you already know Rhi, that is Ainsley." Both men look at me and I smile awkwardly. "So, Ben what are we doing today?" John asked Ben, as we all went inside the studio. It was pretty big inside, it was like you could live there. Ben answered his long time friend as he opened a door and stood in the entrance. "I think I'm just going to sing a few songs, just for Ainsley."

Wow, I've been here two days and its already going amazing! I think to myself, fighting back a smile. Ben closes the door and stands by a microphone, he puts small black earpieces in so nothing damages his hearing. John sits down and starts pressing a few buttons. Suddenly Ben's voice comes through a speaker above the plexiglass window, which we can see Ben through. "Alright boss, all ready to go. Let's start off with So Cold, then go into You." John nods and begins playing the instrumental version of So Cold. I squeal loudly and Rhiannon laughs, while putting a light hand on my shoulder. "It gets better than this, you just wait."

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