Chapttr )6 - Fighting Our Inner Demons

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Chapter 6! Thank you guys for staying with me and encouraging me to continue! Love, Erin


Chapter 6 - Fighting Our Inner Demons

Ainsley's POV

My eyes never left his face even when Thomas told me to go to sleep, I refused to leave his side. All I hoped for was that Ben woke up after giving me a near heart attack from passing out on me. I sat on the floor beside the couch that Ben was laying on, his brother in a chair facing Ben. "Thank you for helping me get him up, it must've been scary for you, watching him pass out like that." Thomas looked at me with a small smile. I only nod my head and keep my eyes on the motionless man that I was starting to like even more now that I felt like I had to take care of him.

"Yeah, it was pretty terrifying for me, I was worried about him because he started shaking and then he put his head on my shoulder and that was it. After I realized he wasn't waking up, I took his phone out of his pocket and found the first number to call for help." I explained to Thomas, and I looked away from Ben to his older brother. "Does this happen a lot?" Thomas' smile became a little wider and he nodded his head, glancing at his brother briefly before looking back at me. "Yes, everyday but I guess that's what he deserves since he was the one to drink all the time." He explains, glancing at Ben then back at me.

"You know, Ben was acting really strange before he passed out." I confessed to his brother, glancing at him before looking back down at my lap. "What do you mean weird? He's weird all the time, I mean have you seen his tattoos?" He asks me, with confusion and amusement in his tone.

"Well, he kind of...held my hand...and I told him he was holding my hand. He said he knew. What do you think he meant?" I ask him fully giving him my attention, with my head turned slightly to one side. "Hmm...He could be imagining that you are Rhi? I'm not sure but you probably shouldn't have to worry about him. He may be in a bad spot right now but he isn't the one to throw his life away. Ben's going to realize that he needs to move on and leave Rhiannon in the past, but it isn't going to be easy which is why my family and I are glad that you are here so you could keep an eye on him when we can't."

Thomas' reply made me feel a little angry because he basically said that I was a babysitter for Ben. I was not going to be someone's babysitter for the entire summer, they thought wrong. I mean, I loved Ben but I wasn't going to be with him forever, he would eventually have to fend for himself. I shook the thoughts away and looked away from Thomas, I didn't want him to know that he had put gas on the flame.

Our silence quickly vanished when Ben opened his hazel eyes and looked directly at me then Thomas. Thomas and I both leaned closer to Ben, but he waved us away and slowly sat up. I stood up from my spot on the floor and walked into the kitchen. I filled a glass with water and walked back into the living room, where Thomas and Ben were talking.

"Ben, you were lucky she was there with you. What were you two doing out in public?" Thomas asked his brother, I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I went back in the kitchen and set the glass down on the table. I felt my stomach growl and I quickly walked over to the fridge. I was sure no one would mind if I made something to eat.

"You can't do that! Do you know how much trouble you'll be in if someone found out that you like her? Really, Ben? I know, you want to find someone to replace her, but a sixteen year old cannot do that!" I stop mid-way to the fridge and listened in on their conversation since I was put into it.

I strained to hear what Ben's answer was because he probably knew his brother was being too loud so his voice was a lot lower. "Tom, you can't judge the things I do or say, but yes, I do like her a little more than I should. But, I'm not saying anything will actually happen because if the wrong person does find out, I'm not getting locked up for having a sixteen year in my house when no one else is here."

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