Chapter 7 - Chasing After You

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Chapter 7 everyone!! Yay!! Thank you guys for being here with me as we experience these feels together! Emotions will really start to show in this chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 7 - Chasing After You


Ben's POV

I stared after Nikki's car as it slowly dissappears out of my view, all of my anger that I had felt eariler towards Ainsley slips away. I turn away from the window and lean against the door, listening to the silence of the house. It was going to be a long, agonizing wait until Ainsley would come back, if she even decided to see me again. The thought made my heart drop and I sigh, unable to keep my terrifying thoughts away. I knew that until Ainsley came back, the haunting dreams of Rhiannon would continue to terrorize me every night. I would have to deal with it since I was the one that had sent her home in the first place. What did you do? You probably crushed that poor girl's hopes of ever thinking you were a good person and then you go and send her home because of a little crush you have? great job, Benjamin, your mother would be so proud. Then a thought hit me, I could go apologize to Ainsley but she's on her way to the airport now so the only option was to go after her by driving.

Staring at my car that I haven't driven in years, I decide that I would go after her but a tiny voice in the back of my head asked me if a teenager was truly worth possibly risking your life driving to go after her and what would happen if she didn't want to talk to you after you get all the way down there. I really wish these thoughts would stop discouraging me. Go with what you think you should do, don't listen to your thoughts anymore. Do what Rhiannon would want you to do in a situation like this. The fact was, Rhiannon wouldn't agree to my thoughts of this kid, she would definitely tell me not to go for it. What do I do, Rhi? Your always the one that helped me through my problems, so help me on this one. I look up at the ceiling, as if I were looking up at the sky, and at Rhi. When no answer came, I turn around to face the front door, open it and step outside into the pale sunlight that meant it was the beginning of nighttime. I cursed under my breath because all of my plans that I had almost put into action were now going to be held off until morning.

Going back into the house, I walk upstairs into my room and go directly to my closet that was half empty since only my clothes are in there now. I push back a sad sigh that was building and told myself that I would have to get over it eventually and move on. I pull out a black carry bag and begin throwing clothes into it. After I put it on the floor by my bedroom door, I take off my hat and rub my eyes. I lie back on my bed, and stare restlessly up at the ceiling. I felt as if all of my energy was drained and I was so tired but several throughts racing through my head kept me awake. I groan loudly and turn over suddenly staring straight at the face of Rhiannon, but I only saw that it was a picture. I smile at my blonde haired, blue-eyed girlfriend that I missed more than anyone could ever imagine.

"I love you Rhi, please show me that I'm making the right decision. I know that you wouldn't want me doing this but what else am I supposed to do? I can't mourn over you for the rest of my life. If only I could've stopped you from going to Starbucks that day, then I wouldn't be such a mess." I suddenly felt insane talking to her picture but pictures were the only real thing I had left of her, besides her engagement ring that stays in my nightstand drawer in the little black box I bought it in. "Goodnight Rhi." I said before closing my eyes with a small smile on my face, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the sun was already in the sky. I roll out of bed and walk into the bathroom, I spike the front part of my hair with water and I walk out, grab my hat, bag and shoes. Once I was downstairs, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a Red Bull and a bottle of water for my long drive to North Carolina. I almost thought about asking Mark and Aaron to come along but they wouldn't have a purpose to be in North Carolina like I did. Plus, it would just raise questions about why I was going to another state in the first place. I walk into the living where I slip on my shoes and put my hat on since it was my only protection from being stalked.

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