Chapter 9 - I'm Not Always Easy To Deal With

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Chapter 9! Yay! The last chapter was sort of a cliffhanger don't you think? That was crazy stuff in the last chapter! Yay almost 400 reads!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3 -Erin


Chapter 9 - I'm Not Always Easy To Deal With

Ben's POV

Why does this always happen to me? Why can't everything be like it was and be normal? It seemed like with Rhi, everything was normal and sane. With Ains, it's crazy and insane, sometimes I wondered whether I was really doing the right thing. Although, since her mother was involved now, it was going to be harder to . I look out my side mirror and pull onto the shoulder of the road, Ainsley and I glance at each other. "Alright, if he asks about our relationship just say that I'm a family friend taking you home and that's all. We'll be alright." She nods and I hope that I was leading us in the right direction, if not, I was so screwed.

A knock on my window meant that I had only one choice at this point. I roll down my window and I look up at the police officer, standing over me. "Sir, may I have your license and registration please?" I smile politely at him and handed him both my license and registration. Ainsley also smiles at him, acting completely normal. The officer leaves and I see the passenger door open and someone steps out of the police car.

"Ainsley Scott! Get out of that car right now or he will be arrested right now and I won't hesitate to do it!" I lean forward and put my head on the steering wheel and groan out loud. "What?! Why does she have to ruin my life? Why can't she understand that we are going to be together no matter what she does!" I lifted my head and turned it to look at her, then laid it back on the steering wheel.

Ainsley's door opened and Emily took Ainsley by the arm and drug her out of the car. I jumped out of my car to rescue her but as soon as I got out, I was put up against my own car and my hands were put behind my back and held in place by the police officer. I turn my head, glaring at the officer. "Don't you know not to touch someone famous?" The police officer pushed my head down, shaking his head laughing, without giving me an answer. "Hands off the face!" I say, moving my head away from the officer's hands. "I need you to stop moving and shut your mouth!" He says to me and I stand still, pouting because his dirty hands were on my face and I had a huge thing about germs.

"Ben, I'm giving you one last chance! You need to tell her or I will!" I feel the police officer pull me up by my arms and I give him a dirty look. I also give one to Emily, who was standing directly in front of me with Ainsley still in her grip. Ainsley's face was stained with tears as her eyes meet mine. "I can't Emily. It would tear her apart, and I can't do that to her, not anymore. Your just going to have to deal with it and let her go." I say to Emily, and she steps closer to me until I have to look down at her.

"Fine, I'll tell you what, I'll make that nice, officer leave and you tell her then. Or, you can go to jail and tell her while she's looking at you from behind the glass. I'd rather not see you go to jail. because that sweet talent shouldn't be locked up." She smiles sweetly at me and I glare down at her. I don't know how someone sweet could really be a demon. "Ben, just tell me! I can take it, I've been hurt by you so many times already that I can't be hurt anymore! Please tell me so he can let you go!" She begs me, and the officer tightened his grip on my arm and it was starting to burn. "You can let him go if you want Robert, I'm sure I've done enough to him. Thank you for helping me get him." The officer finally let me go and he pushed past me, I had to push my temper down or I would be on a long car ride with him.

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