Chapter 20 - Happiness Is The Key

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Hello! This chapter is the day after the last two chapters , so it's July 2. Enjoy! Who's ready for Dark Before Dawn? I know I am! #BBisback!

Chapter 20 - Happiness Is The Key


Ainsley's POV

I woke up bright and early the next morning with a huge smile on my face. Today was the day I got to see Ben again. At this thought crossed my mind, I quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed in my favorite outfit: a simple white T-shirt, black shorts and my black converse.

I grabbed my purse and grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to my bed, and my phone charger. I stuffed the charger in my purse and my phone in my pocket. I sprinted to the bathroom across from my room and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a ponytail high on my head and walked out of the bathroom, then downstairs.

I searched around downstairs for my mom and I was relieved when she was nowhere to be found. I didn't want her to know I was leaving or she wouldn't let me go. I snatch a piece of paper and grab a pen to write my mom a simple goodbye letter.


You're probably freaking out that I'm nowhere to be found and everything I own is gone. I can't explain where I'm going or when I'll see you again but just know that I'm safe, the baby is safe. Don't jump to conclusions: I'm not going back to Ben, he broke my heart too many times for him to repair it again. I love you and I'll call you when I can. Goodbye.

Your loving daughter, Ainsley

After I had written the note, I picked up my car keys and walked out of the house. I got into my car and buckled the seatbelt into place. I look behind me and in the backseat was everything I owned packed in a few boxes. With a smile plastered onto my face, I pull out of the driveway and in a few minutes out of town.

-5 hours later-

Finally, I was about halfway to New Jersey when I pulled over at a rest stop area and called Ben, like he told me to when I was about halfway there. The phone rang for a few seconds before I heard Ben's voice on the other side. "Ains! I was starting to worry about you."

The sound of his voice made butterflies flutter in my stomach and my heart leap for joy. "You don't have to worry about me anymore because I'm at the rest stop on marker 205." I tell him giggling like fool but I didn't care.

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