Chapter 3. Goblin Slayer

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"Ken! The group here is all below 10% HP, I will move onto the next group." My beautiful blondie called out to me.

"Thanks Emma!"

Two months have passed since I gained my first skill and the no-brainer conclusion I have come to is that I needed to kill 100k of a monster to gain an ability. While the logic behind my theory was quite simple, the task of slaying 100k of any monster, especially when all I have is high defense, is easier said than done.

Another possibility I came up with is that I might gain a new skill for every 100k slime I kill, but after 12 years of doing nothing but slaying slimes, I was too sick of looking at those bastards to kill another 100k to confirm the validity of this theory.

Hoping I don't become the slime fucking slayer for life, I did a lot of research on the ease of access, monster density and figured out the best monster to test out my first theory is none other than those ugly green midgets with short stabby swords we call goblins that was common in many different games.

After settling on goblins as the victims of my wrath, I have spent most of my free time for the last two months going around Tokyo with Emma looking for Level E dungeons that contained goblins and thanks to the horde nature of this ugly little thing, we had made great progress on the slaying when I couldn't do much on my own.

"I just hit level 30!" Emma said happily.

"Great job Emma. Let's stop for today and see what skill you got. We can finish this project tomorrow and see if I just wasted 2 months and should have stuck with fucking over slimes." I replied, envious of the girl with the best leveling exponents in the world and was able to reach level 30 from killing slimes and goblins.

"Oh! I got some nice skills to pick from!" Emma replied excitedly.

"Please pick an offensive spell if offered. You are wasting your talent from always picking support spells just so it would be easier for me."

"Speed boost it is! With speed boost, we can kill things even faster!" And of course, the blondie didn't take my advice and added another support skill.

"Ugh.. Speed boost is such a useful spell. I can't even get mad at you for taking it. What's the other two choices you got offered?" I asked. Must be nice to gain levels and get to pick skills.

"Ice spear or a passive skill that lets me regenerate 1% of my HP every 5 seconds at level 1."

"Passive HP regeneration could be useful especially if you level it up but for once I agree with your decision that speed boost is more useful in most situations." I commented. Not like my fucking blondie would listen to my advice anyways.

For a normal person, not only do they gain random stat boosts after leveling based on potential, luck, sometimes an event, item or even a skill. They also get to choose between one of three skills they want to learn.

Of course, this is just what Emma told me and what I have read online since I have personally never experienced either things for myself because I haven't gained a single fucking level in my life.

Apparently, sometimes skills are tailored based on what the person uses, sometimes it's based on the person's stats, but more often than not, it comes down to pure luck.

When two desirable skills are offered, picking the right skill was one of the most difficult decisions for even the most experienced hero. But with the online database full of information after 500 plus years of data collecting, it's much easier for people today to use the resources available to decide which skill would be the most useful to achieve the purpose one wanted.

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