Chapter 4. Goblin Soul

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"Morning Emma, geezer." I answered the knocking at my tiny studio apartment door at around 9am.

"Let's go Ken! A large Level E goblin only dungeon is opening up in 10 minutes in Ginza! If we get lucky and not that many people go for it, we will make it to 100k with this one dungeon!" Emma said happily.

How is this girl always so energetic and cheerful even this early I wondered? Do rich people get special sleep or food that a lowly orphan like me never gets to experience?

While I would have preferred just the two of us going around by the subway instead of having this annoyance spying on every move I make, I decided that getting to ride around in a fancy luxurious limo while sipping on some expensive juice is not that bad once in a while even if I had to put up with this annoying geezer who thinks I'm always up to no good. I mean he might not be totally wrong but still, fuck him!

Arriving in the fancy business district of Ginza where high end shops and fancy rich people littered the streets, little poor me had never set foot into any of the shops or restaurants in this part of the city. One of those days, I told myself, I will be so rich and famous I could eat at one of those restaurants and pay 50,000 yen for a steak without blinking an eye.

Since it's a Saturday, the queue to get inside the dungeon was pretty fucking long and as I got in line with Emma, Albert silently drove away to finally let us have some alone time.

"What does that geezer do all day while not stalking you?" I wondered.

"Don't be rude to Albert, Ken. I know he gives you a hard time but if he didn't trust you, he would have never left me alone with you." Emma replied.

"He should just leave you alone with me in my room then." I replied, doubting that the butler had an ounce of trust in me with the way he always looked at me.

"Yea, I doubt he would ever have that much trust in you. Anyways, I know he still does errands for my father and does some of the corporate things here in Japan since my dad went back to New York. But I don't really know much about what he does." Emma answered, failing to provide me with any useful information.

With the improvement in technology, dungeon detection is at a level where no matter how isolated or hidden a dungeon's location is, the country that owns the area will have the appropriate counter measurements long before the monsters inside could gain sentience.

While it's not uncommon for dungeons to spawn in isolated areas, it would seem that the AI are pretty stupid even after 500 years and most of the dungeons happens to spawn in large cities like here in Tokyo and they act more as a way for hero wannabes to gain exp and for large guilds around the world to gain more wealth, power and control.

As far as I am concerned, the whole AI trying to rise up and take over the world seems more like a fairytale than reality. I am just here trying to get as strong as possible, join Tokyo Academy, get my license, eventually get strong enough to be part of the 50 world elites, get rich, marry my blondie and make that geezer Albert my servant.

"FINALLY! We better get some large dense mobs after waiting for this long." I complained as we finally got inside the dungeon after waiting for over 30 minutes.

While I complained, Emma was busy pulling up the dungeon map on her screen to see the entire layout and trying to figure out where the best spots would be for us to have the highest chance of encountering large mobs and not run into other parties.

Before you call me a lazyass for making my blondie do all the work. Just know that it cost gold to register your party to enter a dungeons, it cost gold to have trackers to see when and where dungeons will appear, it cost gold to know which types of dungeon will spawn, it cost gold to have alerts, and of course, it cost fucking more gold to have a map layout after entering a dungeon.

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