Chapter 14. The Exam Continues

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Following the instructor around, I noticed that unlike the lower level dungeon where the monsters loved to mob, this dungeon doesn't have that many monsters at all.

"Are all higher level dungeons like this?" I asked my new temporary sidekick that's hired for the job until the exam is over when I get my blondie back.

"Nope. There are dungeons of all types. I am sure they picked this specific type that contains strong single monsters instead of big mobs just for the exams. Level C itemized portals aren't cheap to buy, I can see why the entrance fee is so costly now." My temp sidekick replied.

"Don't give me that bullshit. They didn't have to use the dungeons for the exam. They did it to weed out the poor." I said, angry that those motherfuckers charged us so much to take the stupid exam.

"I mean. This is the school for those that want to be licensed heroes so you should at least be training enough right? Anyone that gets to least level 20 should have no issue getting enough money from the dungeons from just killing large mobs." My interim sidekick replied logically.

"Okay interim... I don't like where this is going. You need to let me complain and agree with me. Not trying to speak logic and make me look bad. Why are you so different from my bff online" I asked.

Instead of replying with a yes sir, she decided to ignore me instead. I need my Emma back. She would never talk to me like this.

After locating another king slime, the instructor asked if anyone in the group is trying to be a tank and is heavily invested in defense and would want to try and defend against the slime. Since most of the group was between level 20 to 30 based on the inspection Mia was busy doing, everyone should at least have around 1000 hp and with their attack at 255, tanking a few hits would be no problem for anyone except me.

After I watched a few larger dudes with bigass shields get in line to test their defense, I joined the line as well with Mia standing by my side.

"How much hp do you have?" she asked.

"51." I replied casually because I knew exactly what her response would be.

"51? How much defense do you have? You know we are still in a dungeon right? I know the professor probably has a few revives ready for emergencies but those things will cost a fortune and I doubt they will ever let you take the exam again if you make them waste a revive on you!" Mia said with a concerned tone.

"Oh my naive interim. I am stupid. Obviously I know exactly how much damage that giant piece of lard is capable of doing to me." I replied with a smug smile. Just sit and watch and be impressed like everyone else!

Of course, when the instructor moved through the line of participants to see how well they can tank the slime, when it was my turn, I got some doubting looks. Afterall, it's not a secret to anyone in this party that I happen to be level 0 with 1hp and 1def against a mofo that has 255att and would crit for 510hp.

When I stood in front of the giant mass of blob up close, this motherfucker really was big. While I am not short by any means, this motherfucker is at least twice as tall as me and 3 times as wide. Every bounce the lard did made the ground shake and when it bounced into me, motherfucker was heavy like a fucking whale had dropped on me.

Thankfully, in the dungeon where stats is the only thing that mattered, I took 0 fucking damage as the fucker kept trying to bounce on me. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 over and over until the instruction told me it was enough and got the next guy in line to face the music.

"Just how much money is the blondie spending on you? Must cost a ton to have over 510 defense to be that confident." Mia asked, impressed that I could tank the king slime with such confidence.

"Na, I got like 270 defense." I replied knowing exactly what she will ask next. Ha, I think I am beginning to enjoy this.

"Won't you just get one shot if it crits? Are you crazy?" Mia said after finding out my actual defense.

"Nope. Cuz the motherfucker could never crit me." I replied confidently.

"You have over 150 luck? You can't even level... Why do you need so much luck? Luck is the most expensive stat to buy but it's totally wasted on you!" The interim proclaimed like she knows anything. And who does she think she is to say it's wasted on me?

Sure, luck is the most expensive stat to buy on items because of how useful it is. The higher your luck, the more likely you will gain the higher range of your stats when you level, get a better chance for drops, have more tailored skills offered but more importantly for me. When your luck is higher than the monster you are facing off, they can not crit you at all.

So what the fuck does the crit stat do than? Baseline crit for both heroes and monsters is 5%. Similar to how stats work in the real world, each point in crit grants you 2% bonus chance so at 200 crit, you would have a 20% chance to crit. That is, if your luck is higher than whatever you are facing off. Or else you won't ever be able to land a single crit hit and that is one of the reasons why luck is such an expensive stat to buy on items.

Of course, rich people will get their children like Emma super high luck items when they are young so every level they gained would offer them a higher chance for best stat growth and most tailored skills and that is how Emma kept getting support skills offered and barely have any other skills under her name.

"Hey. I had to work hard to earn my 261 luck. Killing those motherfucking flying wacky looking turds was not fun." I replied.

Having no clue what I meant, my interim sidekick just shook her head in disbelief that I could have such high luck as the instructor told those that have support skills and wanted to go that route to line up and show what they could do.

"Are you pure offense?" I asked my interim.

"Yep. All I want is to cast strong powerful magic attacks!" She replied happily.

"Why do you only care about high damage? Without any other skills, you would need to be in a party or you would be pretty useless." I replied while shaking my head in disapproval.

"I mean, who goes into a high level dungeon without a party anyways? You obviously need to form a good party if you want to do anything in a Level B or A dungeon. That's why there are guilds and such. This school exists for the top tier students to form lifelong parties anyways." My interim replied with logic again.

After more rounds of testing where people showed off different abilities and skills and I threw a few Supersonic at the slime and got one to work, the instructor easily killed the second king slime and we were led deep into the dungeon for the final part of our exam.

After more rounds of testing where people showed off different abilities and skills and I threw a few Supersonic at the slime and got one to work, the instructor easily killed the second king slime and we were led deep into the dungeon for the fin...

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