Chapter 16. Dungeon Boss Fight

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"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as a bolt of thunder struck the motherfucker for some pretty nice damage after the multiple boosts Emma provided me with.

"FIRE EXPLOSION!" China girl screamed, while blasting the boss for much higher damage then I did even though we got the same boosts from Emma and she clearly didn't use this skill during the slime fight.

"Why were you saving such a bigass attack during the slime fight?" I questioned. Not happily that she is definitely showing me up with her damage.

"Why would I show everything I had on the first round of testing? Now stop getting distracted! A skeleton's going to get me if you don't focus up." My ex-interim sidekick complained.

"You won't die from a few hits. Besides, Emma can heal you right back up." I brushed off her concerns.

"What if we get graded on how much damage we took? It's all about teamwork, remember?"

"Ok ex-interim. You and your logic does not fit my style. I want you out of my party NOW." I replied. I am not taking shit from no one!

"Ken. You work way too hard the past 8 months to be getting this stubborn. You let her join the party, now we finish the dungeon and you can complain all you want after we kill this thing." My blondie reasoned.

Since I am not a petty immature hero, I decided to let the China girl stay with us until the boss is dead and did my best to protect the two vulnerable party members from the random skeletons and golems that kept on popping up from every direction. Obviously more attention was paid to my blondie.

Fucking skeletons, stop trying to attack the weak! Go fucking attack that blondie in front of me! I got to say, for a skinny annoyance, her ability to tank damage was rather impressive.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I shouted, sending another bolt at the motherfucker with 1 million hp. After a hour of battling from 300 of us, we have barely did fucking 250k damage to this motherfucker and more and more teams began to drop out and move behind the instructors to a protected corner due to squishy members not getting enough protection or tanks not able to regenerate enough hp to keep up.

"This motherfucker is going to take us all day to beat! Emma, when we beat this motherfucker, I want some good ass food." I asked my blondie politely.

"Focus up Ken! I know you don't take any damage from their physical hits but with less and less people around, we will start getting swarmed." The talkative China girl said. At least practice your damn Japanese more if you like talking this much.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed, for the who even fucking knows time. Two more fucking hours as passed and we have barely did 500k damage total to the piece of shit while more than half of the party had already dropped out.

With less meatshields and random npc around to bait and distract the dungeon boss and his fucking ugly ass summons, things only got harder and the fight more tedious as the exam dragged on.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I said, running out of fucking adjectives to describe me yelling over and over again. Another two hours has passed since the boss fight was activated, and in 5 hours, we managed to do 730k damage to this fucker and bringing him total hp down to 270k remaining.

With most of the groups now dropped out, I thought our damage output would go down drastically but looks like in reality, it was just a few competent groups doing all the work while the other trash either got taken out early or was just standing around doing nothing.

But even for us, the fight is dragging on for too long. One thing I haven't bothered to explain yet because it wasn't plot relevant was the fact that in this system, there is no fucking item stacking. You heard that right. NO ITEM STACKING!

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