Chapter 19. First Dungeon Boss Finale Part Final Part 1.

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Last time on The Hero who can't Level, we left off the moment where the dungeon boss had under 1k hp with the glasses fucker ratass stunned by my supersonic attack.

Could I have concluded the suspense? Of course I could. Was it better to save that for the final part of the finale part 1? You bet your ass it is.

Did I stun him for long enough? Was I able to do enough damage before the fucker recovered? Am I really the fucking protagonist of this fucking world?

"CLEARED! Boss has been successfully defeated by Ken Emerarudo from the party 'Ken and the Peasants'!" A bright big message popped up on my window as the boss exploded into pixels and the whole ground of worthless npcs started to gather and see if they got a lucky drop or two.

"GREAT JOB KEN!" Emma shouted while hugging me from behind.

"Of course. Great job peasants! You all really pulled your weight!" I praised my peasants happily.

"I can't believe you won't change that stupid party name even when I offered you a full revive! Those cost like 1 million yen each!" China girl complained after as the victory screen kept on flashing with our party name as loot continued to drop for all the parties and groups.

While some enjoy the separate loot system that's part of the dungeon where each person gets their own randomized loot based on their luck. I for one would rather it be a shared loot system where shit actually just drops on the ground and we have to fuck each other over for the loots instead of just see things on our screen and deciding if we want to keep something or throw it on the ground so others could pick up.

"I got the boss kill special bonus!" Fucking China girl shouted.

"Well, whatever it is. Hand it over since that was my fucking kill." I replied. Definitely not happy that rng didn't give the bonus drop to me.

"What is this? I have never seen or heard of an item like this before? Did I just find an ultra rare sss unique item?" Mia said excitedly as I got distracted by some other shit.

"HE ATTACKED ME! He needs to be banned from entering any dungeon from this moment forward!" I heard someone screaming to the instructors like a big baby crying after he dropped his milk bottle.

"Hey, sorry that hit you. I saw a big fucking rat where you were and tried to stun it but accidentally hit you with my skill. Thankfully no one was hurt." I said wholeheartedly.

"That's an obvious lie!" The big baby cried some more.

"I mean if anyone is to blame it do be you for leaving the party. If you were in the alliance, my accidental attack wouldn't have hit you. Besides, I didn't do any damage to you at all so stop with the whining and grow up." I commented as the loser got more angry. Man I thought I complain a lot but this fucker is on a whole nother level. He was the motherfucker who was a rat in the first place!

With the instructors giving me a somewhat half assed coaching since they are obviously not blind and knew I hit that motherfucker on purpose but also knew he deserved a full blast. Since I used a skill that did zero damage and the boss was for sure dead so he was in no danger, they decided to let me off the hook without too much issue and I was released back to my party of peasants.

"Peasant! What's the rare item and hand it over!" I demanded as I reached back to the group.

"Shut up! I am still doing research to see what I just got and I am not getting a single hit!" Peasant 1 complained. Like bitch. Whatever the fuck you just got is mine anyways so just hand it fucking over.

"Oh well, whatever. I will just use it and see what it does." She had the audacity to say instead of handing over whatever item she just received.

"You better not be using it if it's a one time use item or we will have issues." I warned.

How dare she ignore me while trying to use my item. Maybe the rat was the smart one for leaving the party so he was guaranteed the bonus loot instead of having it fall into the hands of an ungrateful subordinate.

"It says I can't use the item because I don't meet the requirement! But it doesn't tell me what the requirements are!" China girl said in frustration.

"Post the item to our party window." I managed to say those words as calmly as I could but I am on the verge of blowing up.

Sensing my increasing agitation and with the item not working for her, China girl finally did something I asked after ignoring my demands almost like how Emma always ignores me and gets whatever skills she likes whenever she levels.

The item she shared was a stupidass looking stone. As I clicked on it to see the description, I knew instantly why it didn't work for her and why she will never meet the requirement.

"Item Name: Necromancer Soul. Gains passive Necromancer Soul when item is used(1 time use)" My screen reads.

"Well, the reason you can't use this item. Is because only I meet the requirement so hand it over." I said.

"Yeah? What makes you so special that it works for you but not me?" China girl questioned me suspiciously in defiance while the dungeon disappeared when the boss finally vanished and all the drops were distributed.

"I am the only fucking person in the entire world who is level 0. Is that good enough of an answer? I am tired. Starving. I really don't have the energy to play with you right now so just hand it over." I asked politely.

"Fine. Better explain things better because that was not good enough of an explanation." She replied while materializing the stone and finally handing it over.

After stashing the stone in my inventory, I grabbed hold of Emma and hugged her tightly.

"Only time that stalking butler is ever useful is at times like this." I said as the fucker showed up almost instantly like he could instant teleport as he tried to pull me off my blondie.

"Well. Good job my peasants. I would pretend that I wanted to talk to you two longer but I don't. Bye!" I said to the two girls as Emma and I walked towards the limo with Albert.

"I can't believe they would keep us here this late! It's almost 10pm! Just drop me off at my Seven Eleven, I will pick up some quick food and call it a night." I told Emma as exhaustion settled in and I could barely keep my eyes open on the way home.

"Ken. We are here." Emma said to me softly as she shook me awake.

"Naoko! I need food!" I pleaded as I entered the store where my overnight manager Naoko was working the nightshift alone.

"How did the exam go! Hi Emma!" Naoko greeted us happily while I slumped down on the counter while Emma went and grabbed me some food.

"No clue. They told us results will be posted tomorrow and they will make deliberations on who they want to interview for the second round. If you are chosen, you will get an email or call from them." I replied as Naoko started heating up the food Emma brought her.

"You don't work until 6pm tomorrow right? I will come over to pick you up and we can go to have some fun and celebrate the boss defeat and your new skill! Don't open it until we meet, okay?" Emma said happily as she waved goodnight to me and Naoko and got back into the limo and disappeared from the store.

"What a lucky boy. To have such a cutie as a girlfriend. I bet all the boys are envious of you." Naoko commented as she handed me my food.

"You bet they are. They are so jealous that I have failed to make a single male friend all my life." I replied. But who needs friends anyways. All I need is my blondie with me and the dungeons so I can get stronger.

After finishing my frozen meals and drink, I wished Naoka a good night and headed down the alleyway for the short walk to my apartment ready to get some much needed rest.

Speaking of which. As fucking exhausted as I am, to find out I can actually get a soul in item form and not just from killing 100,000 monsters is a really great find. Does it only work on bosses? Is the drop rate so low that it's really only feasible from a boss kill? Is it a different passive from the 100k kill passive? So many fucking ideas ran through my head as I now lay in my bed suddenly not able to fucking sleep.

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