Chapter 24. Best Birthday Present Ever!

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"Fucking hell! We are literally getting fucked by a fucking level E dungeon pikachu!" I complained as two hours had gone by and we were still at a standstill.

While the fucking Ashe does not have that much hp, he's insane regen takes Mia's strongest attack to even out and with my only offensive attack been a fucking thunderbolt, the pikachu has been tanking my hits for his weakass master and the fuck fight is not going smoothly at all!

Without my attacks to add the needed damage, Mia had long stopped trying to attack the Ashe and instead, trying to land an attack on the pikachu without success. Whatever the speed the fucker is moving at, is way faster for any of our attacks and I can finally understand why people would need multiple damage spells because what we need right now, is to kill this fucking pikachu with a spell that can guarantee a hit and does something other than lightning damage.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed again as the pikachu jumped in to tank the damage once again. Whatever this pikachu is, one thing for sure is that it's got many skills and whenever lightning damage is involved, it would tank the damage for its master and take 1 hp damage due to its extremely high lightning resistance.

"THUNDERBOLT! THUNDERBOLT! THUNDERFUCKINGBOLT!" I screamed over and over as I chugged a full mana pot and tried to spam my thunderbolt as much as I could to take advantage of the delay in the recovery speed.

If you are wondering. Ken? Why are you wasting mana and sending thunderbolts at the fucker if you know the pikachu is immune and would just tank your hit for 1 damage?

Well. I don't know if you failed first grade or what but let me give you a hint. Poison. You got it? Good. With my best skill poison laced. While my thunderbolt is doing shit to the pikachu, thanks to its desire to protect the stupidass master from lightning damage. My thunderbolt is the only thing that we have which would actually hit the motherfucker because he would jump into it and slowly, my poison damage is ticking away at its health.

"Emma. How much hp does the rat have left?" I asked, after wasting the past hour blasting at the rat while we made no progress on the actual boss.

"A few more hits and it should be dead. Don't kill it just yet though. We should wait until the boss summons again before killing the pikachu so we at least have a few minutes to do damage. He only uses his skill every 3 minutes so If it summons another pikachu right away, we would have wasted the past hour for no reason if we don't time the kill." Emma advised.

Good job my trusty sidekick. Obviously I don't think too deeply about the strategies as I am more of a fuck shit up as I go type of person. It's good that my blondie is actually smart and not a dumb one like they portray on American television.

"THUNDERBOLT! THUNDERBOLT! Get ready China girl!" I screamed as I sent 2 bolts one after the other at the stupidass boss the moment he threw out another pokeball and summoned a stupidass caterpie.

With my poison ticking down, the pikachu suddenly vanished as Emma was already boosting up China girl in preparation for her to start blasting the boss.

"FIRE EXPLOSION!" she started shouting and the goofy ass kid started blowing up from the intense fire explosion.

But just like China girl said, while her attack is powerful, this random ass level E boss was somehow regening hp like a madman.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as I layered on my damage to finally see the motherfucker's hp going down.

After 3 minutes of Mia holding his regen at bay while my attacks chunked away at his health, we held our breath as he threw out the next pokeball knowing that if it's another pikachu like the first one. We will have a long night ahead of us.

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