Chapter 11. Bats > Batman

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Oh, hi, it's me again. Last time we ended things pretty abruptly didn't we. I was too pissed that I didn't get a skill from the skeletons so I decided to just stop monologuing.

Anyways, it's been about another month and half and we have been making good progress on some bats. With how common bats are in different games, there are many different types of bats that spawned in dungeons and what we discovered after some testing is that each type that had a different name has its own kill counter.

Naturally, I have come to the conclusion that if they have a different kill counter, once I hit 100,000 I should get a new skill and based on that theory, we have been busy doing as many level E dungeons as we could that spawn all kinds of bats.

Zubat, dracky and stirge happens to be the most common types of bats in level E dungeons and with their low magic resistance, my thunderbolt + poison combo made fast work on those flying critters.

If you are wondering why we are hunting bats while I said a while ago that I am specifically looking to gain magic resistance. Well, having the chance of getting 3 additional skills before the exam is too great of an opportunity to pass up and after knowing how much money Emma already spends on me each month. Getting her to buy me some extra equipment that will boost the stats I am lacking seems to be the best course to go.

And who knows, maybe one of those three motherfuckers will end up surprising me and give me exactly what I'm lacking.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as I zipped a group of zubats to ashes while Emma went around engaging and gathering more of those flying fuckers.

With how weak all of the bats are, I am having flashbacks to our goblin hunting days and even with 3 chances to get something good. I don't have high hopes and feel like I will have to count on my rich blondie to get me into the doors of Tokyo Academy.

Speaking of which, with only 2 weeks left until the entrance exam, I am getting more and more antsy and excited. Sure, hunting with Emma is fun and great but we pretty much do the same shit all day every day and I need more stimulation in my life!

School has always been a snooze fest up until now. With Emma stalking me and attending the same school ever since kindergarten. I haven't had a chance to make any other friends.

All the boys hated me because of their jealousy that I got such a cute blondie always following me around and while none of the girls would even think about approaching me when they find out Emma is the daughter of Christopher Lionheart.

All my school years from kindergarten all the way up till now, I have had literally a single fucking friend that's not Emma and that person is a fucking friend on the forums. That had made my school life rather boring. No, I am not blaming Emma so stop making shit up. I am simply saying that because of who she is, it made me not able to have a single friend.

With no guy friends to talk about games or discuss girls with and no girl to make out and do other things with. School life was BORING as fuck! I just show up to class, listen to the teacher talk about random shit, trying my best to learn what I think is important and the only reason I put in the effort to pass all my classes is because of my destiny to go to Tokyo Academy.

If acceptance to Tokyo Academy didn't require one to graduate from highschool, I would have dropped out of school the moment I gained that ability from the slimes and just spent all my time hunting low level shit trying to grind out as many abilities as I could.

Sadly, the mother fucking school cares more than just how strong you are and if you want a chance to attend, you need at least basic highschool level knowledge. Like why? How the fuck is me knowing how to do calculus gonna help me fucking slay a behemoth?

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