Chapter 15. Dungeon Boss

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"EMMA!" I shouted happily as I saw a blondie in the crowd as we approached the depth of the dungeon.

While Emma ended up in a different group, luckily for me, we were in the same dungeon and now that the 3 groups of 100 seem to have gathered, I was united with my blondie who I missed dearly.

"Interim sidekick, it was nice knowing you. You are now dismissed." I said happily to Mia while I rushed to my Emma.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said in confusion as I reached the blondie who was definitely not Emma when I got closer.

Turning around just as confused, the new blondie got a cute face but was definitely not Emma. Now that I had a closer look, there was no way this could have been Emma. Her hair is like 3 tones lighter and while this one's got quite a pretty face with blue eyes, Emma's got a much sexier curve while this one is flatter than I am.

"Ken Emerarudo? Level 0?" The girl questioned, obviously decided to inspect me after I had mistaken her for my blondie.

"Sorry, wrong blondie. Didn't think there were any blondies here so I thought you were mine." I replied, while also deciding to inspect her. You don't get to inspect me without me returning the favor.

"Annika Yal.... Nevermind. Well, goodbye." I said after inspecting the blondie who was level 36.

Like do those motherfuckers even go to school? Without a super low exponents like Emma, even if they are at a .5, to get to those high levels, these girls must be grinding the dungeons all day and night. Is there an exponent between .25 and .5? Since I can't gain level, I never paid attention to shit that only people who needed to level would care about.

"It's Yaroslavna. How do you gain stats if you are level zero?" The blondie asked while having the audacity to grab me from leaving.

"Yea. Don't care. Don't wanna explain. Wrong blondie. I need to go find mine." I replied while trying to get away so I could meet up with Emma before the final test.

"Why are you two following me?" I asked, as my ex-interim and the new blondie decided to both follow me while I looked through the crowd to locate my Emma.

"There you are Ken. I was looking all over for you." I heard the familiar voice called out from behind.

"EMMA!" I turned around and hugged my blondie tightly.

"How did you think you did on the tests?" Emma asked as I rocked her back and forth with my hug.

"Not bad, I did the most damage and was able to tank physical damage like a boss. If anyone in my group deserved to pass, it would be me." I replied confidently.

Finally letting her go, man it's good that Albert isn't around to ruin things. I bet that old piece of shit would freak if he saw me hugging Emma so passionate in front of this many people.

"Emma Lionheart. Why are you only level 36 when you have a .25 exponent?" Annika asked out of nowhere like she should be part of any conversation.

"I don't care about leveling." Emma answered casually.

Before I could monologue more, one of the instructors spoke up and I was forced to wait. Who the fuck does he think he is to talk over the protagonist?

"Behind this door, is the dungeon boss. Once he is defeated, your practical exams will officially be over. Everything you have done so far are being monitored and once the boss is defeated, are you free to leave. If you have been chosen for the interview process, you will receive communication at a later date." The guy went on and on and I was ready to fall asleep.

Anyways, he told us for the final portion, we had to form parties of 2 to 6 and instead of getting graded on as individuals, we will be judged as the party.

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