Chapter 7. Maggot Slayer

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Another month and half has passed and we are now entering the summer months. If you are wondering what month is it now? It's some time in June and we just started our summer break. But does it really fucking matter? Just know it's fucking hot and I only got 3 more month before the entrance exam to Tokyo Academy and if you are that shit at math, the entrance exam is going to take place on September 9th in the countryside of Tokyo where little wannabes from all over Japan will come to take this entrance exam and most will realize that they aren't the protagonist and get rejected. Of course, that's not fucking happening to me as I got the plot armor in my favor.

If you are wondering what monster I have been slaying lately? Well, learn to read the fucking title will ya? After doing some extensive research, we came across this monster called a maggot in level E dungeons that are rather unique.

Think it's mostly derived from a game called Diablo, which I ended up playing for a bit. The graphics were shit but the item system in the second game was impressively well designed for a game from over 500 years ago.

Anyways, those maggot fuckers is a giant fat lump of stationary lard that puke up poison and does nothing else. However, when they die, a shitton of smaller maggots spawn from their fatass corpses and they make fast and easy kill gains.

As Emma moved around tanking all the poison and killing the oversized maggots, I was once again on clean up duty and one shotting all the tiny motherfuckers as they crawled around like cockroaches.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as a bolt of pure electricity materialized in thin air struck the area where Emma had exploded a group of fat lards and hundreds of crawling maggots instantly got fried when my attack landed.

On the subject of school as I wait for my blondie to clear out more fat maggots. I heard that here in Japan a new school year starts in April and in America it starts in September? What kind of logic was that? Why aren't schools starting at the beginning of the year instead of wanting to be special?

Anyways, thanks to the Hero System, a global organization was formed and controlled by the elite 50. Any country that wanted a say in what the Hero System decides would need to have as many members and form as many alliances so they could to get a majority in voting so whatever they want could be passed. Sounds like some complicated shit I don't want to deal with when I make it to the elite 50.

Thankfully, Emma told me her dad never bothers to show up to any of the meetings and votes however the U.S. government asks him to vote along with most of the other Americans in the elite 50. What a lucky bastard, I wish I could get as strong and rich as him one day. Or at least marry his daughter and take over his wealth. Wait! I think Emma's got 2 brothers! FUCK! I guess even if I get his daughter, I won't be taking over no global empire. If that's the case, why is that fucking butler so hard on my ass? It's not even like I will be taking over the family empire if I marry Emma. That fucking geezer just hating on me because he is jealous!

With that, every country decided they should base the school year around when the hero exam takes place so they don't fuck over their own people. Smart choice I would say and thanks to that, every country starts their school year on the first Monday of new year, goes on break in June with the second semester ends by end of November so all those that are ready to take the hero exam will be able to make it to the exam sites in mid December where the hero exam takes place each year.

Now you might be wondering. Ken? What the fuck is the hero exam and why should I care? Well, you should care because the fucking protagonist is aiming to be a hero so obviously I will be taking this exam one day.

Long story short, only those with a hero license can enter level A and above dungeons and those obviously have the best loot and offer the most rewards. I have heard some offered special clear bonuses but that's just a rumor so who knows if it's true or someone was just bullshitting on the forums for likes and upvotes.

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