Chapter 22. Graduation

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"Well, I guess it's goodbye Naoko. Thank you for taking care of me all those years. I hope you find yourself a nice boyfriend and maybe cut down on the booze." I said to Naoko as I completed my last day of work.

"Take care Ken! Don't be a stranger and come visit me once in a while. I will treat you to whatever you want from the store!" Naoko replied while giving me a nice big goodbye hug.

While she isn't my type at all and drinks way too much, she has been a good manager for me and I will miss the nights where I can tell her all my secrets since she will be dead drunk by the next day and won't remember a thing.

A couple months have passed since I defeated the necromancer dungeon boss and during that time, I naturally got my interview at Tokyo Academy. The interviewing process was rather simple. They asked me some generic questions on why I wanted to be a hero and what goals I wanted to achieve and a bunch of other worthless random bull shit.

At the end, I simply told them that I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. I know it's my destiny in a world we must defend. Every challenge along the way, with courage, I will face! I will battle dungeons every day. to claim my rightful place!

They were quite impressed and clapped after my soliloquy and I too was impressed how I remembered the opening song to Pokemon after only watching a few episodes during my pikachu hunt.

I received my enrollment offer 2 weeks ago and of course, I enrolled immediately and with the final days of my highschool life coming to an end. I look forward to my winter break and start the new year as a student attending the one and only Tokyo Academy.

Obviously, my trusty sidekick Emma got accepted as well so we will be continuing our lifelong partnership into the foreseeable further and to the dismay of the stalking butler, since we will be living on campus, he really can't interfere if she decides to come over to my dorm room and spent the night.

Peasant 1 and 2 also ended up making it to the academy and to my dismay, they seemed to have gotten closer with Emma and the three would often hang out and those two would even tag along for our private dungeon hunts like the 3rd and 4th wheel that's ruining a perfectly fine bike.

Even worse, instead of just being my penpal online where we would chat about random shit on the forums over messages, peasant 1 decided it's better to just call me instead and somehow thinks it's fine to call me almost everyday like we are actual bffs irl.

After learning that I have been accepted to the academy, I put in my resignation to Naoko and told my landlord that I will be moving out by the end of December and with everything set, I am fucking ready to start the next arc in my life. And as the protagonist, I am sure the next arc will be filled with excitement and adventures or else this shit story needs to end.

If you are wondering what I have been doing for the past two months. Obviously I have been grinding them dungeons. What did you expect? Obviously I couldn't get into Emma's pants with how tight she keeps them on and with that butler around, I will wait until the academy arc starts.

Unfortunately, in preparation for the exam, Emma and I have exhausted most of the high density mobs that spawned here in Tokyo in level E dungeons and in the past two months, we had made slow progress on many mobs but I am nowhere near getting that 100k kill on any specific mob.

Does that mean we might go on vacations and hunt shit elsewhere? I fucking hope so. I am sick of looking at generic girls here in Japan and need a change in scenery at least once in a while.

With the two peasants tagging along in most of our dungeons, we did end up doing many boss fights and with our experience from the level C dungeons. Those level E dungeon bosses were a cake walk to fight and only took time due to the amount of hp they had.

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