Chapter 18. First Dungeon Boss Finale Part 2

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AH! Did anyone think a finale would only end in one part? I guess you people have never watched this show from 500 years ago about attacking titans.

Anyways, the 20,000 yen speed potion Emma got was one of many temporary stat boost pots you can buy and since the one she bought me is for a max +255, it was expensive as hell.

After finishing the potion, I could feel my movements much fucking faster. What a stupid ass dungeon system those fucking AI created. To limit my natural born talents with stupid stats limitations where even with my +65 speed from all the soul passives, I still feel like my movements are slower than what it is in the real world.

With +321 speed, I was finally feeling like I was in a video game where I was able to achieve things I couldn't normally do. I mean, not like I could normally shoot out thunderbolts or whatnot but to be moving faster in the dungeon for a change is definitely a good feeling and makes me want to go hunt those fast motherfucking hedgehogs to see if I could get an actual good speed passive.

Running pass all the skeleton and golem fuckers before their slowass swings could touch me, I dashed towards the fucking boss as I show his hp dropping slowly from 10k to 9.5 to 9k and finally saw the fucker who was so sneaky and trying to get that kill bonus which obviously belongs to me.

Average, ordinary, standard, and a total piece of shit is how I would describe the motherfucker I just saw who is trying to steal all my glory. Average height, ordinary looks for a typical Japanese, glasses and standard clean short hair.

If you pictured an average highschool anime's generic student council president. This is that motherfucker's 3rd cousin because that is exactly what this fucker looks like. Sneaky bastard doesn't even have a unique protagonist design and wants to steal my fucking glory.

"KEN! STOP GETTING DISTRACTED! THE BOSS IS GOING TO USE A MAGIC ATTACK!" Emma shouted while casting a protection on me as I was just stood there getting whacked by skeletons and golems for no damage and in a trance because I was too dumbfounded.

Thanks to my blondie, the boss's elemental damage was neglected by the protection but I obviously trusted her to protect me. Besides, it's not like I was just in a trance anyways, I was timing the speed and duration of the elemental damage and with my +321 speed, I now know I can reliably dodge the spell.

Speaking of speed, if you are wondering why I decided to have Emma spend 20,000 yen on a potion that only lasts 5 minutes and for it to be a speed boost instead of something else. The answer is my skill. Poison laced.

Like most of the other stats, the speed stat does many things. On the movement side, while in the dungeon, everyone's baseline stats are equal like with everything else which I still find to be bullshit. Besides that point, each speed stat improves the baseline speed by 2% so right now I can move more than 6.4 times faster than the baseline speed.

The speed stat also affects how fast you can cast a spell, but at our current level, the spell casting is more limited by the mana pool than how fast we could cast. If you are too dumb and need me to spell it out for you, the speed stat also increases melee attack speed and since my skill poison laced is applied to all my damage as a DOT. The more times I can attack, the more stacks of poison damage gets applied.

Changing to a short dagger with the fastest base speed with a speed bonus. While the piece of junk does literally no damage, I could do 2 hits a second at baseline and with my speed buff of over 6.4x. I can pump out almost 13 hits per second without needing any skill or ability.

While I was getting ready to use my final ultimate attack I thought long and hard for a super awesome name. The generic motherfucker pulled out a giant ass sword like he was a warrior type even though he looks so scrawny.

Suddenly, a notification popped up from my alliance window. "Miyata Yoshito has left the alliance."

So the fucker's name is Yoshito eh. I guess he had everything planned out from the beginning. Set up an alliance that was strong enough to beat the boss and before the fucker dies, quits and gets solo kill so he was the only one who could get the bonus drop.

"KEN! It's only got 4000 HP left! I told Mia to cease fire!" Emma yelled. What a good sidekick. Is this how Batman feels?

"ULTRA RAPID DAGGER... FUCK!!!" I yelled, forgetting what my attack was supposed to be called since it's just me swinging my dagger normally and it's not an actual attack skill.

Swinging my short dagger wildly for 1 damage a hit, right now, I must look stupid to all the peanut gallery and everyone who isn't Emma. After 5 seconds, I was finally able to get a fully stacked poison laced passive where over 60 stacks of DOT tick gets applied and dropped at a constant rate.

One thing we tested out and I haven't bothered to explain is my poison laced worked hand in hand with the Hero's Mark ability of doing at least 1 damage. With each of my hits always doing damage, my poison ends at always proc. So even with this boss's magic resist higher than my poison, it ended up ticking for a damage each second anyways thanks to Hero's Mark.

Doing some quick math in my head, 12-13 hits 60ish stacks, I do at least 70 damage a second. Over 4200 a minute! This fucker is dead meat in under 50 seconds and I will claim my sweet sweet victory as I glared at the loser who's sorry ass name I have already forgotten.

What the fuck is he even doing? All he has done is just standing there tanking damage. Obviously, unlike me who is immune to the physical hits, he is getting fucked by both physical and elemental damage but he is just holding his sword there looking like a idiot. He has to be chugging the hell out of health pots at this point with him doing nothing but just taking free hits.

"KEN! He is charging up for a finishing blow!" I heard China girl calling out.

This motherfucking rat! I guess I need to be more mindful of actual player abilities too now that we have to deal with rats like this. What the fuck am I suppose to do? Obviously, he knows exactly how much damage he could do and the moment he swings that fucking sword. I lose my fucking kill.

"SUPERSONIC! FUCK HIM UP! China girl! USE YOUR STRONGEST SHIT THAT CAN'T KILL THE BOSS!" I screamed when I saw he was about to swing his motherfucking sword.

Obviously just like in the real world, it's possible for non-partied or allies to attack each other in the dungeons. But here in Japan and most civilized countries, entrance to a normal dungeon requires registering and in a country like Japan, damaging fellow dungeon explorers is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.

With Mia sending over a fire explosion right above my head, the boss's hp drops below 1k as my supersonic hits the fucker for that lucky stun.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as I continued my ultra rapid dagger attack hoping I am doing enough damage to kill this fucking boss before the glasses fuck recovers from my stun.

"THUNDERBOLT!" I screamed as I  continued my ultra rapid dagger attack hoping I am doing enough damage  to kill this fucking boss before the glasses fuck recovers from my stun

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