Chapter 17. First Dungeon Boss Finale

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"How much fucking HP does this shit have left Emma?" I asked my sidekick as I tried to fend off all the motherfuckers that's now swarming us 7 hours into the battle.

Yea, I left off last time abruptly again but that's because I had to take a piss in front of over 300 others in the corner with fucking zombies and golems attacking me. If that happened to you, I bet you would call it quits too so don't fuck with me on that.

Anyways, we are now 7 fucking hours into this boss fight, and the boss still have whatever amount of hp Emma will tell me soon. What started with 300 people that formed 52 parties, I think we are fucking down to 5 parties as far as I can tell?

With so few parties and the entire area pretty much crawling with skeleton and golems now because the fucker summons them much faster than we could clear. I really couldn't tell you if it's 5 parties remaining or 4 or 6 but I just know there aren't that many fuckers left and I think we are going to get fucked.

"About 100k hp left but I am out of pots and can only provide the most essential boosts." My Emma replied.

"I am out of mana as well. Can only fire off my fire explosion every 20 seconds and do nothing else and can't boost the damage either." China girl answered without needing me to ask. Mmmh, looks like my ex-interim might be learning how to properly behave, but it's too late, she is not getting rehired.

"Jr, give me a report." I asked blonde jr, the only one who is still not with the program. Good thing I am not paying those two or they would have been fired hours ago.

"Running on empty as well. No more health pot either so if I take a big hit, it will be over for me." Blondie Jr replied.

So yea, basically after 7 fucking hours of doing god knows how much damage to the motherfucker, we are all out of potions, getting swarmed by stupid ass skeletons and golems from every direction and having the big motherfucker shooting magic spells at us as well. So I guess that's yet for us, time to call it quits and hopefully the other fucks also drops out so the instructors can finish off the fucker and I can get some fucking food to eat.

Is that what you expect me to say? Someone who fucking slayed slimes for 12 fucking years for no gain. Do you expect me to fucking give up after 7 fucking hours because we are out of pots? Of the fucking course I am not fucking giving up and after what this fucking shit putting me through. I am for sure getting the finish blow.

"Change of plan. Emma, hand me the speed potion. You and Mia drop out and get to safety. Ann, you come with me. We are going melee range to that motherfucker and I will try to kill the shit myself." I instructed my party.

"Ken. Your plan is stupid. I know exactly what you want to do but you won't last long enough to do 100k damage. I am Christopher Lionheart's daughter. No way in hell I am dropping out in my entrance exam test." Emma replied.

"Seriously! I didn't come all the way from China to drop out in some stupid exam." China girl added.

Did my fucking sidekick just call me stupid? Fuck. I mean Emma is most likely right. I know my plan would likely fail but I wasn't just going to stand around until we slowly got forced to quit.

"If you are going to call me stupid. Better give me a better plan." I demanded. I know you are my blondie, but you better give me something if you want me to overlook the way you are speaking to me.

"Obviously, the first thing we should do is approach the other parties. If they also survived for 7 hours, then they are definitely strong. What we lack mostly is just mana and if they have someone with mana regen boost then that would resolve most of our issues and we can just drag the fight out as long as needed." Emma replied. I guess my blondie was smart after all, but how the fuck would I. Someone who's ever partied with my sidekick in the past 12 years know of such a thing?

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