Chapter 14 - Cleaning my shucking hammock (smut)

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A/N: Feel free to comment! Really love it when you guys comment, it makes me feel appreciated.

The air was musty, its walls adorned with graffiti and faded remnants of the world that once was. I was sitting on the floor with two other kids. One boy and one girl. We played together, our laughter echoing against the cold concrete.

"Thomas!" the girl shouted as the boy tried to take her doll. It was a poorly handmade doll, but it was her favorite. She was really angry whenever someone would touch it. I held a collection of sticks, carefully fashioned into makeshift toys in my hands . With my imagination, the sticks transformed into swords, wands, and magical creatures. Thomas and the girl with the doll eagerly joined in the game.

My ears perked up, hearing my parents' voices shouting in angry tones. She could hear her mom smashing a cup on the floor, yelling at my dad for something. My dad wasn't angry at her, more shocked and tried to calm her so I wouldn't hear.

My heart clenched in my chest, but I desperately tried to block out the noise. "Theresa!" I heard Thomas whine, they started to fight again. "You killed him!" "It's not my fault your soldier is bad at fighting my princess!" Theresa shouted back at him. Then I used my doll, who was a dragon queen... and jumped at Theresa's doll. Thomas cheered but Theresa got upset and screamed no. She stood up and walked away.


I slowly woke up, the gentle light of dawn creeping into the Glade. It wasn't like waking up from a nightmare, but the dream hadn't been pleasant either. As I shifted in my hammock, I felt a sudden discomfort in my lower abdomen. It took a moment for me to realize - Shuck! I had gotten my period. Panic washed over me as I looked down and saw the hammock stained with blood. I couldn't help but to feel a rush of embarrassment, knowing that I was surrounded by boys in the Glade who might find it gross. I looked to my left. My eyes landed on Newt, who was lying on the ground in my hut. He probably watched over me after Ben. Making sure he doesn't sneak in here.

Gathering my courage, I approached Newt cautiously. "Newt," I whispered, my voice filled with embarrassment. "Can you... Can you help me? I... "I got my period.".

Newt slowly opened his eyes and saw the distress on my face. He sat up and immediately showed concern when he saw the blood-soaked hammock. Without hesitation, he reassured me, "Don't worry, love. It's fine. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

I felt a wave of relief wash over her as she absorbed Newt's understanding words. This is why I loved him. "Thank you.. how did I clean it again?" I asked him, he smirked. This happens everytime... I always forgot how I was supposed to clean it everytime i would get my period. it would just be easier if they had sent me a new hammock each month.


I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the task at hand. With the bucket of water and clean clothes by my side, I focused my attention on the blood-stained hammock. As I dipped the cloth into the water, I gently dabbed at the stains, my movements careful and deliberate.

Each stroke of the cloth brought a mix of relief and discomfort. I was relieved to see the dark patches fading, gradually transforming into lighter hues. Through my work, I strained to hear the distant commotion - a mix of anger, shouts, and despair. It was the sound of Ben's banishment, the consequence of his violent actions. My heart twisted with conflicting emotions as I listened to his screams carried by the wind.

Though Ben's actions had caused me harm, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He was a friend of mine after all.

As I continued to clean the hammock, my focus shifted between the task at hand and the cries of Ben echoing in the distance. I couldn't drown out the sound, and with each anguished scream, my heart ached a little more.

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