Chapter 21 - The new runner

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Me, Thomas, Minho, Frypan and some other gladers made our way through the twists and turns of the Maze, Minho couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on his chest. Finally, unable to contain his curiosity and frustration any longer, he turned to me and asked, more like yelling. "Y/N, why did you break Newt's heart?"

I had been running silently alongside him, he never said a word until now so his outburst confused me. I looked at him with a mix of surprise and sadness. "Minho, I never meant to hurt Newt," I replied, he could feel how my voice carried a hint of regret. "I'm your best friend, I want to support your choice and all, but Newt is my friend too. Seeing him like this gets on my nerves." Minho explained, I nodded in understanding.

"I needed some time to figure things out, and I thought it was the right thing to do."

Minho's brow furrowed as he struggled to understand. "But then you started hanging out with Gally," he said, his voice laced with frustration. "What's going on?"

I shook my head, my eyes earnest. "I'm not dating Gally, Minho. He's just been helping me train and teaching me how to fight. That's it. I would never date him."

Minho's expression softened, feeling relieved that y/n and Gally aren't a couple. "and I hate how Newt gets so jealous all the time! That's one of the reasons I broke up with him. He has trust issues and he needs to deal with those before. I don't know, I just feel like he acts like he owns me or something sometimes."

"Newt? That guy won't hurt an insect!" Minho's comment made me roll my eyes. "I know that, but don't you remember when he was so jealous of me and you and then tried to force himself on me?"

"Yeah, I remember that." Minho replied. "I'm sick of it, I know it is because of his troubled past but he needs to figure that out. I need to figure things out too. We both have."

Minho hummed, contemplating her words. It was a lot to process, but they had a mission to complete. Soon enough, their search led them to the dead Griever's body.

Minho carefully examined the lifeless creature and made a startling discovery. Nestled in the heart of the Griever, he found a strange, glowing battery-like device.

"What is that?" I asked him as Minho removed all the gross liquid stuff on top of it. He removed some dirt with his fingertips and read "Wicked." he said and showed the rest of us. "That's the... that's the same logo as our supplies." I pointed out, it was quite "Whatever it is, can we take it back to the glade?" Frypan broke the silence. "Cause i don't wanna meet this guy's friends.".

When we ran back towards the gates, I stumbled at something. I accidentally fell and Minho let out a little shriek. He stopped, for the first time ever, he stopped his track and turned around for me. He grabbed my arm and helped me stand up. Probably because if Newt found out that he had left me in there he'd be dead. I looked down more closely and I tripped over a bow. Some runner must've left it here while dying in the maze. I grabbed it before Minho rushed me to run again.

Minho, Thomas and I rushed back into the homestead to find Newt. Minho wasn't sure of letting me go with them but I insisted. We walked in and found the other keepers, me and Minho gave each other confused looks. I made eye contact with Newt, his eyes looked so hurt, my heart sank at the sight of that so I avoided eye contact.

"You're having a keeper meeting without me?" Minho spat at them.

" I didn't remember these two being keepers." Said Oliver, looking over at me and Thomas.

"They can stay." Minho said.

He handed Newt the griever thingy, and he inspected it. He whipped off some liquid that smelled way over here and saw the Wicked logo.

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