Chapter 18 : Enchanted

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Freen's POV :

Our vacation is done. I will never forget my experience having a vacation at the beach. Now, we're back in reality. I'm driving on our way back to our house. Becky is sitting on the shotgun seat, she is sleeping peacefully. I bet she gets tired on our vacation, plus the activities we had.

I smiled thinking about the 'activities' we had. For sure, we will still going back.

Becky is still in the deep sleep even if the music was so loud inside the car. I didn't bother to turn it off as I enjoy it while driving. Taylor swift song was on play.


There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter, faking smiles

Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you

I remember the time I met Becky, she was the first human I've met. I can understand her but she cannot understand me because, I was just speaking through my mind. Not knowing human speak through their mouth. I was sad and terrified knowing land is a dangerous place but it seems like I was the one who saw an angel.

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"

'Cross the room your silhouette

Starts to make its way to me

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks

Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you

All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you

All starts with curiosity. Becky teach me how to live, well at first I force myself to get in by getting her knowledge about here in land and little she did she not know, she also teaching me how to love.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

The lingering question kept me up

2 AM, who do you love?

I wonder 'til I'm wide awake

And now I'm pacing back and forth

Wishing you were at my door

I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"

It was enchanting to meet you

All I know is, I was enchanted to meet you

I didn't know at first that it was love, until my friend Nam came in the picture. My best friend, who help me open up my heart and encourage me to confess my feelings.

Looking at Becky, I am thankful and great full for someone who loves me despite of being indifferent. Despite of being a fallen angel.

I'm feeling the music when a strong flash of lights blinding in front of us.

It's too late to turn...

It was from Big 16 wheeler truck heading to us...

Before it hit us, I shouted her name..

BECKY!... I see she open her eyes it was to late for the both of us..

I'm sorry Becky...

I'm so sorry....

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

That this night is flawless, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the story line ends

My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again

These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon

I was enchanted to meet you

Everything went black...

Third POV :

A man with a black cape approach where the accident car accident happened. He get his pocket watch and reads the time.

"2 minutes, After 2 minutes. I can get her soul" 

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