Kidnapped On A Friday Night

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Chapter rewritten: 11/29/2023

(Trigger Warning: Torture scenes and detailed description of corpses)

The feeling of being watched was an odd one. The unexplainable yet somehow never wrong ability to tell when someone was staring was something I could never really understand, but I recognized the paranoid feeling nonetheless.

I'm used to having eyes on me. Regardless of my own opinion towards myself, others seemed to think I was something nice to look at, so being watched and sometimes even recorded wasn't exactly unusual. This time felt different, however.

My stomach twisted with growing nausea, and I took a deep breath to calm my rising nerves. The eyes felt different. More malicious. More eerie.

My pace increased slightly as I felt more and more desperate to reach my destination, and a part of me found it amusing that this was what it took to make me eager to be back at my sad excuse of a home. My amusement was quickly drained, however, when the feeling of being watched somehow managed to increase, and I realized it was because it was now coming from multiple directions.

Before the source of my paranoia seemed to stem from somewhere behind me, but now I felt eyes on me from nearly every direction.

I felt surrounded.

I swallowed down the knot forming in my throat as I continued my rather quick pace, and I racked my mind for a solution.

Whether I live or die had never been a concern of mine. I lost the urge to live a long time ago, and there have been multiple times where I've debated simply ending it all.

I always found a reason not too, the main one being my uncontrollable hate for pain. Despite this, I still found myself feeling fear when faced with danger.

A few weeks back I was almost run over by a reckless driver, and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I jumped out of their way on instinct, only to beat myself up over the missed opportunity. I would have either died or gotten the chance to sue. Both sounded amazing.

Two years ago I was mugged and beaten within an inch of my life when they realized I had nothing worth stealing, and the only thing that kept me from begging for my life was my pride.

It seemed like deep down I wanted to live, but my mind was constantly trying to convince me otherwise.

It was moments like these that I wished I could just make up my mind. 

Situations like these would be so much easier to deal with if I didn't have the small but incredibly annoying urge to live. I could simply stop and yell out at whoever was watching me, instead of making a desperate yet half assed attempt to flee.

Whatever was motivating me to live faltered as I slowed my pace down, only for it to come to a stuttering halt as I froze in the middle of the street.

If I'm so unsure of whether or not I want to live or die, why not just sit back and see what happens? Either the eyes will eventually leave, or I'll find out their intentions when they make a move. Based solely on the high level of gang activity in the city, as well as the time and location being late at night in the dangerous part of town, it was safe to say whatever their intentions were probably weren't good, but as I debated it in my head, I found that I really couldn't care about what ended up happening.

If it was painful, so be it. Maybe It would increase my pain tolerance. If it killed me, even better. And if they do nothing? Then I guess today just wasn't my day.

I took a seat on the deserted sidewalk as I scanned my surroundings, and as soon as I gave up hope of spotting another human, slight movement from an alley across the street grabbed my attention.

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