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"At this point you're flaunting your wealth on purpose." Despite the way I grumbled my words my expression didn't exactly match my tone of voice, and though I had known about their private jet for the last three hours, I still found myself gawking at the overly decorated interior of the aircraft.

Somehow I ended up seated beside Minho with Jisung taking the window seat to our left, because for some reason the others thought it would be a good idea to force proximity between a trained killer and a suicidal guy who happened to always get on his nerves.

However, as soon as I had melted into the insanely comfortable white leather seats, caring over such a minor detail became a lesser priority.

"Would you prefer to fly coach? Darn man, if I had known I would have bought you a cheap airplane ticket so you could break your back on the uncomfortable seats and feast on stale peanuts." The sarcasm and fake guilt dripping from Changbin's voice earned him the side eye, and it was only as I made that expression that I noticed something.

I wouldn't have done that a month ago. So either I had become more comfortable or more insufferable. It was impossible to tell.

My attention was stolen by movement to my left, and my gaze flickered over to see Jisung turning expectantly to a bored looking Minho. "What do you want to do once we get to Hawaii?"

Minho's gaze subconsciously softened as he locked eyes with the younger, his expression somehow becoming fond despite the fact that it remained blank. It took true talent to have an expressive resting bitch face.


Jisung's anticipative curiosity morphed into confused disappointment almost instantly, his brows furrowing slightly as he tilted his head. "Sleep? That's all?"

Minho hummed in confirmation as he leaned his head back onto the headrest, his eyelids lowering lazily but still remaining attentive as he observed his boyfriend's features. "It's a nine hour flight, Sungie. I know we're going to get there at seven pm which is still early, but we had to wake up at four this morning. Plus, we're all going to be jet lagged. Sleep's a pretty reasonable plan."

Jisung seemed to consider his words, his eyes narrowing in thought as a moment of silence filled the air I felt too poor to be breathing. Seriously, how did they get the air to smell rich?

"Nah, I vote we go to the beach." Jisung seemed satisfied with his suggestion as he rested his chin in his hand, his elbow propped up on the armrest as he smiled cheekily at the other.

"I'll agree solely because I know that as soon as we get there you're going to crash." Minho chuckled lightly in response to Jisung's pout, and Minho grabbed the other's hand before gently kissing the palm of it. "Today isn't the start of our vacation time. Tomorrow is. We'll have plenty of time to do a lot of fun stuff, so don't worry."

Jisung's pout was still present but he relented, though I had a feeling the romantic hand kiss probably had a lot to do with that. It felt unnatural to see Minho be so lovey with the others despite how often I had witnessed it, and regardless of his knowledge of my presence I still felt like I was intruding on something.

Minho let their intertwined hands fall back in between them, and once he was certain Jisung was somewhat satisfied with the result of their conversation, he allowed his eyes to close the rest of the way.

It would appear he intended to sleep through take off, and once Jisung noticed this he turned his attention to me. He had to lean over a little in order to see me over Minho, and as soon as we locked eyes he smiled. "Can I see it again?"

I instantly knew what he was talking about, because this had been about the fiftieth time he had asked to see my piercing since he had first found out two days ago. I stuck my tongue out, having no issue humoring him as I found the way his eyes always sparkled to be rather cute. This time was no different, and he instantly brightened as his eyes landed on my piercing.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя