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-Hyunjin's POV-

I would like to think that I was good at remembering minor details about the members. Such as the fact that Chan was the group's designated spider killer, or that Minho slept with a cat plushie. And one of those details was the fact that Jeongin had a burning passion for clothes.

There were very few things he gave a shit about other than violence, but fashion was something that could make his usually blank expression light up. It was rather cute to see, but then he would give you the side eye and make you question whether or not you knew what clothes were.

It was a conflicting experience.

But I had to admit we all looked way better than we would have if we had the option of choosing our own clothes. Jeongin had a way of knowing what would look best on people, and he was blunt enough to voice what didn't.

Apparently twelve different outfits were what didn't work, and after all those outfit changes the clothing he deemed to be the best fit were the most simple ones.

According to him I was limited on the colors I could wear because of my hair, but all black or all white would be too monochromatic. He then experimented with different combinations of black and white, only to go against his prior opinion as he settled on a black mesh tee-shirt and black ripped jeans. Apparently the club would most likely be hot, and his logic was the less clothes the better.

I had assumed we were done only to be proven wrong when he then spent ten minutes trying to decide what jewelry I should wear, and because he was having so much fun I let him.

For some reason he was incredibly against gold, and though that should have made the process of elimination a rather easy thing, which silver jewelry I wore was apparently very important to him.

What combination would be eye catching enough to keep the outfit from looking bland without looking too gaudy for clubbing? If I wore rings, how many and on which finger? If I wore a necklace, how thick should the chain be? Is the necklace too eye catching for me to wear earrings? So pretty much a whole bunch of questions I never failed to have the wrong answer for.

And after all of that, I was then dragged away by Jisung for makeup and to paint my nails black.

We ended up having to rush the two of them a little because they insisted on dressing up every single one of us, and almost two hours later, we were finally what they deemed presentable for clubbing. I had a feeling that if anyone in the club decided to wear mismatched jewelry metals they would end up needing therapy, because god damn Jeongin was ruthless.

But thankfully the club was so packed and chaotic that the smaller details about each person quickly became obsolete.

I guess those two hours were rather pointless then, but at least Jeongin and Jisung had fun.

It was difficult to hear each other over the booming music without yelling, the base being so intense you could feel it in your chest. Because of this we ended all conversation as soon as we stepped into the establishment, the goal of sticking together causing us to inch closer as we made our way through the entrance and towards the bar.

I was fine around people. Being in crowds never stressed me out, and I never worried about the possible dangers often associated with clubs like this. I trusted that I could take care of myself. But oddly enough, I felt a wave of anxiety washing over me as I kept my eyes on our surroundings, a sense of paranoia rising in my chest as I made sure the others remained close.

I wasn't having a gut feeling about something going wrong. I didn't feel like there was an immediate sense of danger or a cause for alarm. But being in a place this packed would make it a lot more difficult to watch over the others if something went wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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