[9] Passion and Honesty

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Third person POV
"Well, look my dad's gonna be here soon and I as much as I'd love to let you witness our sweet reunion, you have to leave, right now."
The pink haired girl guided Yuri out of the door. To be honest, more likely pushed a massive figure out with the highest effort possible. After that she was out of breath.
Man I should really work out sometime.
"Are you sure you want me to leave?" Yuri turned around facing the shorter girl with concern in her eyes. Natsuki knew Yuri wasn't dumb. She was pretty smart actually. Well pretty too and-
Shut up Natsuki.
"Yeah. Let's just say my father isn't very good with new people."
As if he's good with anyone but himself anyway.
"Okay I respect that obviously. I just have one last question if you don't mind me asking?"

Oh no.

Natsuki was very aware about what the other girl wanted to talk about. You usually don't pick up a random girl out of school completely bruised up and unconscious....or do you?
Either way, there was no turning back now. She didn't really know how to excuse this whole situation though. Not gonna lie, Natsuki almost came to the conclusion that she just needs to be honest. It was Yuri after all. They didn't know each other that well but there was something about the purple haired girl that Natsuki couldn't figure out. She really feels like she could tell Yuri everything and never get judged. To be fair Yuri wasn't really the person who would openly judge someone anyway but you get the point.
To her, the taller girl was somehow special. The tension between their looks would confirm that.
Suddenly, Natsuki started chocking. A big blush grew on her cheeks.
It was the first word that came on her mind and she got as much suprised as a stranger would be at that moment.
Yuri widened her eyes and lightly pat the other girls back.
"I...uh didn't even say anything yet. You really don't have to be nervous I promise." Yuri gave her a reassuring smile.
Natsuki nodded quickly and looked away, her blush deepening.
What the actual fu-
"Natsuki, what happened to you? I'm sorry if I crossed a line with this question and it might be none of my business but I'm just genuinely worried about you. I really am. I already had some suspicions a while ago with the way you were acting towards other people but I would never have guess that your situation could be that bad. And before you say anything now I just wanted to let you know that we might not know each other for that long and we had a rough start but if you ever want to talk about something and let it really be anything that's on your mind than...please do it okay? I...I really care about you."
Natsuki slightly opened her mouth but nothing came out. She wasn't sure what she should be saying. She wasn't sure what she should feel right now. All that was on her mind could ruin whatever they had going on between them. No one ever told her these things and after a few akward seconds in silence she couldn't help herself but smile. But this time she looked directly in the other girl eyes. For just one moment she didn't give a fuck about the world or her dad or really anyone else. It was just her and Yuri. The taller girl smiled back. Natsuki could tell that she wasn't faking it. The eyes of her friend just showed full honesty.
I won't hurt you.
That's what they tried to tell her.
Yuri carefully took both of her hands and waited for the response.
The young girl sighed before collecting her thoughts to start this conversation.
"My father. I know big suprise." Natsuki tried to hide her panic by being sarcastic but the other girl was not into it. She raised one of her eyebrows and cleared her throat.
"Nat, I really need some clarification here. I'm kind of confused honestly. Do you want to tell me that your father hurt you or was he just a part of the reason...?"
The pink one snorted slightly and smiled again with a sadder expression.
"Nat? That's new but I like it.
Kind off"
Yuri wasn't aware of her own words because as the shorter girl mentioned the nickname again, she started to look a little bit more nervous rather than concerned.


That's all she said with light blush.
"It's cool. Anyway uhm...so my father is...not really the nicest person you could think of. He sorta...kind of beats me now and then...often...okay yeah sorta always but that's NOT what's going on right now! I uh...I mean he was okay before my mother...passed and he blamed me and of course i can get that if he thinks it'smy faukt so its just makes sense to..."
At this point she just started to make up excuses or really say something to lighten up the situation but that wouldn't have worked anyway.
Now it was Yuris turn to stay quiet. Too stunned to speak. Natsuki looked away but kept her hands locked with Yuris.
If she would let go now, it wouldn't be possible to not break down in front of her. That's for sure.
She started to breath faster, her vision turning black. It took all of her strength to not cry. Natsuki never told anyone about her situation at home and to realise that she finally said something to a person she was really beginning to trust was both terrifying and reliving. More terrifying right now but that was just the overthinking.
Yuri made small circles with her thumbs to calm her friend down.
It did help. Thankfully. She had to get her shit together or else she couldn't stay honest towards the other girl. Everytime when she starts to panic, she tends to lie a lot because she's afraid of how others would react to the truth. It just was a bad habit of her but she couldn't help it. She always disappointed at least someone so she could might as well minimise that which is kind of dumb because they would only get more disappointed because of Natsukis lies.
Stop it. Now is not the right time. You're overthinking again.
"You really don't have to say anything. This kind of topic isn't really something you can casually talk about I know that." She tried to let go of Yuris hands but they stayed firm as the other girl pulled the shorter one towards her direction to hug her.
"That's not what I meant and you know that too. Look, I'm not in the position to say something but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry of how he's treating you. Nobody deserves that. Especially not you.
You might act like you don't care about anyone but the fact that you're trusting me with this means so much and I'm very honoured to be here with you right now. In your eyes I can see the wonderful girl you are and I just want to tell you that... it's not your fault."
That was the first time someone said these words to her. It was all too much. Her? A wonderful girl? Nothing was her fault?
Natsuki didn't want to believe that.
She couldn't. How was she supposed to?
"You don't understand i-"
"It's not your fault."
It is. It always was. It always will be.
"Yuri really I can take the blame-"
"It's. Not. Your. Fault."
The purple haired girl tightened the embrace. Natsuki could literally feel her heartbeat. It made her feel at some kind of peace. She really needs that right now. Being told that the whole situation that made your life horrible wasn't your fault after all the self blame was a lot to take in. Too much actually.

She didn't realise her tears dripping on Yuris chest. Her friend wiped them away with one hand. She didn't let go of Natsukis face though. Natsuki hesitated at first but put her own hand on top of Yuris. They both just stared at each other for a while. Yuri never stopped smiling at her while she brushed the pink haired girls cheek with her thumb.  Later, none of the two could explain to you how or why the next thing happened. Maybe it was the sudden rush of adrenaline or maybe just a wave of affection but as they both looked at each others eyes, one of them leaned closer. They wouldn't remember who made the first step.
It did take some more seconds before Yuri took both of her hands and pulled Natsukis face fully towards her direction to kiss her. Natsuki stayed numb but quickly kissed her back with the same passion.
It was a light kiss at first. More innocent but as the time passed by it became slightly rough and a bit more needy.
They broke the kiss to catch their breath, faces just a few inches away from each other but never breaking down the eye contact.
When they realised what just happened, the shorter one stepped back with widened eyes, touching her lips. She could still feel Yuris presence on them. Hot and full of...something she wasn't sure exactly what it was right now. Yuri did the some motion before turning around to leave the room.

Shit. You fucked it up

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