[13] be who you are

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Yuri took a last deep breath before collecting her thoughts, which must have been the 50th time today.
To be fair, she never thought about Monika and Sayori getting...in a romantic relationship because everyone in school assumed that MC and Monika would totally be into each other. As much as it's surprising, Yuri knew what she had to say now.
"I don't think it's wrong at all. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't want that.
It's just...my family isn't the most open-minded, I guess? They're very conservative, if you know what I mean? I didn't mind that kind of people as long as it wasn't involving someone from our family's, let alone me.
But now? I was thinking a lot and I've came to the conclusion, there was no guy who I was really interested in like...never? And the truth is, now that I have these new feelings, the excitement, to experience them with her? With a girl? Even if I have some doubts, I'm sure I want that. I want so much more!"

Now it was Yuris turn to smile a little. She wasn't prepared for letting all of it out, but it feels so good to talk about some of the problems that really started to bother her.
Sayori was so easy to talk to.
Must be like a superpower or something. She's truly amazing. How can someone stay positive and supportive all the time? She never misses the opportunity to hang out with others just to make them feel better.
"Then hmm...I don't see why not. You can't decide who you fall in love with, and that's totally okay. You are who you are, and you should feel proud of yourself!
Seriously, sharing such kind of love is beautiful. At least, in my opinion."
The shorter girl took a sip from her cup and grinned, stuffing some of the last cookies in her mouth.

Yuri sighed in relief. She couldn't have felt more supportive about her situation now.
Yes, she was still in denial at last but the disgust towards herself started to fade away. Only fear was all that was left. And she had a lot of it. Letting her guard down is the biggest choice she could think of in her entire life.
Yuri likes the same gender. She likes girls and only girls. And that's...okay.
If Sayori and Monika are a couple, why couldn't she ask for the same? She knows her friends aren't doing anything wrong. They're just in love.
The dark-haired girl started to cry. Just more than a week ago, she thought it was bad to love. To love who you want to love. But now? It was much to take in after all the years of being told that there's only one right way to love someone.
Was she willing to risk it?
She's never going to have a traditional family. There is always going to be a fear of hate towards her and her lovers.
Her parents would never accept that.
Is it worth it? Is it really?
There was Natsuki on her mind again. The girl who trusted her even though they don't know each other that well. Her little freckles on her button nose, her bright, shiny eyes when she gets mad or happy... even if it's mostly mad.
Her laugh. Her laugh was addicting.
It made Yuri blush just from the memories.
"I just take a lucky guess and say those are happy tears, right?" Sayori smirked and stretched out her arms.
"I know it must be all confusing now, and you might still have some doubts, but I'm very, very proud of you. If you need a hug-"
The taller girl sank into the embrace without letting her friend finish her sentence. To Yuris' own surprise, she hugged the other one as tightly as she could. She wasn't the most touchiest person but the girl knew she needed this now. There was no moment in her life someone gave her so much reassurance and comfort and she was also for that, extremely thankful.
"Thank you. You don't know how much this all means to me. You're amazing. "
Sayori gently made small circles on her friends back while she cried on her shoulder.
"I'm always here for you, dude!"
As long as I can.

Oh, Nibbles must be awake.
Sayori moved her head drastically and looked out for the pet.
Yuri couldn't help but laugh at her friends reaction. It suits her to love animals, to be honest. If Yuri thinks about it more, Sayori sometimes kind of acts like a dog. A cute dog, of course.
"I do. Her name is Nibbles. She usually sleeps upstairs, but I guess she got hungry. Would you like to feed her?"
Sayori literally had stars in her eyes when Yuri asked her the question.
"I swear if I tell Nik about it, she's going to freak out more than me. Cats are here, favs! Well after me of course."
Yuri took a moment to process what the other girl said.
Nik must be Monika. How cute!
"I mean, she can come over someday too. I don't mind. But I guess I need to ask you something. I know it might be rude to ask, but if my parents are home and you two are here too...is...is it okay for you not to show that..."
"...that we're dating? Don't worry, I totally get it!"
"Looks like the little tiger wants her food." Yuri and Sayori looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Better not let her wait then."

Nibbles sat on the kitchen table with wide googly eyes, waiting for some attention.
She had black, shiny fur and green eyes. Nibbles was here for only one year, barely leaving the kitten stage when Yuris' parents got her for her birthday. Ever since then, the cat has helped her a lot with her anxiety.
That's also the reason why she's very important to Yuri.
Speaking of important...
Yuri smirked at her friend. The other one smiled back with less confidence, though, because she felt like Yuri was about to say something she was hoping she wouldn't say.
"Sayori, is that the reason why you're saving your name on everyone's phone with a cat emoji? Because of Monika...?"
She made her usual eep, feeling exposed and trying to give her attention only to Nibbles. The black cat purred, walking around the shorter girl.
"Aww she likes you!"
Sayori squeaked when Nibbles licked her hand.
"I like her just as much, trust me. Can I take some pictures for Monika? I bet she's going to scream seeing such a pretty little goofball."
Yuri nodded and went to the furniture to take out the bowl for Nibbles' food.

They spent the rest of the evening watching some old movies before Sayori left to get back home.
After one last hug, the short haired girl went home while waving her hand with a huge grin on her face.
Nibbles laid down on the couch where Sayori was sitting and closed her eyes to take a nap.
Nibbles usually isn't that excited to meet strangers, let alone let them pat her.
Yuri sat down next to her and gave the small furball some well-earned scratches.
That's when the realisation hit her:
She didn't even tell Sayori that Natsuki and her already have kissed...

Her and only Her [YurixNatsuki]Where stories live. Discover now