[11] My safety

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Natsukis POV
The drive to home was in silence. It's unusual for father to not say anything but I was very thankful for that. He kept his eyes on the road, his look made me shiver. I didn't dare to think of what he would to to me as soon as we get home.
Which wasn't very far away anymore.
"The doctor told me you had an accident. So you kept your mouth shut for once. How surprising."
He looked at me trough the reflection of the mirror.
I knew the silence was too good to be true. I shouldn't have think about it.
"Yes. I tried my best to not say something against you, Sir." I tried my best to look back at him. His gaze made me shiver more. I really hated his guts.
"Look brat. I'm in a very good mood today. That dumbfuck from my work got fired and I could take upon his place. As soon as we get home I want you to go immediately to your room and not hear a single fucking noise you got it?" I nodded my head as much as I could and kept silent.
It's very rare for him to be in a good mood. Must have been an important position. Now that I think about it...where exactly is he working? He never shared any information about the things he does.

As soon as we reached home I went upstairs to my room. I straight up went for my bed to go to sleep. I could hear his shouting. Again. Like everytime I tried to sleep.
As soon as I shut my eyes all I could think about was Yuri and the kiss we shared at the hospital.
I for the first time while falling asleep.
I can't wait for tomorrow.

The next day

"Wake up bitch you're late for school!"
Father opened my doors and shouted right in my face before turning around and leaving again.
Seems like he's back to his old self again.
"I'm on it. Sorry." I stood up and reached for my closet. I took the rest of the clothes that were still clean as I finished dressing up. I'm glad that today is Literature Club again. I can't stand being here one minute longer.
I took my bag and went downstairs. The smell of food made me stop. There was a bagel with beacon on a plate. Father took the plate and shoved it to my face.
"For you." He looked away and went back to his phone.
What the actual fuck is happening right now?
I had no idea why he was...acting like that and it made me more afraid rather than happy. You know this feeling when something goes smoothly but too smoothly for your own good and you're just waiting for the next bad thing to happen? Yeah that feeling.
"Thank you very much. I appreciate the effort and the food." I needed to be as polite as possible to not cause him to go mad again.
"Shut up and take it with you I don't have time for this bullshit." The old man took his carkeys and left the house without looking back once.
"What the hell?" That's all I said to myself before shoving the food in my mouth. It wasn't very good and the beacon was slightly burned but it didn't matter as long as I could eat it.
Maybe he isn't that bad after all.
Maybe he's really trying now?
The thought of having a better life from now on made me feel optimistic.
But there was still an obstacle for me to conquer.


"NATSUKI YOU'RE BACK!" Sayori cheerfully hugged me from behind. It startled me a bit at first but I managed to hug her back anyway. She made a suprised eep before hugging me again.
It was the time for the Literature Club and I couldn't be more happy to see everyone again.
Wow Natsuki you're really going soft on them eh? Maybe it's not such a bad thing.
MC and Monika both entered the Clubroom while laughing about something I couldn't quiet hear. Seems like they got closer for the few days she wasn't here.
Are they maybe...?
But before I could end my thoughts I witnessed how Sayori joyfully ran up towards Monika to kiss her on her lips.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted at them. They both gasped before turning their head towards me.
"Oh didn't you know? We started dating :D!" Sayori smiled nervously. Monika sighed while chuckling and shook hear head slightly.
"You asked me if I was an accident because you couldn't keep your eyes from me and then asking me out but yeah sure let's just go for that."
I looked confused at both of them.
"...and you said yes afterwards? Seriously?" I tried to hide my laugh.
"...anyway I wanted to tell you properly but I guess there's not reason for that anymore."
MC couldn't stop laughing, holding his hands on his stomach. He laughed so much that tears were forming in the corner of his eyes.
"This really is fucking priceless. I should have taken a picture from your reaction or something!" He ruffled my hair more gently than my dad would have done and hugged me to welcome me back.
Monika kissed Sayoris cheek before heading towards me to hug me too.
"We're all happy to have you back." She pat my shoulder and grinned widely.
I blushed of embarrassment before looking away.
"Yeah...I...same but whatever. I'm happy for you btw." I shrugged before looking around the room some more. There was no sign of Yuri. MC must have noticed me because he pointed with his eyes towards to Monikas direction.
Monika nodded and looked a little bit more distressed.
"Yuri didn't come to school today."
"But I'm sure it's nothing serious. Let's start todays club meeting!" Monika gave me a thumbs up before returning her attention to Sayori.
She put some strands of the other girls hair behind her ear while the younger girl laughed nervously.
They do seem to be cute together not gonna lie.
A sudden pain of jealousy shot up but I tried to talk to MC to distract myself.
I just hoped that Yuri was okay.
We really need to talk about us. There's no turning back anymore. And I do miss her already.

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