[16] underneath the sky

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Yuri's POV
Okay, where to start? I was talking the whole day about how much I like Natsuki and now the very same girl is standing in front of my door. Her eyes were puffy and red to which I assume was from crying. I don't think any other reasons would count...anyway.
Natsuki was shaking madly and holding tight the back that she had been carrying. It was so full, it could have exploded any moment.
"What are you doing here?"
I wasn't mad about the fact that she pulled up to my house at nearly 2 A.M. no, that wasn't the problem. The problem is that even though I didn't know what was going on, the guilt wouldn't stop growing. I was mad at myself  because judging by everything I've known so far, it HAD to do something with her dad.
And that made me more angry.
"I...I didn't know where to go. Sayori sent me your address and I just..." she took a deep breath before she continuit.

"Look, I promise I'm going to explain everything...or as much as I can, I'm confused of what the hell just happened back there."

I sighed and grabbed her back to take it inside. Natsuki saw that as an invitation and followed me through the corridors. She stopped for one second to take a look at the family picture, which had been hanging on the walls for 8 years or something.

"You look... very different."

The shorter girl took a step forward to take a better look. My father, my mother, my brother and me had to wear the same colour to match. My short pixie cut totally mismatched my long black dress with long sleeves and a chain with a cross. The other three had the same chain, which was kind of ridiculous for me now to see.
"We are...uhm...very religious...,"

I really wanted to slap myself right now.

She widened her eyes, still a little bit red from crying for who knows how long.


I quickly grabbed her hand to go somewhere else. The contact made me blush but I really didn't care right now.
I've fucked up enough for us already.
wE aRe VeRy ReLiGiOuS wow a great response Yuri you are so intelligent.

"What are their names? Your family I mean."
I didn't really understand why she was so intrigued by my family now but either way, I gave small quick answers back.
"My mother is called Grace and my brother is called Yukinee...and my father well uhm...

Niw it looked like she was trying to not laugh.

I quickly tried to change the topic.
"Do you maybe want to go to the backyard?
Our garden I mean. It's warm enough and the sky must look gorgeous at this time of the night. Only if you want to."
Natsuki nodded slowly before following me to the back. Still with intertwined hands, we stepped outside. I stopped for a moment because an idea came up in my head.
"Want some tea?"


Natsuki sat on the grass, waiting for her friend to come back with their tea. She noticed that Yuri must like tea a lot because she's always drinking some everytime they've met. Natsuki had to remember to ask Yuri which one was her favourite so that she could offer it someday.
Would be kind of ironic if she was part british or something.
She closed her eyes to enjoy the silence of the night, only the noise of the crickets made some noises. Good thing it made her feel somehow at peace which was unsurprisingly hard after the situation from literally just a few hours ago. The girl just hoped that Yuri would come back as quick as possible to not get too much drown in her own thoughts. That's the last thing she needed tonight.
She looked up at the sky and counted a few stars to distract herself when her friend came back with two mugs and a plate with a sandwich.

"If you feel like eating, I made a sandwich for you. I'm sorry it's nothing special so if you don't want it it's okay."

Yuri put the plate in front of me.
Natsuki blinked a few times and looked at the food, which looked ridiculously delicious but that might be the hunger rising and screaming at her.
"No don't worry it's...it's not like I asked you to do something. Thanks...I guess."
She took a small bite before finishing it in only some seconds. It was so delicious.
She wanted 10 more.
Yuri giggled softly and smiled, clearly pleased with her friends reaction.

"You're welcome."
The tall one leaned closer to the shorter person but still keeping some space to not make things awkward.
As if they weren't already awkward .
Yuri sighed heavily and looked up. She was afraid of finding out the truth but there was no turning back. She wanted to be here for Natsuki and support her in any way she could.
"I don't want to push you and you don't have to tell me anything but I'm worried. I just want to understand."
Natsuki took a moment to focus and staring at something invisible in front of her. Everything was so messed up. How should she summarise this?
"My dad is an asshole."
Yuri raised an eyebrow.
"Now something new, maybe?"
Natsuki shook her head.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow? It's too late for me to understand this mess myself. Sorry."
Yuri nodded to agree and now there was this silence again.
Natsuki laid down on the grass and counted the stars again. The pink haired girl never noticed how bright they could shine and they were suddenly VERY tempting to look at. She didn't try to not look at Yuri no. Not at all.
Her friend did the same. She laid down but didn't look at the sky. She watched Natsuki as the other one closed her eyes. Yuri was thinking about how gorgeous the girl looked right now. The moonlight perfectly featured her face.
She could see every small detail and she loved it.
"You know, I do admire you."
Yuri whipped away some bangs out of the smaller ones face.
Her friend didn't move. It was hard to tell what she was thinking right now.
"How come?"
It took her some time to ask. Natsuki tried her best to not show too many emotions. She was too drained. Out of energy for this.
Normaly, conversations underneath the skies would be one of the most romantic things for two people but all she really wanted was some quiet and peace for now. Not talking about-

"Isn't it obvious? I like you."

Her thoughts got interrupted by Yuris' sudden confession.
But for the taller one...it felt natural. Like something she could tell her every day if Natsuki only asked her to do so. Even though it took her by her own surprise to just blur it out of nowhere.
Natsuki didn't dare to open her eyes. Maybe it's because she wasn't sure what to think about.
It was overwhelming. Small tears streamed down her face. Little wimpers escaping her mouth.
Yuri leaned closer. Her face was only a few inches away. The shorter girl could feel her breath right above her.
She gently brushed Natsukis cheek, trying to calm her down.
Natsuki turned away from the touch and put her hands on her face, tears streaming down her face more and more.

"Please...j-just leave me alone I don't deserve...deserve... I-", now choking on her whimpers, "I don't deserve your attention. Or anything. I don't deserve you at all."

Yuri sighed and looked on the ground.
"I'm so sorry I'm a mess. I know I am. You must be so confused and I'm just making it worse. I don't know why I'm acting like this. I just really want to be there for you but I'm forcing even more pressure in this whole situation. "

Natsuki went silent for a moment because she could hear that Yuri was starting to cry too.
It was way less messier than her whimpers.
Even her crying is so elegant.
The short girl didn't turn around. She didn't know what to do again.
Yuri stood up and took a big breath.
I fucked up again. How can I fuck up again.
"I give you some space now. You can take the couch. I'll be upstairs. Goodnight."
She tried to leave but could feel someone pulling her back to the ground. Well Natsuki tried to but was a little to weak to finish her goal. Yuri went along with it without hesitation.
"I changed my mind. But only because I feel bad for you."
Natsuki was the first one to lean closer and get in a somewhat little spoon position.
Yuri needed a second processing the situation but quickly hugged Natsuki tightly, pushing her friends body closer.

"I guess this makes us both a mess?"
Yuri asked, both girls laughing between their cries.
"More like we both can't make up our minds." Natsuki pushed her face into Yuris neck, unintentionally making her friend gasp.

"T-that's true."

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