[3] I'm sorry

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Natsuki's POV
What is that polite ass bitch even thinking? Yelling at me like that! She has no clue what's going on in my life and she doesn't have to know! I could feel the tears in my eyes. Nobody made me cry like this. Except for father.

Few minutes earlier

"Whatever". I left her and joined MC again. He's the only one who is kinda okay.
"Uhm Natsuki. I don't think Yuri meant it like that. She's just frustrated."
He said. I tried to ignore him. It got even worse. Sayori wanted to hug me. I left them and ran to the toilets. I closed the door and cried even more. Stupid dad! Stupid Yuri! Stupid Literature Club! STUPID ME!

I punched the wall as strong as I could. My fist cracked but I didn't care at this point. My whole body was shaking from the flashbacks of father. How he beated me up every single night. How he screamed that I didn't deserve to live. I sat on the floor. After a few minutes I cooled down.
"It wasn't really Yuri's fault tough."
I said quietly to myself. I washed my face and left the room. Feeling pain in my right hand.

Should I go back? What if I've messed up? I chose to try it again. When I entered the club room a was gretted by a hug. I first thought it was Sayori or MC. Heck even Monika but it was no other than Yuri. My face was buried in her chest because she was so tall. My heart started to beat faster again. My face was all red.
"I'm sorry."

Dum Dum Dum Dum.
My heart won't stop. Nobody hugged me before. It feels kinda...nice.
Sayori showed me a sign that I should hug back. I slowly put my hands on her waist. "Me too." I said.
I could feel Yuri giggling. It made me blush even more than I already did.
I was just trying to avoid her because of this damn heat. What is that? Am I getting sick? Yuri stopped hugging me and starred at my eyes. I did the same.
Her eyes are so beautiful...

Dum Dum Dum Dum.
Again this stupid heart.
I quickly looked away. "Okay now I'll go read something." I tried to leave as fast as I could. My head felt so hot.
Stupid Yuri! Why are you messing with my head. "Are you fine? You're red as a tomato." MC laughed.
"T-that's none of y-your business idiot!"
He doesn't seem to mind my insults.
He's cute not gonna lie but I don't feel the same heat as I've felt for Yuri.

And I still don't know what it means.
As if the day couldn't get worse, my hand started to hurt again.
Even worse this time.
I winced and tried to hide it behind my back.
Of course everyone heard me.
Wow nice hiding you dumbass.
"Errr Natsuki? Are you sure you're okay?" MC asked again. "Yeah yeah I'm fi-ARGHH!" I held my hand as I've feel more pain. Shit I can't move it.
Sayori rushed to my way but Yuri was faster. She gently took my hand, concern was written all over her face.
"Your Knuckles seem to be broken. I can help if you want?" She asked with a warm gesture.

Dum Dum Dum Dum
Fuuuck. I nodded, trying not to blush.
Yuri smiled softly and lend me outside the door. "I just help her with her hand. We'll be back in a bit. Please continue reading." Was all she said before she closed the door. Yuri lead me to the emergency room. Never letting go of my hand. So close.

Yuri knocked on the door.
"Hello? Is somebody here?"
She asked. No response.
The purple girl sighed and went
"Please sit down. I'll be right back."
I did as I was told and waited for Yuri.
Stupid me! Hitting the wall like that...
Now I'm stuck here with Yuri and I don't even know why she's helping me.
I was such a bitch to her.
She should hate me.

The pain in my hand and the thoughts of Yuri hating me made me wimper.
I was so close to cry.
I've never cried for somebody.
Well at least not twice.
I only cry because of my dad.
I never forget the first hit.
The first time was one week after the car accident with my mother. She died in the hospital. 7 years ago.

You're a waste of space Natsubitch.
If killing wasn't illegal I would have done that a long time ago!
Dad yelled at my face. I still remember how he smelled like alcohol.
B-but Dad what are you saying to me? I'm your daughter.
My younger me was such a pathetic person.
Small, weak, dumb and so innocent...
Shut up! Don't ever call me dad again you hear me? Your not my daughter you fucking slut!
Than the first slap came.
My younger self looked at him full of shock and surprise. Never thought he would actually hit me.
Dad was also surprised that he actually did it. He turned away and put his hands in his face.
W-why does it have to be her and not you? Y-you took the love of my life away f-from me...
He started to cry. Just like me.
I-it's not my fault d-dad...
I yelped when he slapped me again.
What did I say? Don't call me like that. It's Sir for fucks sake.
I nodded, looking at my feet.
F-forgive me...Sir...
Of course my younger me thought this was all just a nightmare. A nightmare that was going to end when I wake up.
But it won't end. Never...
Dad screamed and punched me. He punched me again and again. Never stopping at least until night.
I thought I was going to die...no I hoped I was going to die.

The flashbacks were the last push I needed to cry my soul out of my body.

Father is right. I'm not worth it. Nothing...nothing...nothing...
I was crying even more now. Quietly for myself. Not trying even to make one loud noise. Just silence.

Yuri came right after my breakdown but didn't notice me because she was looking at the medicines she carried.
The taller girl mumbled something.
She's reading something on the packs.
"They don't have exactly everything we need but I think it's en-"
That's when she saw my face. She dropped her things and quickly rushed to me on her knees.
"Are yoy okay? W-what's wrong? Is it the pain?" She asked, squeezing my shoulders with her hands.
You could tell she isn't used to situations like this. I nodded, not sure about telling her the truth.
Yuri knew I was lying but she didn't ask me more about it.
"Everything is going to be okay.
Don't worry about your pain."
She wiped my tears away and gave me a sympathetic smile. The purple girl stopped wiping my tears away and laid her hand on my cheek, trying to comfort me as much as she can.

Dum Dum Dum Dum
I blushed and looked away, softly slapping her hand away from me.

My head felt hot. Really really hot.
Again this stupid heat. Why is it happening? Stupid Yuri...
I could still feel her eyes staring at me.

These beautiful purple eyes just looking at something trough me. Something I couldn't see.
I thought about what happend in the club room. I was such a bitch to her but still. We made mistakes and forgiveness led us to peace. Maybe even friendship.
A beautiful friendship.
At least that's what I hoped for us.
Good friends.

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