[15] liar

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Third person POV

Natsuki took her keys out of her pockets to open the door. She hears footsteps from above.
Great dad must be home.
"No, I don't want 50%! Give me at least 70%! She belongs to me after all."
Her father didn't seem to notice her.
He was talking to someone on his phone like always.
She didn't want to disturb him, so the girl went inside her room and lay down on my bed. She slowly fell asleep while listening to his shouting like every usual day.
I hope this day just ends as fast as possible. I really don't have the strength to go against him today...or ever.
Natsuki shot her eyes open and quickly stood up. Something from outside was making terribly loud noises. When the now scarred girl looked from outside her windows, all she could see was a big truck in front of their yard.
What the fuck is going on?
Her Father was outside too. He looked like as if he was waiting for something...or someone. Hopefully it's nothing serious. At least that's what Natsuki was hoping.
The girl had enough stressful events for a long time. That was for sure.
Suddenly, another person came out of the truck. It was too dark for her to recognise the mysterious figure.
"Ughhh this won't work. If I only could get closer. But there was no way to go outside. If her father would see her...
That's when the two figures shook hands, and Natsukis father led the person inside.
Now I could try to listen to them.
The short girl carefully opened her door and walked through the corridor. She tried to make as few noises as possible. The fear of getting caught was too big. Thank god she got pretty good at sneaking around after all these years.

She remembers how her mum used to play hide and seek with her whenever she felt down. Natsuki was easy to find because she never took these games seriously. Maybe also because her mum would always tickle and kiss her when she found her daughter. Natsuki always pretended like she was disgusted by these actions but that was just acting. Natsuki loved every moment of affection giving towards her. Mostly, her mother would take up this role because her father was never good with it. Now and then though, he would give Natsuki small presents for making up the lack of being somehow distant. That's the only good memory she had from him. And it was going to stay that way. Natsukis mum loved both of them so much. You could feel the love around the family. She was four months pregnant by the time of her death. Natsuki would have gotten a brother. She remembers how excited she was to finally have someone she could play with.
Right, Natsuki was ten years old by the time of her death. Seven years flew by like nothing. It feels like all of that happened just one year ago. But it didn't. The young girl is never going to get over the death of the only person who gave her everything she could ever ask for.
But there was a big difference between her grief and the grief of her father.
She couldn't forget, but she was able to accept. He couldn't do either of both.

"She's home?" Natsukis rush of thoughts got interrupted by the strangers voice.
They sound familiar. Unfortunately, she's not good at remembering persons, let alone their voices.
"She's upstairs and asleep. Let's make it quick, okay? I don't want to waste any more time."
This time, it was her father who spoke.
They're talking about me...
Why are they talking about me?
"Good. Did she eat something? You know we can't do it with an empty stomach."
He nodded.
What the hell is going on. Clearly it's about me but why is all of that important? Nothing makes sense.
Well, one thing at least. Father made me food for the first time since...
Natsuki clenched her fist. For once, she believed that maybe just maybe, he felt guilty for taking it too far. Maybe he really wanted to change for the better.
She leaned closer against the wall, trying to listen closely to what they were talking about.
"Excellent. So we have a deal, right? You can lead 70% of the company and me and my team can take your daughter a an experimental patient?"
The stranger sounded a little suprised. As if they couldn't fully believe somebody would make such an offer.
Natsukis jaw dropped with widened eyes, a shiver sending down her spine.
Not in a million years she would have expected her father to do something like that. It can't be true. This must be some kind of fucked up nightmare. Obviously it's just a nightmare. She's going to wake up soon. She has to.
"Take her with you. I don't care anymore. I can't bare to see her one second more. She reminds me so much of...I go outside. What great making business with you Shinda."
The doctor shook his hands again.
"The pleasure is all mine." He had a huge shit eating grin on his face.
This can't be real. Of this is just some kind of bullshit prank.
"Let's go to the truck. I need some help before I can take her with me."
The men went outside again to do whatever they needed to do.
Natsuki was trying her best to keep quiet and not break down on the floor.
She pressed the palms of her hands against her mouth but couldn't stop shaking. The girl felt like she could be vomiting any second. She feels disappointed and is still in denial but most of all she feels disgusted by her own father and this stupid doctor.
Natsuki quickly shook her head.
I don't have time for this!
I need to leave. Just leave.
I don't care of I end up on the streets.
Just. Get. Out. Of. Here.
She ran towards her room, trying to get a bag with everything she needs for now, only packing the most important stuff to not waste too much time.
The pink haired girl then carefully went downstairs to take the backdoor in the kitchen. She prayed that the two men needed more time to prepare whatever the fuck theyneeded to prepare.
Opening the door, she ran as fast as she could, only taking a one last glance at her "home" before speeding up.

Fuck this shit and fuck this place.

Yuri's POV
I closed my eyes, almost falling asleep when I heard a light knock on the door.
I was scared to open it at first because it was 2 A.M but it wouldn't stop.
"Who's there?" I asked before opening.
I might be dumb sometimes but I'm not stupid.
Is there even a difference?
"Yuri...it's me Natsuki."

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