[12] True beauty of love

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Yuri's POV
I laid in my bed, not daring to move a muscle. I had no energy to even stand up. Good thing I could convince my parents to let me stay at home today.
Even if they're not here.
Lucky for me, Yukienee stays with his girlfriend for a few days. I really can't stand his guts right now.
Also, seeing Natsuki today at school would mean they had to finally talk. I really wasn't ready for that. I don't know. I could ever be ready, but it's better to stay one more day silent.
Another point probably was the fear of seeing...how she's been doing.
I feel so guilty for leaving her behind like that, and I was thinking about calling for help a lot of times, but I wasn't sure how Natsuki would react.
Is it selfish? I don't know anything anymore...
But I had time to think when I heard my phone ringing. Someone was calling me, and I bet it's one of the Literature Club members. I ignored the sound and waited. I really had no energy to answer at the moment. My head is full of chaos.
After five minutes, I sighed and looked at my screen. Phones are addicting. I need to get some better self-control.

One missed call from: Sayori😺

Just for clarification, that's how Sayori saved herself on my phone it wasn't me.
Another 10 minutes passed by, and my phone beeped.
This time, it was a notification from the very same girl.

Sayori😺: Hii Yuri!!! It's me, Sayori, your very dearest friend. Hehe, jk jk, I wanted to ask how you're doing? Because I'm a little bit worried. Sorry if I was interrupting or something you can take your time to reply. I hope we can see each other soon again ! :)))

I couldn't help but smile at the message. Sayori was probably one of the closest friends she had right now. Even if our personalities were the complete opposite, we match pretty well together. They went to the same middle school after all.
I took a moment to think about how to reply to her message when an idea popped up in my head. Maybe Sayori could actually help her. She has a lot of empathy, after all. Even Natsuki took a liking to her.
I grinned even wider while thinking about her.
Great job, Yuri. You can't face her, yet you still think about her the whole day. I'm so stupid.
I rolled my eyes to my own annoyance and typed a message to Sayori.

Me: I'm alright, thank you for asking. Still, there's something big on my mind, I guess? I don't know what to do if I'm being honest. Would it be too much to ask if you'd like to come over today so that we could maybe talk? I feel like I could trust you with this kind of topic.

I read over it again and again before pressing on send. If she says no, there was no way I could manage anything right now. I need another person to make sure I'm not going insane right now.
Just after a few seconds, I've got a reply.

Sayori😺: UHM...yess that's absolutely possible?? I'm kind of surprised you would ask me to come over ngl, but YES OF COURSE I'LL COME! I bring some cookies! Monika made them for us :). See you in a few!

Sayoris POV
I jumped around the room with a huge wave of excitement. I literally had to spend my whole time in middle to finally get closer to Yuri, and just like that, out of nowhere, she invited me to her place. It's truly like a miracle.
The other three watched me with much amusement. I haven't even told them what was going on yet.
"GUESS WHO'S GOING TO VISIT YURI TODAY?" I pointed at myself. Natsuki looked at me with widened eyes.
"You are going...to her place?" She asked again.
"Yup. She said she wants to talk about something and she wants to talk to me!"
I felt very honoured. Yuri wasn't exactly the most open person.
I grabbed my back and headed towards the door. We just had five minutes left so it didn't really matter if I'm leaving now. Before that, I turned around once more to wave them goodbye.
Monika came closer to take my hands and smiled softly.
"I'm happy for you! Tell her we said hi, okay?" She kissed my cheek and shoed me to leave.
I quickly kissed her on her lips and left the place. Her face was completely red when I turned around for the last time. It made me kind of giggle.
I still can't believe she would go out with someone like...me.
The small stitch in my heart wasn't easy to ignore now. Good thing I can always distract myself, but it gets difficult to do so when I'm alone.
I took out my earplugs and slowly breathed in and out.
I hate feeling like this.

Yuris POV

Well, that was better than I expected?
I stood up and started to clean the house. It wasn't common for me to ask someone for a visit but drastic measures need drastic solutions!
At least, that's what Dad used to say.
I should call my parents to ask them if it's okay to have someone over here.
But they wouldn't be here until next week. Maybe I just stay silent. They don't like it when someone comes over anyway. Except their bible club members. Okay, it's just one person. They won't notice.
Jesus, I can't imagine I'm hiding things from them now. I've never done that before.
The literature club must have had some impact on her already. And not gonna lie, she liked it.


It was only a matter of time now before her friend would come over. And just as she thought about it, there was a knock on the door.
Yuri opened the door to a very hyper Sayori. She carried a bag with what Yuri assumed must be the cookies.
"Heya Yu. Hope you're hungry!"
Grinning at her, I stepped away to make space for her. She went inside, never stopping to smile at me.
Must be a common thing for her to do.
" And thanks for the invitation."
I smiled back while guiding her towards the living room. Our home wasn't the biggest but it was cosy enough to feel welcome. Most of the time.
"Would you like to have some tea?"
Figuring that we're going to eat cookies, tea would make the most sense. It also helps to calm me down.
"Yes, that would be very nice."
After some time, we both sat down on the couch and I took the first sip.
"So, what do you want to talk about?"
The shorter haired girl took a sip from her cup, too. One hour has passed already, but thankfully, none of them were in a rush right now. The only bad thing was the empty bag of cookies.
"You ever had someone you didn't know for that long but you deeply care about them? As if you...you like them more than a friend-like way. Like...romantically?"
"...Yuri if it's about MC I don't think he's into-"
"No it's not about him..."
MC was literally the last person she could think of right now.
Wow and the mention just a week ago I was forcing myself to be interested in him because he was the only boy around.
Sayori looked confused now.
"If not him. Who else? I don't think there's any other boy who you could have...wait. Is the person even a boy...?"
She raised an eyebrow. Yuri didn't know what to say. If she wouldn't be true to herself now, when's gonna be the right time?

"It's Natsuki."

The other girl opened her mouth.
If they were in a cartoon, her jaw surely would have hit the ground by now. Her eyes were almost falling out.
The suprise on her face only grew stronger and stronger.
"Well, that's uhm...that's unexpected? I thought you were straight..."
She scratched the back of her head, looking at literally anything but Yuri.
Yuri took some strings of her hair again like all the times she started to get anxious. The dark-haired girl knew she couldn't force her friend to keep going but she really wanted to hear something or else she would start to freak out.
" Okay, you like Natsuki. I'm glad you could figure it out but what exactly is the problem? Are you scared to confess to her or..."
Yuri sighed heavily. She was getting frustrated at this point.
"Why are you so cool with it?" That's all she could let out.
Sayori tilded her head slightly to the left. Disorientation was written all over her face. This time, she looked directly in Yuris' eyes.
"Cool with what exactly?"
Yuri got even more displeased by now.
She couldn't figure out why Sayori was just so chill about her liking girls.
"Natsuki is a girl." Yuri tried to be more direct now.
"I noticed..." Sayori chuckled before scratching her head more.
Alright she needed to be even more specific.
"I'm a girl too?" The taller girl added.
The other one was completely lost at this point.
Sayori nodded slowly. She was still as confused as before.
"Isn't that...bad?" Yuri gave up to talk around the topic. She had to ask.
Sayori tapped her chin with one finger a few times.
"Bad if she's straight, I guess, but I don't see why there's any problem with that."
Yuri was desperately trying to get the answer she needed to hear the whole time but that didn't happen.
"No, I meant like, isn't it wrong to love the same gender? Isn't that...horrible?"
Yuris' vision went blur as she clenched her fist as hard as she could.
Sayoris confusion turned into a sadder expression.
"Do you think my relationship with Monika is wrong too?"
Yuri turned her body fully towards her friend now, gaze widened as she blinked fast. The girl was on the edge of letting everything out but now she feels guilty for being honest.
"I...you are...dating?"
Sayori chuckled nervously.
"Natsuki almost had the same reaction as you. Kinda hilarious." Sayori looked away again. The sudden feeling of fear was overwhelming. She really tried her best to get closer to Yuri but now she's afraid that her friend might push her away for being who she is.

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