[1] The Literature Club

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Natsuki POV
"Okay you little bitch. Now go to school and no food!" My dad yelled at me. I was lying on the floor. My eyes were puffy and red. My whole body covered in bruises and my arm was bleeding a little bit. Stupid old man. Why is he doing this to me?
Ever since my mom died, he changed to a monster. He blames me for her death. "It should've been you! Not her!" He always tells me. "Don't come late." Father took his keys and left the house. I sighed and went to the kitchen. My stomach was empty and I really wanted to eat something. I can't remember when I ate something the last time. I opened the fridge. Empty.
I opened all cupboards. Empty.
No money either. Guess I'm going without food again. I sighed again and left for school. I always had to walk 40 minutes. No car. No bus. No bike. Because I have no money and dad doesn't want to give me some. Whatever. At the half way I always meet a boy and a girl. They were in second class while I was in first class. The boy was kinda cute. I won't doubt it but I don't know if I even like boys that much. The girl looks cute too. I heard that her name was Sayori. She tried to talk to me once but I ignored her. That's probably the reason why I have no friends. I ignore everyone because I don't want them to see how broken I am. I shook my head. No time for this crap Natsuki! Focuse on school and not friends.


I've reached the school and smiled. Finally! I entered the building and went to my first class for today.
I was in the school halls now.
As I walked, something catched my attention. My eyes widened. Woah...amazing...
A big advertisement for a literature club!
It was after classes and I could meet new people! Second part wasn't too pleasent but it would keep me away from home. From father...
Should I go? But if they won't like me? Ugh, as if I would care. It's okay if nobody likes me. Yes! I'll go and check it out.


School is over. I can go home and get abused by my stupid old man or I can try to have fun in a club with other people...
I just hope they like manga...
I decided to try it and entered the doors. And that's where I saw her.
She was tall and really beautiful. She smiled at me warmly. I smiled back nervously.
It was Monika!
[HA AGAIN! AHAHAHA. Okay I stop now]
She's the most popular girl at school and some say the most popular girl in town!
"Welcome to the literature club! I'm the president, Monika."
Wait, what? She's the president from this club? But why am I the only person here? Shouldn't there be more people since she's so well known?
I raised my eyebrows and gave her a confused look. Monika scratched the back of her neck and laughed nervously.
"You might think why you're the only one here ehehe...well not much people like literature and nobody knows I'm the president soo..."
I made an ahh sound. That makes sense. We were standing in front of each other with an awkward silence. Monika seemed like she was waiting for something. After a few minutes she finally spoke. "You...didn't tell me your name yet...
Omg Natsuki you're so stupid!
"S-sorry. I'm Natsuki uhm...do we have other members or are we the only one?" Monika shook her head.
"No there's Sayori and-
"WAIT! SAYORI!?" I interrupted.
Monika looked at me confused.
"Well, yeah. She's the second president." I could feel how my breath went faster. Well Fuck.
"I'm sorry to ask this but is there a problem with Sayori?" "NO! OF COURSE NOT HAHAHA WHY SHOULD I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ANYONE? I'M ALWAYS ALONE HAHA."
I mentally slapped myself for my awkwardness. The taller girl doesn't seem to mind it. "Well now you have the club and maybe we could be friends?" She held me her hand.
Is she serious? I was thinking for a moment until I accepted her hand shake. "B-but don't get too comfortable!" I said. She giggled softly. "Whatever you say little boss!" She teased. "H-Hey! I-I'm not that little!"
Suddenly I heard door cracking. Two people entered the room. "S-sorry I'm late! I was busy eating more food from the cafeteria hehe..."
Sayori made an excuse with her hands while she winked at Monika. Monika blushed and looked away.
"It's fine. Oh I see you brought someone with you?" Sayori nodded. The cute boy from earlier joined us.
"Uhm hi...I'm MC and I'm only here because Sayori wouldn't stop complaining about joining her club." Everyone started to laugh well except Sayori. "Hey! Meanie! I didn't force you, did I?" He patted her head. "No you didn't." He acts like an older brother. That's soo sweet!
I giggled and that's were they noticed me. "Oh hi! Didn't see you first hehe excuse me." Sayori gave me a welcoming smile. "Oh w-well y-yeah." The other girl hugged me. "Welcome to the club! I'm Sayori. Second president but first best friend of everyone!" My body went numb. That was the first time that somebody hugged me. It feels kinda nice...
"I'm Natsuki. Oh and I'm sorry for that one time I ignored you or whatever."
I don't want to look weak so I try to be harsh. "Oh that time...yeah it's fine. Already forgot about it!" She gave me a grin. "So there was something eh?" Monika smirked. "IT'S NOTHING!" I said a bit loud. Everyone laughed again. "So can we start?" Sayori asked Monika. "Well there is one person left. Wonder where he or she is." Sayori nodded. Wait theres someone else? Well they're really late. Hope they are not the sloby type. Footsteps came closer and then they opened the door.
"Sorry for the wait! I hope you didn't start yet. I've got distracted!" A deep voice excused herself. I turn around and saw a purple girl. A TALL purple girl. Omg she's so fucking tall wtf.
Her long purple hair matched her purple eyes and her chest was three times bigger than mine. UGH WHY AM I LOOKING AT HER CHEST!?
"Ah so you must be Yuri?" Monika asked the girl. "Yes that's right. Pleasent to meet all of you." Yuri introduced herself. Ah so she's the polite type. Kinda annoying but whatever. Yuri greeted everyone and then stopped by me. "Uhm..."
She stopped smiling and looked rather confused and than angry. "What?" My heart started to beat faster. What the hell? Yuri smiled again. "Just thinking about something heh. What's your name?"

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