[6] Why

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Yuri's POV
"Okay guys! Let's pick her up but be careful! She's in a bad condition."
The paramedics gently placed Natsuki's body on a stretcher. She didn't move or said anything.

"Hey young lady. Can you tell me please who you are and who she is?"
A young woman asked me. I didn't hear her. I was so distracted with the thought of losing Natsuki.
Of course, we didn't know each other so well.
Yeah, we just met today. 
So why I am so worried about someone I don't know?

"Lady we need some informations about her!" The woman said.
"Oh-Oh r-right. Her name is Natsuki...Natsuki..."
I don't even now her last name.
The paramedic raised a brow.
"That's all? And what's your name?"
"Yuri, Yuri Kanashī."
(This is not her real name. I just made one)
"Okay Miss Kanashī. Can you tell us what happened to Miss...to Natsuki, please?"
I shook my head. The woman sighed and pointed to her partners.
"We don't know what exactly happened but considering that her arms and legs are bruised, we might think that she got abused or at least beated up badly."
That made me go on full rage mode.
I had to think about Natsuki's smile, her beautiful eyes and how we spend the time in the bathroom.
All I could think was-

Who on this planet would hurt such a cute girl!?
After realising what I thought, my face heated up quickly to a point were the woman even asked me if everything was alright.
W-why did I thought she was cute?
W-why is my heart beating so fast?
I don't understand this. It makes not sense.
My stomach was twisting, my chest was bumbing and my fingers were twitching. I've never felt like this.
Luckily, the woman interrupted my strange behaviour.
"Well, we're taking her to the nearest hospital. She needs medical help. You can come visit her if you want."
She gave me a card of the hospital and joined her team.
They prepared some stuff and left.
I decided to go home and wait for a call since I have given them my phone number.

I opened the doors and looked inside.
"Hello? Mother are you home?"
No response.
I sighed and closed the doors.
It was okay if mother wasn't home but I was surprised about my brother.
Oh didn't I mentioned him?
His name is Yukinee and he's just one year older than me but is acting like an total adult. And he's annoying.
Usually he would be outside hanging out with his friends since he's always alone at home but it was already late.
Well I guess he stayed by someone.
Okay stop thinking about him. Think about Natsuki...NO NOT IN THIS WAY DAMNIT YURI GOD WILL SEND YOU IN HELL.
Ugh whatever. I don't believe in God.
For some reason I was thinking about what the woman said.

We don't know what exactly happened but considering that her arms and legs are bruised, we might think that she got abused or at least beated up badly.

I didn't believe that someone in her family would abuse her. I mean yes she's pretty annoying at some point but also a pure little cutie pie.
Yuri seriously stop.
But also: Why would she fight with someone? Or for what?
I didn't make sense to me.
Then I was thinking about the accident in the bathroom. It wasn't really an accident but...
Wait...what if she did this...to herself?
I mean she is surely dealing with anger issues or something...
Oh no she really did this to herself?
But that's not a solution!
Hurting yourself is never a solution...
"Ugh what am I even saying? I'm literally as bad as her..."

I looked at my wrist.
Tears were forming in my eyes.
These Thoughts are coming back.
Coming back to hurt myself.
No! Stop it. It's not the right time.
I was even more crying until I couldn't breath.
I don't need it...

Her and only Her [YurixNatsuki]Where stories live. Discover now