[14] conversations

159 11 4

Natsuki's POV
I headed home. It was way past the usual time I went back, but today was so much fun.While Sayori left to visit a certain GIRL, who I definitely didn't want to think about right now, Monika and MC treated me for ice cream.

To sum it up, they both were arguing of who would pay it for me, even though I insisted that I don't need anything.
It's funny how competitive they were.
I've never noticed that before.
"Let me handle it. You already have a girlfriend you can spend your money on and if I'm correct, you've ordered her the biggest Teddy plush possible?
MC crossed his arms, looking away from Monika and closing his eyes.
Monika gasped in the most dramatical way possible, clearly taken a back but slightly grinning.
"At least I have a partner. Unless like someone else who's too afraid to admit his feelings to the famous football player at our school!"
That was the second time I've had a shock reaction today.
"Wait a damn minute, MC...YOU'RE GAY TOO!?"
He turned around to look at me, raising an eyebrow.
"You didn't know...? Oh, I had no time to tell you. Yeah, sorry, that's my bad, I guess..."

The dark-haired boy laughed nervously and rubbed his left arm a few times.
Natsuki noticed that he always did that when he was feeling uncomfortable.
Which was a lot of times.
"It's fine? Honestly, I don't really care who you like. But it seems like we're not only the Literature Club but also the gay club at this point. Honestly, having a Literature Club is already kind of a homosexual thing to do."
I chuckled and joined the ice cream queue. Both Monika and MC glanced at each other, and it looked like they had big question marks above their head.
"It might be true that three of us are queer but calling as the gay club includes you too, doesn't it?"
I think Monika only tried to tease me but she hit some nerves.
Monika looked at MC and then back at me again, her wrinkles rising.
"Natsuki, I've never mentioned a name..."
"...me neither...?" I tried to hide the fact that I just told them my big crush on the CERTAIN GIRL who's spending time with someone else right now and not visiting school and talk about her about all this mess.
MC couldn't stop laughing, he was laughing so much that he almost passed out.
"Natsuki, you just casually mentioned that you're into Yuri. Well our Yuri not Yuri in general but with your gay awakening you're into both Yu-"
"Shut up and get us ice cream."
Monika was done with his bullshit.
He gulped and left both girls to order their ice cream.

I was furious. Not fully at the stupid boy in front me no, I was angry at myself for telling them. I should have been more careful with my words.
I overthink a lot but when I talk to other people I literally don't think at all.
That's stupid af.
I clenched my fists as I always do when I'm not feeling good about myself.
Monika took both of my hands and gently rubbed them.
"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it too much. Nobody here is going to judge you, I promise."
She gave me a small smile and slowly breathed in and out.
I tried to mimic her, which actually helped a lot.
She's really good at this.
"Thanks Monika. I...yeah... I appreciate it, I guess."
It's still hard for me to express myself without having doubts but I'm getting little by little used to it.
The taller one pat my shoulder and lead us to our table.
"I know you might have some issues and I don't want to force you to talk about them but I know a good therapist you might want to visit sometime? I don't want to be mean, I swear. I just think talking to someone who's experienced in this kind of situation might really take some stress away."
She gave me a credit card.
Dr. Johnson? Isn't that...
"Yeah, it's from my dad..."
The brunette put some strings behind her ear and tapped on the table, looking at something invisible.
I didn't get why she was feeling so awkward about this but I should say something to reassure her that everything is fine.
"Thank you. I'll think about it."
I smiled at her and she smiled back, sighing loudly and leaning her head behind the chair.
"So your dad is a therapist? What's your mom's job?"
Monika made an irrated face but immediately changed her expression with a more relaxed one.
"So my dad's a therapist and my papa is a french chef cook."
That was the third shock of today.
One more, and I can greed my mom soon.
"That's so cool. Having a cook as a father means also having good...food..."
That's when my mood went down again. I'm happy that she got something good, at least.
Monika seemed to notice my sudden downer and tried to change the topic.
Good thing that MC just came right on time with a plate and our food.

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