[7] Baka Yuri

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Natsuki's POV
My heaad...wait...WHERE AM I!?
Oh I'm in a hospital...
Where's Father? Did he took me here?
No he wouldn't do something
nice like that.
But how did I get here then?
I tried to stand up and then I felt a sharp pain going through my stomach. Screw this shit!

After a good 5 minutes, cursing to myself the door was getting opened and the Doc entered my room.
"Ah you're finally awake! Hello Natsuki I'm Doctor Shinda."
He smiled.
Like if you smile when you find out your patient is not dead. I gave him a small nod, signalling him to continue.
"Eh so...we made sure to treat your injuries. Especially the ribcage and your stomach. It seems like you've got into a fight for several times huh?"
I looked away and sighed quietly to myself. "You can talk about it if you want but I'm not forcing you to do so."
The Doc smiled again.
Why they're always smiling so stupidly?
"Also, the young woman who was with you is waiting outside with a few others."
Doctor Shinda pointed to the doors.
Young woman? Others??
What is he talking about...
I opened my mouth to ask him who the hell was with me but closed it again when I saw a tall figure entering the my room with three other people. I imendatly could regonzie the purple braided hair.
"Natsuki! You're finally awake and...you're okay"
Yuri did a half smile, gently taking my hand that she treated in school.
Monika, Sayouri and MC were close behind her, giving me a big grin.
"You look...not so bad." If Monika tried to cheer me up then she completely failed to do so.
"Yeah...don't worry you'll be fit in a few days and then we can bake a lot of cupcakes and then I'm going to eat them all!" Sayouri was cheerful as always. Even though it annoyed sometimes, she always makes me feel better but of course I won't admit it.
"Sayouri she can't even stand up properly how could she make cupcakes for you later?" MC patted the smaller girls had while she shrugged her arms with a pout.
Is it crazy that these people make me so happy right now? I've only knew them for a short time and they came here for me anyways. Is that what friendshipt feels like? I want more...
Small tears were gently falling down my cheeks. To think that something like a visit made me explode out of joy was very unusual.
"Oh my- Natsuki! What's wrong?"
Yuri took my hand again. I must admit that girl can be clingy if she wants to.
I never would think of her like that.
Yuri seems to be more like the shy type.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." I said while letting her hand go. Now it's too cold.
(A/N for you here... okay sorry I'll go now ._.)
"Well I guess we should let you rest now since you seem to be okay. Let's go MC I want to show you my new poems!" Monika took MC's hand.
The boy was blushing madly while they headed towards the exit.
WAIT FOR MEEE." Sayouri gave me a quick smile and ran towards the couple. Now it was only me and Yuri.
It makes me wonder why though.
"Don't you want to go with them? I do need some rest, you know?" I said my head turned to the window with shrugged arms. I finally stopped crying too.
Yuri didn't answer me. I could see through the reflection that she was starring at me. Normally starring would creep me out but for some reason I just looked back at her with the same passion. This took her probably of guard because she made a small gasp and looked away.
I swear I could see a blush...nah I'm just making things up


"I-I uh...sorry." The purple haired girl played with a few strands of her hair.
"It's fine. Just...answer my question."
And there was silence again.
Ugh this is akward.
"Yuri what's wrong? You're acting kinda weird, even for you." I chuckled.
"I...need to go now." She quickly left the room with no goodbye.
"Yuri wai-..."
No it's not like I did something wrong.
That girl is just really weird. Who would look at you and not talk to you?
I don't understand her. I really don't.
Then I heard a knock and a quiet young nurse came with some plates.
"Breakfast time!"
Wait I get food in hospitals?

The next day was more boring without anyone. The hospital tried to contact my father since yesterday but he wouldn't pick up the phone nor visit me. But that was okay for me since I'm not going to be excited to see him anyways. I just hope that he won't punish me for getting medical treatment and worrying the Doctors.
Who am I kidding? Of course he will.
He always does...
Beside the terrifying thoughts of my old man, I was feeling a lot better than usually. Almost everyone hates the hospital food but for me it was like a five stars meal. Eating three times a day was like a dream for me that came true. Doctor Shinda was relieved and curious at the same time of how I ate almost everything from lunch. Even the red beet that most of the patients didn't like.
(A/N I hate them so much. If you don't agree than FIGHT ME! Jk jk haha)
"Well Natsuki it seems like you have a good appetite for a small girl like you. That's a good sign."
I did a small sound at the mention of my height but didn't say anything.
I'm not small. I'm just below average that's all.
"Anyways, we have good and bad news for you. The good news is that you can leave the hospital in two days. Bad news, we can't reach your father. That's very irresponsible for an adult. I might need to talk to him-"
"NO!" I screamed. Doctor Shinda raised an eyebrow.
Good job idiot.
"I-I mean please don't talk to him. He probably just thinks that I'm staying at a friends house plus, he's very busy with work maybe that's why you can't call him. I'm sure he'll eventually call back today or tomorrow."
Doc Shinda sighed and nodded a few times. "Okay if you really say so then we wait but if he won't call us back till tomorrow then we have to visit your house and talk to him personally."
The last sentence made me shiver.

HEY...how ya doing? Ehhh...
Did I say that I'm going to publish more? Mayyybeee...
Didn't I post for over 10 months?

But yeah there is no excuse for the hiatus. I wasn't really interested in DDLC anymore but now I'm back and feeling better than ever! I already started to write the next 2 chapters so stay tuned. And this time I'm going to finish this story without any pauses.

Have a good day!

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