[8] The truth?

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Natsuki's POV
"Natsuki we have great news for you! Your father finally called us back. He's going to pick you up in a few hours!" Doctor Shinda joyfully waved with his phone while he was showing me the biggest grin I've ever seen. For someone who isn't home that much and flirts around with the nurses while being a married man, he sure is feeling proud to take some responsibilities for me...
Of course, she would never admit that in front of him. The slightly tanned man was there for her after all. Looking after Natsuki's health and making sure she's eating enough and that she always takes her medications.

Three more days have passed by and
although the Doc said they need to make a visit at my house, they never actually could reach my father. He wasn't even at home for almost five days...
That surely wasn't a big surprise for Natsuki. In fact, it made her very very happy to finally get some rest from the hell life she's been living inside the four walls from the most terrifying and horrible [A/N: Let's not forget fricking ugly but well that's not necessary for the story chile-] man on this world.

Only with a lot of ensuring nonsense and effort it took for Natsuki to let her Doctor wait for her father to call back. Not to be unrealistic: He had some suspicions of course. Even the girl knew she's not going to try to change his mind for some more time. So her father finally calling back could mean both:
One of her worst nightmares and biggest relives. It could mean everything. And if so said: EVERYTHING
Neither less to mention the live she's going to have again in not even more than an hour anymore. The pink haired girl hated it. She really did.
For the very first time in her life, she's never been so frustrated and angry to come back home. Never.

"Natsuki...? Are you...alright?" Shinda waved his hand in front of the girl.
She was in her Trance, shutting everyone and everything out. Only one sentence from the Doctor made her come back to reality again. Natsukis smile was never that big before. Especially not with the thought of her father who's going to make her life even worse than hell for now. It's only a few letters but they gave her so much comfort that she finally could breath again after holding it for who knows how long.

"You have a visitor. A tall girl. She seems to be very pretty, don't you think so?"
Honestly, the chosen words from Shinda were kind of weird but they still made her think about the "mysterious girl" outside of her door. It was just an unnecessary comment but Natukis mind has been going crazy. I mean what's even the problem? Sure Yuri is pretty but that's like so obvious. Heck she's absolutely stunning. Plus Yuri must be so smart and yes even kind...sometimes.
I mean what the hell?? How am I not jealous of someone like her? She's everything I wanted...to be. Yes to be.
Nothing else...
Hold on why the tell did j immediately think it must he Yuri when he mentioned "pretty"? I mean honestly there a lot of pretty and tall girls. Well it wouldn't make much sense that somebody else besides Yuri would have gone to visit her.
A light tap on her shoulders brought her back (again) to reality. Not to admit it but she kind of wished it was Yuri but Doctor Shinda still wasn't moving from his spot, clearly trying to finish this akward vibe and go back to his other patients. The weirdest thing is: No matter what happened between them he never lost his smile. It wasn't quiet comfortable for the petite girl to have fake interactions all ghe time. Like it's happening now too.
There he goes, trying to act 100% happy again. As if he really liked to hang out with me like we're some children on a teaparty...
Okay now I'm only having dumb ideas.

"I'm just...gonna have you to enjoy some time with the girl...I guess? Though, is there still anything you wanna talk about before I'm leaving?"
Natsuki was hesitating but managed to shake her head to signal him that he can leave now. As the man was pushing down the handle there was already Yuri standing right in front of him. It made the whole situation even more awkward because they're almost exactly the same height. Maybe he was two inches shorter than the purple haired girl. He seemed to be surprised by that. There's no information about his height but Natsuki guessed he's something around 5"8 or a little bit less so like an average person. Yuri on the other side was quiet tall for a girl in their region. It made Natsuki wonder sometimes where Yuri is coming from because she's definitely not 100% from Japan. Well her British accent already answered the question.

"OH! I'M- I'm uhm...so sorry!" Yuri took a big step back while almost hitting a Nurse that was passing by with empty tablets and medications. You could tell, the working Lady wasn't pleased at all but just shut down and kept walking after almost falling on the floor. One or two spoons flew above her head while she got herself up and collected the missing items that were lying around.
Yuri apologised nearly 100 times before she finally decided to give all her attention to the person in front of her, sitting in her bed with both arms crossed under her chest. No matter how hard the pink haired girl tried to controll herself, Yuri could tell that she was holding back her laughs because of the very very akward. Eventually she gave up and burst out laughing.
The taller one didn't think it was funny at all but she just couldn't be mad at Natsuki. Yuri didn't know exactly why. Something about Natsukis laugh and smiles were making her feel some kind of joy. Yuri quickly brushed away these thoughts making up an excuse like Natsuki rarely smiles. That must be it. Just feeling a little bit unusually happy for her.


Both girls gasped. They forgot that the physician was still here with them. Still,
Yuri thought it was kind of weird for him not to leave and just make small taps from one foot to the other one.
"Yeah well sorry just pretend like I've already left byeee! See you later Natsuki!" The tall girl watched after him as he finally left the room and started to walk trough the hallways. Somehing was definitely off about him. Just his presence made Yuri shiver a little bit. You're overthinking again...
"So." Natsuki tried to get Yuris attention back for the third time already. Yuri turned around, back to facing the other one and made a little "hmpfh" sound while obviously still being somewhere else and not talking to Natsuki.
"Ya wanna stare some more into literally nothing or are ya gonna tell me already why you're here?"
Yuri sighed. It didn't surprise her at all that Natsuki still reacts a little bit like a brat.
Well at least she's acting more like the old Natsuki so that should be a good sign.

"I wanted to apologise for running of the other day. It was...just exhausting I didn't even know you would stay this long here too tho. I was ready to have a cup of tea with everyone else in the club. Including you of course....but well I assume your parents didn't pick you up yet? Sorry if I may sound rude asking this."
That's when Yuri remembered the night when she found Natsuki nearly- unconscious body just lying around on the cold streets. Blood coming out of her mouth and nose. Bruised up while breathing heavily and with tears in her eyes. Now looking at the same girl staring at her with big round eyes and already trying to smile just for Yuri.
The tall girl clenched her fist tightly.
It was too much. The memories made her feel like throwing up. She would or could never understand how someone can hurt this sweetheart with cute, pink short hair and these eyes that showed pure innocence.

Yuri believed in pacifism. She really did. But, right now, in this very moment, it was the first time that she wanted to beat up someone. Someone who hurt the girl. Natsuki. Her friend.


Oh...well uhm hello.
I'm here? Tried to get back to old fandoms and it kind of worked. So yeah I'm feeling motivated again but idk if there's still someone who would read the story. Oh well I actually enjoy it so. See you very soon!

~The author aka Gin<3

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