[4] Blush

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Natsuki's POV
I looked at her again.
WHAT THE FUCK HER FACE IS SO GORGEOUS? Welp here goes my...gayness? Am I...gay? For Yuri?
Well that would make sense with her name- UGH SHUT UP BRAIN!
I can't be gay. No no no. MC is the only one I could like...or not? I mean he's a boy and yeah...
I broke myself with all these thoughts.

Suddenly Yuri leaned closer. I didn't move. Too scared or paralyzed.
She comese closer and closer. Her face was so close now. I could
see her freckles.
Her breath just above me. Yuri shook her head and took the stuff she dropped a few minutes ago. 
W-what she trying to do?

Dum Dum Dum Dum
This heat is killing me. And I still don't know what it really is. It can't be love.
No it really can't be love.
I winced again when I felt my hand was still in so much pain.
Yuri noticed it and laid some bandages besides me.
"Here take some pills. They're painkillers."
I nodded again and took them. My stomach felt so strange. Like I need to vomit any second. You shouldn't take medicine with an empty stomach idiot!
Now it's going to be more painful.
The other girl was leaning against the wall. Her hands on her back.
She's staring at me again. I tried to move a bit, feeling uncomfortable with her gazing me and all.
"Now let's put the bandage on your hand okay?"

She laid my hand on the table and  took the bandage. Yuri carefully wrapped it around my hand, never dared to look away from me. I just stared at the wall. Not wanting to meet our eyes again.
She was definitely trying to kiss me.
Or maybe not? Omg I'm freaking out.
She would not do this. I'm a wreck.
Nobody will ever like me but I'm okay with it. After all what happened in my hell like life. I- I don't need love or affection now. S-she wasn't trying to make a move anyways. Pff as I would care. I mean, we're both girls. Ughh...
"Done." I snapped from my trance.
"Huh?" Yuri looked at my hand. I did the same. All wrapped up.
Wow she's good at this. Wonder why.
"Thanks..." I said after a while.
"You're welcome. But I still have some questions if it's okay?" I nodded.
She smiled nervously, looking at something else. I've waited for her to go on. The purple girl spoke again.
"Why do you have so much bruises?"

My breathing got faster, my head was spinning and I tried to stop trembling.
I gulped a few times, my sweat rolling down my face. My eyes widened. 
I can't tell her the truth. There is no way I can tell her the truth. I hardly doubt she could help me and I don't even know her so good. Heck I've met her just two hours ago or so.
Shit what should I say? It must be something logical but what?
Fuck fuck fuck.

"Uhhh...it's...I'm...I'm working out a lot and sometimes accidents happen ya know?" I wanted to punch me in he face.  Working out? Seriously? You look like a toothpick on crack. Idiot.
"Oh...guess it makes some sense..."
She's definitely not believing it.
"Y-yeah eheheheh." Just shut up already you piece of garbage ughh.
"And what happend with your hand?
I mean everything was okay until you came back, right?" No left.
"Well you see I've got angry. Maybe a little bit too much angry...and I managed to...hurt myself?"
Yuri flinched at the last two words.
Damn what's her problem? It's not like I'm cutting myself or anything. Getting already to much from father.
"Okay...d-don't do this a-again.
P-please. H-hurting yourself isn't an
o-option." What's with all this stuttering girl? Are you hiding something? Hmmm.
"Okay whatever. We should go back. The others are waiting for us and I need to talk to MC about something."
The other girl agreed and we made our way back to the club.

I knocked on the door and went inside. "S-sorry for the wait. We had a... few things to clear." Yuri said.
Monika and Sayori smirked at the same time while MC read something, fully ignoring us.
Wait...is that...MANGA? OMG AHAHA.
I asked. Okay I yelled.
The boy jumped from my reaction.
"W-well yeah. We can read it t-together i-if y-you want..."
I realized how existed I was and tried to be kinda annoyed. Stupid MC.
"W-well i-it's not l-like I r-really want t-to spend t-time with y-you...b-but yeah I-I have n-nothing to do now
s-so I g-guess it's f-fine for m-me."
MC giggled quietly and pushed himself away from the seat, giving me some space to sit. We were so close to each other. I accidentally touched his leg with mine. Which was kinda awkward because I was wearing a rock. He blushed and looked at the manga. "It's called seven deadly sins and it's really good." The boy said, trying to ignore what happened.
"Oh I know them they are fine."

As we read, I could feel something watching us. Or better someone. I looked around after a while and saw nothing suspicious. Sayori was eating muffins and Monika was talking about a book while Yuri was listening to her. But she didn't seem to be so much interested. What kind if books does she like? Why am I asking myself this? Ugh just concentrate reading for fucks sake.
"Are you done with this part?" MC asked after a few minutes.
"Oh...eh yeah." He went to the next page, still giving me that smile.
We continued reading when I felt this crepped out again. I quickly looked over the Monika and Yuri and saw Yuri watching us. Our eyes met and she quickly looked away. I could swear she was blushing. Nah probably imagining things again. *sigh*
MC looked over to me. "Are you alright? Or is it uncomfortable?"
Aww he's caring. That's actually...sweet but...Idk nothing is really happening inside me.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine nothing to worry about. As you would care anyways."
And there's again my bitchy attitude.
But I can't help it. It's always like this when I'm nervous or stressed. My dad made sure about it.
My head was spinning again by the thoughts of my father waiting for me at home just to do again what he's always doing to me. My vision went blurry. I shook my head and tried to stay calm. MC felt my panic. He learned his arm around me, trying to comfort me whatever is going on.
I smiled at him and laid on his arm like a pillow. It really helps me to calm down from my light panic attack.
It was...nice. "T-thanks I-I guess."
The student smiled happily and leaned against my head. "You're welcome sis."
Yeah sis. But when I think about it. He IS acting like a big brother sometimes. Maybe we can really be like brother and sister. He's the only boy so it would work out and I don't think I have feelings for him so it's fine for me.

"Oh-Oh. Somebody is jealous~"
Sayori gave Yuri a teasing smirk.
Suddenly Yuri went on full panic.
Her face was red. Like really red.
"M-ME WHAT!? N-no..."
The purple girl looked at her feet.
It was silent for a moment.
"Don't worry MC is free but watch. He's really shy and nervous."
Sayori giggled.
"S-SAYORI! SHUT UP!" Now MC was the one blushing. Something in me made me feel awful. What's wrong with me?
Sayori smiled not stopping with her teasing. "Yeah you're right. You have Natsuki now I mean, you two are cuddling hehe~" Now it was my turn to blush. But of embarrassment.
"Sayori he was just trying to comfort me 'cause I don't feel so good you...!"
I didn't know that I was yelling at this point. Sayori stopped laughing and muttered something like I'm sorry.
"I think that's enough for today..." Monika sighed and clapped two times.
MC and I stood up and looked at each other. He gave me a small piece of paper. There was a number on it.
"If you need someone to talk, my ears are open for you 'kay?" I nodded with a smile. "Thank you for today. You really helped me dude." I said.
He grinned and pat my head.
"Glad that I could help. But I hope not for the last time hehe." We both giggled at how dumb we were.

"Hey Natsuki I'm sorry about that. I was just teasing you ya know?"
Sayori joined us. First I thought I should blame her but then I just tried to smile. "It's okay. Just don't do it again." I said and looked away.
Awkward silence.
MC made a fake cough. "So uhm...I guess we go now." Sayori and I nodded.
"See you tomorrow?" Sayori asked.
I smiled and said: "Of course."

Her and only Her [YurixNatsuki]Where stories live. Discover now