[5] punishment

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Natsuki's POV
I just was about to leave the school when I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around to see no other than Monika. "Hi Monika. Do you need something?" I asked as friendly as I can. Not sure if we have a good bond.
"I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to hide your problems okay? I'm...we're here for you,...you know right?"
And with that she disappeared as quick as she came,
leaving me speechless.
What does she mean? I-I don't have secrets...wait did she see my bruises? Or...did Y-Yuri tell her about it?
N-No...she wouldn't dare, would she?
I sighed and prepared myself for the long home walk. As I go, I could feel my stomach grumbling.
You need to eat Natsuki.
'Ugh no I don't need food. I'm fine.'
Stop lying to yourself. You're going to get sick or maybe even worse soon.
'Shut up brain! Nothing is going to happen. Just a little sick.'
When was the last time I ate something?
'A week ago...'


I entered the building and went straight to my room.
Oh good dad is not home. He's probably going out drinking again.
I sat on my bed, not knowing what to do. Eventually I took my phone and sent MC a message. I have an idea.

Me: Hey, it's Natsuki.
        You there?

I waited a few minutes for his respond. When I didn't get a message back, I started to doubt myself.
What if he doesn't want to talk to me?
Ugh, I should have known this was a big mistake from the sta-


I quickly looked at the screen.

MC: Yup. Just finished
         homework. What's up?

I sighed in relief and typed again.

Me: bored. Do you have the
        numbers from the others?

MC: Yup. Well from Monika and
         Sayori at least. You want them?

I was kinda disappointed because he didn't has Yuri's number. Now I need to ask her on my own damnit.

Me: If it's okay, yes.

MC: Of course it is. Wait a sec.

After a while he sent me Sayori's and Monika's numbers.

Me: Thanks!


Me: No emojis!

MC: Geez, can't have a little fun

I giggled at how dorky he was.

Me: You're really annoying Nee-San

MC: Oh so I'm your brother now?xD

Me: Idk...feels like it. Are you okay
        with it?

MC: Well it's fine. I've kinda felt the
         same heh ○~○

Me: Baka

MC: :(

Me: Are doing this on purpose?

MC: What? ;(

But before I could answer him, I heard Keys unlocking the door. Father stepped inside and shut the door with a loud bang. He's really pissed.
"NATSUKI!" He yelled. I ran to him as fast as I could, afraid of what he might to do me now.
"I'm here...Sir." I didn't dare to look at him. My breath went heavier as he came closer. "Where have you been?"
He noticed it.
"S-Sir I was in school."
And here came the first slap.
"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He yelled again.
"B-but it's the tr-"
The next slap and then a kick in my belly. I lied on the floor just like in morning now. "What's up with your hand?" Dad asked me.
"A-Accident..." Another kick. I could taste the blood in my mouth.
"Stupid bitch. So dumb." He took my wrapped hand and squeezed it as hard as he could. I let out a sharp scream and then he punched me.
"Shut-the-fuck-up" He whispered.
My face was bleeding from the cuts.
He's wearing his ring.
"Ugh look at you. All messed up like the fuck up you are." Another punch, another kick, another slap, countless.
"NOW GO OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU UNTIL YOU DON'T CLEAN YOURSELF!" He grabbed me by my hair and kicked me outside with closing the door.
I crawled as fast as I could away from my home. Just somewhere away from this hell. After 15 minutes I was too exhausted and just laid besides the streets. My breathing went lower and lower. Too exhausted. Too painful.

At this point, I wanted to die. I didn't care about anything anymore. Just lying on the ground and let me die from the beat up. Maybe it's my destiny to die here. Like the fuck
up I am.
My body started to get unconscious. My eyes tired of staying awake so long. But before everything went black, I heard a gasp from a person.

(Sry this chapter is Short)

Her and only Her [YurixNatsuki]Where stories live. Discover now