Chapter 24: Destruction Lives On

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Nightmare's POV hours later

I hear a dark laugh and glance over, seeing Paps enter through a portal. He has a notepad in his hands and checks off a box.

"ThAt MaKeS tHiRtY! BrO wOULd bE sO pRoUd! AnD nObOdY cAuGhT Me!"He says

"Caught you doing what?"I ask, morphing back to my goopy form as I walk over

Perl sits on my head, purring.

"HeY nIgHtMaRE! OkAy, So i WaS hAVInG a NiCe TiMe iN UnDeRSwAp WhEN mY pHonE gOeS oFf wItH aN eMeRgEnCy aLeRt fRom ErRroR! He mAdE iT iN cAsE sOmEThIng EvEr hApPeNED tO hIm aS a WaRnInG, sPeCiFiCaLlY iN cAsE oF FaTe aBuSinG hIm aGaIn! AnYwAyS, I gO hOmE tO fiNd iT a MeSs! So mUch ThAt I kNoW wHo Is rEsPonSibLe! AnD iN rEtUrN fOr tHe oBviOuS tRoUBLE tHey cAuSe hIm, I jUst dEsTrOyEd a BuNch oF AuS. NoW, i KnOw tHaT tHeRe'S a BaLaNcE, bUt I aM gOiNG tO hAve DrEaM's hEaD f0r tHis!"He explains, showing me an apology letter from my brother for him and Ink abducting Error.

I clench my fists and Perl starts hissing.

"Any idea where Error is?"I ask

"HiS PhOnE wIlL be pLayInG dEaD nOw sO nObOdY cAn uSe It. AnD I caN't tRaCk hIm oR hIs cOdE. BuT ErRoR tOlD mE aLl tHe wAys tO gEt tO iNk, tHe bEsT wAy iS tO cAuSe DeStrUcTiOn. So, sHaLl wE bRinG hIm oUt wItH a StOrM?"He replies

Then he pauses, clenching his chest tightly and shaking. His eye trembles as something seems to dawn on him. His face goes pale.

"Oh sTaRs No...BrOthEr...I'm gOiNg tO kiLl ThEm."He says, clenching his fists.

"What happened? Are you okay?"I ask

"I aM vErY cOnnEctEd wItH mY bRoThEr. OuR gLiTchY soUlS cAn sPeAk yOu cOulD sAy fOr wHat I cAn'T hEaR. I cAn sEnSe eVeRyTimE hE cRaShEs aNd WhY hIs SoUl SeTs iT ofF....ThEy dEsErVe vOoDoO dOlLs liKE ThE lAst One tHat diD tHis."He tells me, then bends over more

"Those assholes are assaulting him?!"I snap

"WoRsE."He says

I frown, then remember something. Error said that the more destruction he causes, the more it physically hurts Ink. He caught on after destroying an AU during a battle in his antivoid and how Ink nearly dropped to his knees. I smirk.

"Let's cause them hell. But first, I have a call to make."I say, taking out my phone

I call Blue, having copied the number from Error's phone once.

"Hello? Who is this?"He asks

"Hello, Blue. You're still a Star Sans, correct? Well I advise you go check on them and knock some sense into them before it costs them both their heads. I'd hate for you to lose your friends because of their stupid scheme targeting a glitch they can't have."I say, then hang up.

I turn to Paps and he opens a portal. I whistle, having the gang gather in seconds.

"Time to cause some chaos. Let's go."I say

We go through and start wrecking havoc on the AUs.

Error, please be okay. We'll have their heads for this.

"SpReAd oUt aNd cOnqUeR!"Paps shouts, opening portals for us to cover more ground

I grin.

Suffer in agony, Ink.

Meanwhile, Error's POV

I finish rebooting to see Ink puking, folding in on himself and groaning in pain.

A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now