Chapter 26: Deserving

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Error's POV the next morning

I slowly wake up, finding blankets wrapped around me until I am in a little cocoon and getting held close by Nightmare's tentacles as he sleeps as well. I smile, snuggling into his hold. He opens his eye.

"How did you rest?"He asks

"It wAs jUSt RoUnD tWo wItH DrEaM sInCe hE gOt tHe bRiGht iDeA tHaT inTrUdINg oN mY miNd wiLl bE tHe wAy To FiX ThE lAsT miStAkE oR wHaTeVeR."I say with a shrug

"Ugh, I am sorry-"He begins

"It wAs hiLaRiOuS. He wAs hOrRiFiEd bY mY miNd, tHoUgH i DoN'T kNoW wHat He wAs eXpEctIng a gLitChY mIND tO bE. It EnDeD uP bEiNg a TrAp fOr hIm t0 be ToRtUrEd bY inStEaD."I say

"Oh really?"He asks with a grin

I nod.

"He gOt lOsT sO eAsiLy aNd i hAd fUlL cOnTrOl. I lEt hIm eXpErIeNcE a cRaSh aNd ReBoOt sInCe aNyThInG cAn hApPen iN a dReAm. YeAh hE diDn'T liKe tHaT sO i jUst fRoZe hiM iN plAcE aNd hIt aLl oF hIs wEaK spOtS, wHiCh wItH a FeW mEMoRieS iS vErY EaSy."I say

"I'm glad you had fun and got some good sleep out of it."He says

I smile at him, then hear banging at the window.

"Get away from him!"Dream shouts

I glance over, seeing Dream banging at the window. I roll my eyes, snuggling closer to Nightmare.

"Man, he really is upset. What nerves did you hit?"He asks

"ThAt i Am hApPy wItH yOu aNd NoT hIm dEsPiTe hIs bEliEfS aBoUt y0u. He dOeSn'T tAkE rEjEcTiOn wElL aNd tHiNkS yOu'd jUst aBuSe mE fOr PowEr bUt tHat iS eAsiLy dEbUnKed WhEn cOmPaRiNg yOur bEhAvIoR tO hIs. He DoEsn'T liKe rEaLiTy eItHeR."I say, feeling my shoulder where a marked bruise from Dream is

"He did assault you severely and let Ink toy with you."He says

Wait, how did he know? I didn't tell him, so-?

He sets me aside on the couch, walking over to the window.

"You are boldly stupid to come here. Oh and what is it that you said to Error? Oh right. In case you haven't noticed, you aren't exactly in a threatening position. You're alone here. So I suggest you leave before I come out there and deal with you myself."He says

Did he seriously check my mind to get that info?

"You don't deserve Error!"Dream snaps

"And neither do you."He says casually, though I notice his tentacles drop at that

He didn't even fight that comment. Just accepts it. I get the blankets off of me and get up, sneaking up behind him.

"DoN't liE tO hIs fAcE, DrEaM. jEaLoUsY dOeS nOt lOoK gOoD oN yOu."I say, knowing exactly how these words hit Dream

I reach out, holding his hand in perfect view of Dream. His tentacles curl around me, others wagging. Dream looks flabbergasted and turns to run away. I chuckle.

"MaN, hE rUnS aWAy fRoM hAndHoldInG? HoW sEnSitIvE."I say, shaking my head

He intertwines his fingers with mine slowly.

"So, yOu lOoKeD tHrOuGh mY miNd?"I say, glancing at his glowing green cheeks

He nods.

"I wanted to know exactly what they did to you so that I could help you and get revenge on them."He says, picking me up

"N-NiGhTmArE! PUt mE dOwN!"I say, caught off guard

"No. Your legs are shaking, you shouldn't be on them."He says, bringing me back to the couch

He sets me down on the couch again, wrapping me in blankets. I cross my arms, glaring at him.

"What's with that look?"He asks

"YoU aGreEd wItH dReAm. YoU diDn'T sAy iT bUt yOu diD."I say

"You can't argue with crazy, Error."He says with a shrug

"YoUr tEntAclEs drOpPed. I'vE bEeN aRouNd yOu lOnG eNoUgh tO kNow wHaT tHat mEaNs. YoU bEliEvEd hIm wHeN hE iS wrOnG."I say

"You think I deserve you?"He asks

"I wOulDn'T hAvE sTucK aRoUnD iF I tHoUgHt oThErWiSe."I say, feeling my face burn

"Heh, I'm lucky to have your company then, buddy."He says

I glance away at the mention of that word. He cocoons me in blankets again, cuddling up to me. That's when I notice something on the table. I wiggle my arm free to grab it. It's a letter in Blue's handwriting titled:Goodbye Star Sanses.

"What's that, dear?"He asks

I look at him in surprise. One minute he calls me buddy, the next he calls me dear? His face turns a deep green as he seems to realize this as well.

"Sorry..."He says

"It lOokS liKe BlUe iS rEsiGniNg fRoM tHe sTaR sAnSeS."I say

"Well he'd make a lovely addition to the gang."He says

Then there is loud banging at the door. I set the paper down. Blue runs down the stairs and opens the door. Paps walks in as he shuts the door, glancing around.

"BrOtHer?"He calls out, looking upstairs

"PaPs!"I exclaim, climbing out to hug him

He looks at me and freezes up, looking shocked. Then he smiles, hugging me close to him.

"I gOt yOu, bRoThEr. ThEy wOn'T hUrT yOu aNyMoRe. AnD i cAusEd a LoT oF deStrUcTioN to SeRvE aS a WarNiNg!"He says

I smile up at him. I don't really care about that right now, just that I'm back with him.

"ThAnK yOu BlUe. We wiLl gEt oUt oF yOuR wAy nOw. CoMe oN nIghTmArE."He says, picking me up and opening a portal

I see my room with Perl waiting on the other side.

"Alright. Blue you're always welcome at our place. Thank you for helping Error."Nightmare says

Blue nods, waving goodbye to us.

Perl leaps into my arms as soon as we came through the other side. Paps sets me in the bed and smiles at me. Nightmare was about to leave to tell the gang when the door knocks him down as it bursts open. Horror knocked it open, bringing a tray of food in as well as a first aid kit.

"I alReaDy tOld tHem tHat I wiLl bRinG eRrOr baCk."Paps says

"And I got prepared while the rest slept on their asses!"Horror says proudly as he checks my arms for wounds

Paps picks up Nightmare who was dazed after getting knocked into the wall by the door, setting him beside me in the bed. I smile, holding his hand gently.

It's so nice to be home again.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now