'it's giving depressed teenager'

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TW: swearing, mentions of SA

Sometimes your only friend is yourself, but sometimes you get lucky and there's someone out there than can tolerate your crazy, your insane and everything in between. 

Marinette lay dropped over my bed, reading a magazine. Adrien Agreste's photo was on the cover, in all his fucking blonde-boy glory. He was kind of a celebrity around here—who was I kidding—he was a full out celebrity. 

I didn't know one girl in town who didn't want to be with him, want to fuck him, had been with him, or had fucked him before. 

Except for me, I guess. I didn't have time for a shallow dumbass model. Besides, my best and only friend Mari, currently fell into the category of 'want to be with him'. 

"God," Mari sighed quietly, breaking my train of thoughts. "he is so fucking hot." She nearly ripped the magazine, spinning it towards me. "Look. Look, Y/N. Look at those abs." 

Sure, he was ripped. Did I care? 

Mari sighed again, this time louder than before. She pressed the magazine to her chest, looking like she was about to finish just from looking at a picture of the guy. 

"Mari, don't you think this crush of yours is getting a little bit out of hand?" I tilted my head to the side, looking up from my math homework. I remembered to tuck my raven necklace in my shirt this time, making sure it stayed unrecognized. 

"No, it's not," Mari said defensively. "I'm perfectly fine, Y/N." she rolled her eyes. "Please, I think I'd know if it was out of control." 

I nodded sarcastically, "right...Adrien has a shoot after school today, I think—," 

"Wrong," Mari interrupted me. "He has fencing practice at 3:30, and then he's going over to his aunt's house because it was her birthday last weekend, but he was busy with shoots and didn't spend any time with her. OH!" Mari snapped her fingers. "He must be excited. Tonight is the one night of the month that his father is going to have dinner with him." 

"Yeah." I raised an eyebrow. "You're perfectly fine." 

I felt a buzzing in my pocket. It was — speak of a literal devil — Hawkmoth. Why was he calling me? I swiped right, standing up to walk into the bathroom. 

"Sorry, Mari, I gotta take a work call." 


I closed the bathroom door behind me. "...hi?" 

"Raven, we need to postpone tonight's mission," he said gruffly. "I have been sitting in my dark room all day and not sensed any such negative emotion." I could hear his anger from over the phone. "Not a single teenager has experienced a break-up, or a mental breakdown—" 

"I could have one," I said, only half serious. "You could akumatize me." 

I heard Hawkmoth sigh. "Foolish girl. I need you on this mission. We must—" 

"Steal Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. I know." 

"Don't interrupt me ever again," Hawkmoth muttered. 

And suddenly, it was two months ago. The living room. The painting. My mother's boyfriend — Seth.

"Don't interrupt me again, Y/N. You're under my roof and you'll do as I say." He leaned over me. "Stay quiet, you wouldn't want your mom to hear you."

"Yes sir," I forced myself to say. "Postpone the mission. Got it." 

Hawkmoth was silent for a minute. "Yes. We will resume again tomorrow. I expect to see you in our meeting spot tomorrow morning." 

"Yes sir." I swallowed back any words. 

"Good," he hung up the phone. 

I came back out, my legs slightly shaky. Mari didn't even notice. She was spread out on her back, still staring at the photo of Adrien. 

"You good, Mari?" I smirked. "You aren't going to start moaning at the picture , are you? Cause if you do I'm going to have to kick you out." 

Mari gave me an exasperated look, finally putting the magazine down to look at me. Her blue eyes sharpened. "Are you okay, Y/N? You look like you've seen a ghost." She stared at my phone. "What was your work calling about? Come to think of it, where do you work?" 

"I—um, work at umm—I volunteer at Adrien's fencing program," I lied. "um yeah, it's a new position actually. They called me in to work after school." 

Mari practically squealed. "WAIT YOU WORK WITH THE FENCING ACADEMY? Oh my god, Y/N, why didn't you tell me sooner?" She tucked her ponytails behind her back. "Wait, you should totally ask if I can help out too. I'd do it for free." She got a dreamy expression on her face. "Adrien." 

"Ugh, Mari, stop practicing sighing his name, you're delusional," I chucked a pillow at her. "And I think I got the last open position." 

"Either way, I'll just come along with you." Mari said decisively. 

I sighed. It was going to be a long day. 

Much to Mari's disappointment, Adrien wasn't at school that day. I stared at the wall through the entirety of English class, and then decided to fly around for a bit. I could stay hidden in the alleyways and no one would notice me. 

My Kwami, whose name was Vector, flapped around my bag excitedly. 

"God, Y/N, I thought we were never going out again," he sighed with relief. "Honestly girl, your routine — it's giving — depressed teenager." 

I frowned at the bird Kwami. Sometimes he was just too much. "We were out last night, Vector." 

Vector flapped a winglike tentacle at me. "C'mon, you KNOW that doesn't count." 

I shook my head. "Vector, let's fly." 

*transformation sequence*

I stopped in my favourite alleyway. It was quiet. A prime place to train so that Hawkmoth didn't accuse me of being a lazy bitch. 

I squared my shoulders, staring over the high railing. A simple jump to the next railing would only require a bit of wing strength. 

I jumped, misjudging the distance. I ended up tangled in a wire, in a slightly suggestive position. The wire bit into my ankles and wrists and I gritted my teeth. My arms were trapped in the coil. I was completely stuck. 

Just when I thought things were not going to get any worse — 

"Well, well, well," a cocky voice came from below me. "I'd cat call you, but I'm sure that'd get your feathers in a twist." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now