The Sun

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It was so freeing, being able to soar miles above the city. The wind blew through my wings, spiraling me higher in its decisive breeze. I felt safe, and yet exhilarated. It was all power in my burden less mind. This is why I joined Hawkmoth — and this is why I rejected Hawkmoth. I needed the power, the freedom, and the abilities. I left because of the immorality, the responsibilities and the strings attached. 

No strings. This and nothing more. 

I remembered Chat Noir on the Eiffel Tower. My cheeks burned, and it might've been because of the cold, or it might've been because my brain remembered the feeling of his his hands trailing down my waist, or up my back. 

I shook the urge to delve in those fated memories, landing lightly on the roof of the school. My adrenaline was still pumping and the skies were urging me to join them again. 

Just as I was about to de-transform, there was an alarm on my phone, which was still tucked into the back pocket of my suit. It signaled an Akuma attack so I crouched low, waiting for some form of battle to appear in the Paris streets. 

When nothing happened, I hopped onto the balcony, staring over the edge of the tall building. Suddenly, there was a rush of air, and someone pushed me off the railing. It was far too fast to anticipate and I felt myself tumbling at top speed. 

Before I could extend my wings to catch myself from hitting the ground, a shape came swooping in, grabbing my hand. It wasn't even Chat Noir. 

"Ladybug," I gasped, my eyes opened wide. "Holy shi—" 

I wasn't prepared for the impact of the ground, too busy being in shock about seeing my best friend — and tumbled limb over limb right into another waiting figure. 

"Fuck—" the groan was familiar as I attempted to sit up, brushing dirt off my suit. Chat Noir's ears perked up when he saw me, and then I realized he was hovering over me, his eyes trained on mine. His knee was directly in between my legs. 

"Get off her, will you? This isn't fuck the new superhero day." Ladybug snapped. "Also — who are you? Is that the Raven Miraculous?" 

I blinked. They thought I was a superhero. In fact, I might as well have been. 

"Yeah, um...Bunnix gave it to me from the future," I explained slowly as Chat Noir pushed off the ground to allow me space to move. His warmth pulled away and I swallowed back the disappointment of his absence. "I don't mean to like —intrude or anything, but if you need my help I'm available." 

"Oh, can we please keep her?" Chat Noir pressed his hands together in a pleading motion and turned his kitten-eyes on Ladybug. "She can fucking fly." 

"Can she?" Ladybug was still suspicious as she eyed me. "Why didn't you fly when you were falling from the building." 

"I was about to," I cleared my throat. Ladybug seemed to accept this because she nodded. What an odd little triangle we were. Me, who had a past (or a future for that matter) with Chat Noir, and Ladybug who was my best friend but didn't know it. And then Ladybug, who was actually Mari with a big crush on Adrien, who was actually Chat Noir. 

"What's your name, Mystery Girl?" Chat Noir raised an eyebrow. "Your superhero name, I mean."

I wanted to say Birdy. I so wanted to say Birdy just to confuse the living shit out of him. 

"Raven," I answered. 

"Hot," Chat Noir said briefly before grabbing his pole. "We've got an akuma to catch though so, fight now, date later?" He winked. Boy didn't even wait for an answer before extending his pole and reaching towards the sky. 

"Is he always like this?" I asked Ladybug, though I already knew the answer. 

She sighed. "no. He's usually worse." 

The sky had a slight warmth to it — it was nearly spring time. The sun beat down on my wings as I soared past Ladybug. She looked after me with a sort of longing — I mean, flying is pretty cool. 

I reached back to pull a feather out of my wing. They turned into sort of daggers that I could throw at Akuma-villains, but I only had so many before I would be a featherless bird. 

The Akuma was none other than the Ice Cream man again, Andres, who seemed to get Akumatized on a  bi-weekly basis. 

"HEY ICE FACE!" Chat Noir drawled as he leapt over him, slicing him clean in half with the pole. The ice-cream villain roared with frustration, swinging his long wet arms at the Cat.

I spotted the ice-cream scooper in his left hand and took aim with my dagger. There was a sharp clanging sound as the dagger impaled the ice-cream scoop. The akuma flew out and Ladybug made to catch it. 

"Get ready for the song and dance," Chat Noir whispered as he sped towards the ground, his words nothing but a breathy murmur. 

"No more evil doing for you, fucking akuma," Ladybug gritted her teeth, scooping it up in her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" 

I yawned. I was used to it. Though, during this part I'd usually be commiserating with Hawkmoth over chocolate and Twilight. Only Nathalie and I knew that he was secretly team Jacob. 

"So, Bunnix gave you the miraculous, huh?" Chat Noir asked when I landed beside him. I tucked my wings in. 

"Yeah. Kind of out of nowhere honestly," I said lightly. "But hey, I've always wanted to fight an evil butterfly." 

Chat laughed, tossing his blonde head back. I missed his laugh. But we weren't anything. We weren't even enemies. No sexual tension, just pure camaraderie. 

"Oh yeah, this job is a dream come true," he smirked. 

"It certainly has its benefits," I nodded, thinking about how I would manage to kill Hawkmoth and fix the world. "And its downfalls." 

Chat Noir nudged me gently. "Don't worry, Raven. We're a trio now, yeah?" He smiled widely, his dimples creasing. "I got you, love." 

Whether or not he knew what he was saying, or if he was doing it on purpose— it had the same effect on me. My cheeks heated up. I'd never seen this part of him before. Chat Noir was usually a cocky, hot-headed, borderline maniac. Adrien was a stuck-up, burdened by sadness, rich, model boy. And yes, I know they're the same person. 

"I'm holding you to that," I said, tilting my chin up to look at him. 

To me, he was like the sun. Out of reach, and always too bright. 

And you know the story of Icarus. His wings were forged and made out of wax, mine are pretty, magical lies. 

Cursed to love the sun 'too much, too close'. 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now