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The unmistakable scent of power radiated through the air, casting dark shadows of black magic throughout Hawkmoth's lair.

I could feel prickles of sweat beading at my hairline, tension in my arms and legs – ready to spring away at any second. But I didn't. I forced myself to stay still, staring my enemy in the eye. The first sign of fear wouldn't come from me. It wouldn't come from him.

It came from the boy leaping out of the dark and tangling limb by limb with his father.

Chat Noir let out a strangled sound, black claws and tail flying as he knocked Hawkmoth to the ground. Dust flew from the carpets and spiders skittered out of the way as the stunned villain rolled under the weight of his son. Chat Noir was the one to gain the upper hand, scrambling hands and arms raining down on Hawkmoth.

"I–won't—let—you," Chat Noir gasped, wailing fists. "--take–her–away—from——me—again." 

"I did this for you, son!" Hawkmoth struggled underneath Chat Noir. He gripped his son's wrist, forcing him off to the side. "You have to see what I'm doing here! What I'm building for you!" 

Chat Noir's face tensed underneath his mask and he stood up, chest heaving. They faced off in the centre of the lair, tension prickling. The air felt static and the room was much too closed off. 

Hawkmoth's eyes were narrowed to slits and his suit was pulled taut against his face. "Come on, son. Don't do this to our family. If you really loved Y/N you'd let her leave here alive and intact, ready to start a new life away from here. Away from all of this. And away from you." Hawkmoth laughed. "You can't defeat me. I made you." 

Chat Noir was equally as intense in gaze, his cold eyes staring his father down. "If you think I'm going to let you tear apart this city for your pathetic whims, you're fucking stupid." 

The scoff that came from Hawkmoth was loud and plaintiff. He extended an hand towards his son. "You're calling me pathetic. You couldn't even save the girl you love. I'm doing everything in my power to save Emilie." He tensed again. 

All I could do was watch in horror as Chat Noir's posture relaxed. 

He eyed his father, ignoring me completely. 

"You're right." 

My heart stopped dead. 

I took a step back, nearly tripping over the rug. 

Both of them completely ignored me. 

"I can't stop you," Chat Noir's shoulders drooped and his eyes were downcast. I watched them dart off to the side towards me for a brief second before pulling back up to his father. His expression had changed. "I can't save her. I should just...let you...do..this." 

Hawkmoth's face had brightened in a sinister way. He brought himself to full height, raising his staff triumphantly. "I'm glad you finally see eye to eye with me, Adrien." 

There was a flash and the fox miraculous appeared in Hawkmoth's hands. He held it in his trembling fingers. 

I started to back up faster, but the door slammed shut, leaving the only exit unapproachable. 

"Vector — let's fly," The words never made it out of my mouth when I realized my necklace was nowhere in sight. There was nowhere to go. I was outnumbered. 

I stared at the closed door. There was no way I would make it in time. I closed my eyes, waiting, waiting—

"Wait," Adrien cut his father off. I opened my eyes. He was standing beside Hawkmoth, watching his outstretched hand. "Can I do it?" 

Hawkmoth arched a suspicious eyebrow. "I suppose. Do you think your power is ready?" 

Chat Noir nodded. "I am." 

And finally, he made eye contact with me. It was the last time he would look at me, with such plain affection and longing. I could see the outline of his face so clearly, though the mask shielded most of it — he was still Adrien Agreste. Just Adrien Agreste. Underneath the cat mask and the pain, he was...beautiful. 

Adrien's jaw tensed as he held the fox miraculous in his hand. 

His mouth opened to mouth the word. RUN.

It happened so fast I wasn't sure it really happened at all. I spun on my heels, aiming for the door. 

There was a loud crash, a rumble— and Hawkmoth's voice yelled. "MIRAGE!" 

"CATACLSYM!" As the door closed behind me, I saw Hawkmoth crumple, a black poison spreading from his chest outwards. 

The blood was pounding in my ears as I scrambled down the stairs. 

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine—-

I counted all the steps all the way to the ground but they were fading....fading...fading......

"Y/N—" he said my name but it sounded so far away. "I love you." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin