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Using the tips of his fingers, Luka flicked on the radio. I noticed that his nails were painted black, and they were always moving, tapping on the steering wheel, and moving to the music. Jagged Stone's most recent song played through his rusted speakers. 

"Sorry about the mess," Luka gestured to the guitar picks and music sheets that nearly fully covered the bottom of his car. I picked up a slightly wrinkled piece of paper from under my chair, opening it. The edges were torn and yellowing, but the lyrics written upon it were profound and beautiful. "You like it?" He smirked, looking over at me from the driver's seat. "I wrote that last week." 

It was a love song, detailing a girl who he clearly had very strong feelings for. 

"I had no idea you were such a talented writer," I said honestly, feeling twitchy under his gaze. Luka trained his eyes back on the road as if sensing my discomfort. He shrugged. 

"Well, it's just a hobby," He answered. I put the paper back down, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. Habitually, I glanced at the date which showed on the dashboard, next to the radio player. I'd only gone back just short of a year prior to the explosion. This was before I'd gotten my Miraculous from Hawkmoth. Before Chat Noir and I started our illegal rendezvous, and before Seth moved in. 

"Still," I cleared my throat. "You're...amazing." 

Luka grinned. "Yeah? You think so?" 

I felt a calmness settle back into my bones, as if my body had recovered itself, along with the head trauma. My psyche was no longer broken into a million pieces. 

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and Luka looked back over at me. 

"Are you actually okay, Y/N?" his expression turned to mild concern. "I heard you passed out in class." 

"It's been a long day," I said shortly. In reality, it had been a long several days, in which I imagined the boy I was in love with being akumatized into a white-washed cat. "I'm just...tired. And stressed I guess. But we don't have to talk about it. How's your Dad doing?" 

Luka gave me a quietly scrutinizing look — an earnest expression that made me feel like he was seeing all my secrets. 

"He's good, love, but is that really what you want to talk about?" Luka reached over, gently placing his hand on my leg for a millisecond. He put it back on the wheel, turning the corner up to my street. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" 

"It''s my mom," I lied. "I don't like the guy she's been seeing. I think he's....bad." 

Luka nodded, meeting my eyes evenly as he put the car in park. "Trust your gut, Y/N. It's usually correct." It was like he was actually taking me seriously. He was listening. And that's more than I'd ever gotten from a guy before. "If you ever need someone to talk to, or a place to stay, or fuck, even a punching bag," Luka trailed off, grinning. 

I nearly laughed, but my head was still pounding so I smiled faintly. "Thank you, Luka. Really. Thanks for this." 

He shrugged, as if it was nothing. "Take care, love. Try not to pass out, yeah?" 

I fumbled with the door handle. "No promises." 

Luka unlocked it for me. "Once I finish that song, you'll be the first to hear it." 

I nodded, unable to find the right words. "Bye Luka." 

The door to our house was unlocked, and Mom was sitting at the table drinking coffee when I walked in. It was so strange — seeing her so chill. Doing something any regular parent would be doing. 

"Mom," she looked up at me, her eyes widening with surprise. Eyes that were still alive. 

"Y/N, what are you doing home?" She put her cup down, coming over to give me a hug. "Are you alright?" 

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes but I forced them away. If I started crying, she'd definitely know something was wrong. 

"I miss you." It was too late. The tears rushed out of my eyes and before I knew it I was choking into her sweater like a little kid. Mom hugged me tightly, her fingers tightening around my back. 

"Honey, you don't have to miss me, I'm right here," she pulled back to look at me, wiping my tears away with her sweater sleeve. "I love you, sweetheart, and nothing's ever going to change that." 

I wished I could believe her, but in two months time, Seth would be moving in with us and everything would change. 

I swallowed back the onslaught of tears, gulping in air like it was the only oxygen I'd ever breathed. 

"I'm...I'm not feeling well," I wiped my face. "I'm going to go lay down." 

"Of course, Y/N," she looked after me as I walked away. "I'll bring you some tea soon." 


Laying in my bed, drinking my tea, I almost remembered that there was a time before the madness. I missed predictability like an old friend. 

The sky grew dark, and an orange haze bled through the clouds. It was like the sky was rejoicing again. A major chord after the minor. 

Sleep seemed to reject me though, and I stared out the window, longing to rest. Longing for the comfort of Adrien. The familiarity. 

I got up from my bed, taking steps across the cold ground to the window. My balcony gave view to the Dupain-Cheng bakery, and I could see Marinette's room. Her curtains were closed so I was sure she had no problem getting to sleep. 

There was a slight electricity to the air as I stepped outside, but no storm in sight. The world was so alive, even at night. Even in the darkness, there was life. 

"I'll save you," I promised the wind, promised him. "I won't let you down this time, Agreste." 

The promise blew from my lips, and I hoped it would find him and come true. Somewhere. Somehow. 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now