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TW: slight smut (well come on, who wasn't expecting that?) 

It wasn't the deafening silence that killed me while I waited for the perpetually present Chat Noir – or, Adrien Agreste to show up. It was the racing thoughts in my mind that I couldn't seem to dull. The dream was still fresh in my mind, and I gripped the bedsheets in a strangled effort to grasp reality.

There was a quick shuffling at the window and the sash flew up. No human had the capability of climbing up the building; Adrien was obviously exposing himself at Chat Noir. I would've warned him, but then again, he didn't know I knew.

I rolled my eyes, sitting up against my headboard. I pulled a pillow towards me, hugging it to my chest to hide my night-shirt.

"You didn't have to come," I said softly. The corners of Adrien's mouth turned up in a slight smile. He walked towards my bedroom door, shutting it so that our parents wouldn't hear.

My smile faltered as Adrien's beseeching eyes found mine.

"You're not okay."

"I'm fine."

Adrien Agreste was an ardent comforter, despite being deprived of affection his entire sad life. He sat down next to me, smoothing the covers out with his hands. The way his body posture changed when he saw my expression killed me internally.

"I'm okay, really," I tugged at his sleeve. "Adrien, you shouldn't even be here right now."

"I know," Adrien held up his hands in surrender. He stood up as if he'd been burned, pacing towards the window. "I'm sorry."


Adrien turned back, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't belong in this situation. I felt the heavy weight of imposter's syndrome. There was no way this boy could ever care about me. If he knew the truth about everything that had happened, or everything that was going to happen.

His face was so poetic, written in tragedy by someone I couldn't even name.

"Luka and I broke up," I didn't know why the words fell out of my mouth. But there they were, displayed like a naked statue. "I don't know why I'm telling you this."

Adrien looked like he was fighting a smile, but he hid it well. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, but I could see the outline of his fingers in his sweatpants, fiddling with his Miraculous.

"Did you now?" he blinked once, his eyebrows rising. His green eyes shone in the dim light. "I'm not surprised." 

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

"You're not."
"And why is that?" I inquired, curiosity taking over previous panic.

"You're not meant for each other," he said so casually, as if he was discussing the weather, and not my broken love life.

"How would you know that?"

"I just do," Adrien grinned, taking his hands out of his pockets. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, changing the subject abruptly. "You meant to call Mari, didn't you?" 

"I did."

"And do you wish you'd been successful?"

There was a heavy pause as he waited for my answer. The truth was, Mari probably wouldn't have answered. Along with the guilt I would've felt for interrupting her peaceful night sleep – especially with all she's going through as Ladybug – there's no way she would've sneaked out to meet me on a school night.

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now