Hippity Hoppity

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His eyes were stony — but a dead ringer; the exact same as the boy sitting on the railing in front of me. 

Said boy stood up immediately, inching away from me. The metal squeaked as he crouched, his eyes narrowed. Chat Noir put his guard up — even in the face of his own father. I could see that his hands were tensed on the railing as if he was going to attack or flee at any moment. 

Gabriel Agreste stood in my room, his hand on the door, other holding a glass of wine. He was right beside Mom, hip to hip as they stood with shock, watching my interaction with Chat Noir. 

I followed Chat's lead, moving forward so that we weren't so close together. This didn't seem to ease any sort of tension. 

Gabriel's eyes darkened, and his suit bore three wrinkles just below his chest that I knew he would never allow the public to see. 

"Y/N, what are you doing with a boy?" Mom looked absolutely baffled, that the thought of me being with Chat Noir didn't matter — only that I was with someone of the opposite gender. "It's late, honey, you should be asleep." 

"Don't you have some superhero things to attend to?" Gabriel followed my eyes down his wrinkled suit. He brushed them out immediately, the grey fabric rippling. For a second, I caught a glimpse of the butterfly miraculous. It was attached to his tie. 

I imagined myself leaping at him and tearing the tie off. Maybe that would save Adrien and the rest of Paris from a mothy-doom. 

"Not tonight," Chat Noir said briefly. He tipped his head to the side and stole a glance at me. A lazy smile creeping onto his face, he nodded quickly. "Later, Y/N." And then he was gone — nothing but a flash of black in the night. He disappeared quicker than a shooting star in the dark. 

And then, I was alone, faced with the supervillain of Paris, and my utterly blind mother. 

"Mom, we were just talking about Hawkmoth," I rolled my eyes at her expression, pushing past them as I went back into my room. "Stop worrying. It's fine." 

"Y/N, I don't know how I feel about you spending time with a superhero," Mom rubbed her forehead tiredly. "Aren't you seeing that Couffaine boy?" 

I nodded. "yeah. I am. Chat Noir and I aren't even friends; he just happened to be out tonight and stopped by to say hello. It's not a big deal." 

Mom sighed. 

"If I may, Y/N—" 

"—you may not," I interrupted. I sat down on my bed placidly. 

"Don't be disrespectful," Mom chided. 

I shrugged. 

Gabriel opened his mouth. "It's okay, Hannah. I understand that at this age, teenagers want nothing to do with their parents' wishes." His smile was wry. "I only wanted to mention that Chat Noir has a lot of— how should I put this? Conquests?" He folded his hands. "Regardless if you think he just wants to 'talk', I urge to you to be careful around him — I'm telling you this out of care for you, dear." 

It was weird, hearing Gabriel Agreste talk about his own son having hoes. Regardless if he knew Chat Noir was his son — it wasn't the most pleasant experience. 

Mom looked on as if she didn't think there was a problem with what Gabriel was saying. 

"So...you're telling me not to have sex with him?" I said bluntly, crossing my arms. "Mom, Mr. Agreste, I don't think that's any of your concern, and frankly, it's weird that we're talking about this right now." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now