'Cold tea, bitch'

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TW: creepy Seth 

Sometimes when it's just me, sitting alone with my permeating thoughts, I can pretend that I'm just fine. If I'm lucky enough, I can imagine the perfect life for myself, coddled and cozied in my bed as if it was a permanent haven I could take refuge in forever. 

"Y/N," Seth sang in a stupid voice as he opened my door without knocking. He burst in, hand hovering on the doorknob when he saw me asleep in bed. I was lucky that Vector was snoozing under my pillow, fully concealed. "You're still in bed, Pumpkin?" 

"I'm not your pumpkin, bitch," I muttered under my breath, willing for him to go away. 

"Someone's a little sleepy," he said, in a voice that rubbed me entirely the wrong way. It was creepy, the way he stood over me. Not like a father way, like in a — kidnap you while you sleep kind of way. 

"Someone needs to watch my privacy," I sat up groggily, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. "Get out, Seth, I'm not wearing actual clothes." I felt cold and exposed in my pajamas. 

"Oh, I don't mind," he said, sitting rudely at my desk chair. He gave me one of his scrutinizing looks, surveying my current state of half-awake. "You know how quiet you are when you sleep?" The way he said it sent chills down my spine. 

"Seth. Get. The. Fuck. Out," I reached for something, anything, and came up with a heavy book. It was the Bible, funny enough. 

Seth only laughed at me. "You're going to preach to me little girl?" He stood up, moving to leave. "Watch yourself, Y/N. I live here now, and you're under my roof. Would be a shame if you didn't wake up to things that go bump in the night." 

As he left, I heard my Mom's footsteps pause in the room beside mine. For a second, I thought she might say something as she paused outside my door. Staring in, I almost didn't recognize her. There were heavy bags underneath her eyes and a bruise starting to bloom under her chin and around her neck. Her eyes were watery and red, and she appeared ten years older than she really was. 

"Mom...." I trailed off as she continued down the hallway without another word. 

I dressed for school conservatively, wearing the baggiest t-shirt I could find and sweatpants. I didn't bother with my hair. (No I didn't put my dirty blonde hair up in a messy ponytail or bun—) 

I grabbed a croissant on my way out, slamming the door behind me. Sometimes home isn't safe. Sometimes my home doesn't feel like home. Sometimes my bed can't be a permanent safe haven. It might not be a safe haven at all. 

Vector flitted out of my bag, seemingly wary. "Are you okay, Y/N? that's a lot, even for you." 

Fuck, he was more of a father to me than my non-existent father ever was. He looked at me with his deep purple eyes, tiny feathers shaking. 

"I'm fine," I said, forcing a smile. "Want me to grab you a mocha chip shake with two pumps of vanilla on our way to school?" 

Vector shook his tiny head. "Y/N, I really am worried about you. You need to tell someone. It's not safe for you anymore." 

"Vector, I told you I'm fine," I insisted. Then I opened my bag. "Get it, we're almost at school." 

The stairs seemed much steeper, doors seemed much heavier. The teacher's voice seemed even more drone-like and I could feel sleep tugging at my veins. 

I was seriously considering leaving when Mari burst in. 

"Y/N, you won't believe this," she grabbed my arm, dragging me out of the classroom. No one batted an eye, not even the teacher. She was out of breath and her hair wasn't even done up. "Adrien has a fucking hickey." She whisper screamed at me, pointing to the side of her neck as an example. 

I was too tired to even care. 

"He has a what?" 

"A hickey, are you dumb?" Mari blinked slowly. "Adrien is totally sleeping with someone behind his father's back." 

"So what?" I rolled my eyes. "He has a new girl every week, Mari, this isn't hot gossip. It's not even lukewarm gossip." 

Mari clenched her fists together. "I'm gonna find the wench that's giving him hickey's and —" 

"What? Preach Adrien's schedule to her?" I raised an eyebrow. "We all know you wouldn't hurt a fly." 

Marinette gave me a dark look. "You'd be surprised what I do to insects." 

Her words made me slightly concerned, but I didn't ask any questions. "How do you even know that Adrien has a hickey?" I changed the subject. 

"I saw it, bitch," she said, not in an unfriendly way. Her casual use of the word 'bitch' made me think that she was seriously losing it. "It almost looks like a hickey - bite-mark." 

"So maybe he got in a fight with a dog? Or a cat fight?" I shrugged. "Sounds like cold tea to me." 

Just then, Adrien walked by. Exactly like Mari said, I saw the marks on the side of his neck. They were poorly covered up by foundation — probably his father's. She wasn't wrong. It looked like he'd either been attacked by a rabid animal, or a very eager lover. 

That unfortunate, stupid bitch. 

"Whoever sleeps with that manwhore better be prepared to get tested for STDs," I said under my breath. 

Mari sighed dreamily. "I would, for him." 

I gave her a weird look. "Okay, that's gross. I have to go back to class now. Please don't bring me out here to announce that Alya has a hickey or something." I waved. 

Halfway back into the classroom I had a very weird sensation in my stomach. Almost like I was missing something. 

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