'Today indeed'

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"What's she doing here?" Adrien's chaste voice cut through the thick silence of Agreste Mansion. The hallways were long and misleading — each turning down a new pathway that seemingly led to nowhere. "What the hell, Father?" 

Adrien and I were apparently not on the best terms, but at this point, the only people I wasn't in a fight with were Chat Noir, Hawkmoth, and Gabriel Agreste. A weird handful of completely unrelated folk. 

And, even if Chat Noir and I were on good terms now, we wouldn't be soon. Once I betrayed him to Hawkmoth, he'd hate me more than ever. 

"Y/N is going to be staying with us for a while," Gabriel's voice was deep and hushed. I heard a tiny gasp from Adrien and leaned around the corner to watch. Gabriel's hand grasped his shoulder tightly, and he bent over to whisper something in his son's ear. The blonde's expression hardened and he lowered his head. 

"Fine." Adrien glanced over and I pulled my head back, heart pounding. I walked up the white marble staircase to my room, shutting the door behind me. It was clear where we stood. 

Nathalie served me dinner that night — the best dinner I'd had in a long time. I was for once thankful for Gabriel's neglectful parenting, because it meant we didn't have to eat together. I didn't think I'd be able to stand Adrien's glare while I ate. 

The house was quiet, but it still felt alive to me. My ears rung after a couple minutes of listening to the clock tick, so I went to the adjoining bathroom — which was connected to my room. 

The shower was much hotter than any water at my house, and I relished the feeling of peace. It wouldn't last long. 

After I'd turned the water off, I heard a voice coming from the vents. It was far from dulcet — ascending in volume in an urgent hiss. 

I leaned closer. It sounded like Gabriel was on the phone. I couldn't tell what room he was in — the house was so strange. 

"—yes. She's here. I'm glad you accepted my offer—- no she has no idea —-the final act is nearly here, and —" his voice cut out for a second. "— you will fulfill your part of the deal." He was quiet for a long time, but his next words sent a chill down my spine. "Today, indeed." There was a pregnant silence, and nothing else in its wake. 

I backed up, wrapping the towel tight against my body, so tight that my knuckles turned white. 

I opened the door of the bathroom, walking straight into Adrien. 

"What are you doing in here?" I gasped, clutching the towel. 

Adrien glared at me, but upon seeing my expression, he faltered. "Y/N. what's wrong?" 

My breaths were coming out in short bursts, and it felt like black spots were closing in front of my vision. When I collapsed, Adrien caught me, his arms surprisingly warm around my body. I was too humiliated to look at him as he gently guiding me towards the bed. 

"Here," he said softly, as I sat down. He handed me his hoodie, and then grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the clean laundry basket on my dresser. Adrien turned around while I put them on and then he leaned against the wall at the foot of my bed. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" 

"It's —" my brain panicked. There's no way, Gabriel Agreste made some kind of deal to get me here. There was no fucking way. My life wasn't a conspiracy. Was it? "It's...it's just my stepdad." I lied. 

Adrien nodded. "I know something happened." 

I shrugged, finding a string on the hoodie to tug on. "Yeah. Life...sucks." 

"Can I sit, Y/N?" He asked, his green eyes slightly curious. 


Adrien sat next to me, leaning against the headboard. "I'm not going to pretend that I know anything about your situation. But I know what it's like to have messed up parents." 

I listened. 

he opened his mouth to continue. "I've been worried about my Dad for a long time now. He always acts like he's this...brilliant person and talented fashion designer, but he hides in his study for hours at a time. I know he's obsessing about my Mom, even though she's been dead for years." 

I mull this information over in my head. "I'm sorry about your Mom." 

Adrien smiled sadly. "She was so kind." He inhaled deeply. "Dad has this big tapestry of her, but he took to down at some point last year and I haven't seen it since. It's like he's trying to keep her memory all to himself. He can't bear to share her..even with me." 

Something clicked in my head. 

Today, Raven. 

Today, indeed. 

The tapestry. I'd seen a giant tapestry of a woman before. In Hawkmoth's lair. 

No. It wasn't possible. 

Was it? 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now