'With pleasure'

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TW: domestic abuse, sa 

I've always wondered what ran through a psychopath's head at night. I recalled my younger self, pillow over ears, and irrevocable thoughts of death. Listening to the sounds of tiny shrieks and thumps coming from Mom's room at night as I desperately tried to pretend they weren't there. And then I remembered that night — the one when I decided not to care anymore. 

"Y/N," his voice sang at a sickening pitch, drawing goosebumps on my skin. In my mind he was a monster, a demon that crawled up the stares, limbs crackling. "I've got something fun for us to play, Pumpkin." 

It was on that night that I lost something precious to me. It was like my childhood was swiped; the days ran out. 

Being a psychopath might've helped me back then. Now, I would've stabbed Seth without a second thought. Perhaps I was too open before. Much too...willing. 

I've been with more than three people since Seth did that to me — because of this thing inside me that was broken — I decided I would use it as a power, not a weakness. 

I pushed these thoughts off of my head as I kept my head down in maths. Behind me, I could hear Adrien whispering to Nino. There was nothing more annoying than Adrien Agreste. With his perfect grades, and his stupid blonde fluffy hair. 

With this hatred towards him in mind, I picked up my stuff as the school bell rang. Fencing practice. I mentally rolled my eyes, imagining training with him for the tenth time this month. Coach was determined to have us fight each other every day — in some kind of attempt to find a victor. We were too even, alternating wins. 

One day, one of us would prove to be better than the other. 

"I've got my bets on Y/N," Alya winked at me, elbowing Nino in the shoulder. "Huh, Nino?" She gave me a nod as Nino blinked, dumbfounded. Nino glanced back at Adrien. 

The other people on the fencing team were also muttering to each other. 

"They fight like superhero's, don't you think?" Someone muttered. "The way they jump around — they could be Ladybug and Chat Noir." 

Upon hearing this, Mari looked up, rolling her eyes. "No way. Adrien could never be like Chat Noir." 

Someone smirked at me. "I think Ladybug's super hot actually." 

I wrinkled my nose with disgust. "No she's not." 

"Yeah, no she's no—" Marinette looked at me with a weird expression. "You don't think Ladybug's hot?" She tilted her head to the side. "Why not?" 

"Uhhh—" I paused. 

"C'mon, Raven's much hotter," Adrien said as he walked backwards, swinging his sword. His hair fell ruggedly across his forehead and he flicked it out of the way. His hand ran up and down the hilt of his sword as he found a grip. 

Nino guffawed loudly. "You always love the villains, bro." 

Marinette's mouth was open so far, I was about to tell her that she's not a codfish when the coach walked in. 

"Alright, stop making bets," I saw kids handing money to each other. Coach stood at the front of the room. "Now, I know everyone's super excited to see Adrien and Y/N go at it again—-" 

Laughter interrupted him. "Grow up," Coach growled. "Anyways. Today is the final stand. Whoever wins between them will be declared the winner for the season, and crowed Fencing Royalty at the Masked Ball." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ