Just the News

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Adrien's POV

I don't know what love is. I don't think I've ever even come close to experiencing it. I can barely remember my Mother and if she ever loved me. I imagine she did, but thinking about how my Father treats me doesn't give me much hope.

I think about Y/N a lot. Even when I'm Chat Noir, I think about her. I've been with other people before, but no one's been quite as confusing, or compelling. The perpetual feeling of longing when I'm around her is more than I've ever felt for anyone I've done anything with.

Y/N doesn't even seem to care about me. The fact that she's dating Luka Couffaine bothers me, but not as much as when she ignores me. Being treated like I don't exist is something I'm used to, but when she does it, it's different. It's like she's holding back for some reason. 

The mystery of her isn't mine, but it draws me in anyway.

Cameras clicked in my face, making my Miraculous-enhanced eyes water. I looked away from the cameras, turning instead to Ladybug. The media ships us. Quite intensely. But I've never felt that way about my Watermelon Partner.

On Ladybug's other side is the new Superhero -- the one who calls herself Raven. She showed up last week and basically helped de-akumatize Andres the Ice Cream man for the twentieth time.

Raven is an even more confusing mystery.

"Don't be bemused, it's just the news," Nadia Chamack did her usual intro, smiling widely at the camera. I could see us reflected on the screen behind her, even though this was supposed to be one of those natural interviews where you didn't feel interrogated. "I'm here with Paris's most beloved hero's, Ladybug and Chat Noir. They're joined by a new, never-seen-before Superhero." She gestured to Raven. "Tell us your name."

"I'm Raven," Raven said slowly, uncrossing her legs. She looked just as uncomfortable with the cameras as Ladybug did, who shifted anxiously in the middle of the couch. The winged girl smiled briefly. "Though, I used to be called Birdy."

I looked down at her Miraculous -- it was a similar necklace to the one that Y/N used to wear. It's why I used to call her Birdy -- apart from the fact that it pissed her off. Pissing her off was at least getting her attention.

But Raven/Birdy having the same nickname as Y/N and a similar looking necklace didn't mean anything. They were obviously very different people.

"Birdy," Nadia sighed endearingly into her microphone. "That's just the sweetest name."

I watched Raven grit her teeth. "Yeah." There was an unmistakable fire in her. I saw it burn in the set of her jaw, and the way she narrowed her eyes. 

That was the moment I knew that this girl — Birdy or Raven — superhero or chosen Miraculous holder — she was going to be powerful. The world had barely scraped the surface of what she was capable of, and there'd be more. 

I don't know how loud I was thinking because her gaze landed on mine. She studied me for a second, an unfathomable expression on her face. The extent of her power was unreadable, just like her true personality under the mask. 

"Chat Noir," Nadia turned to me instead, giving up on Raven. "I hear that you have a girlfriend." She tapped a button on a remote and a picture of me with Y/N on her balcony was displayed in on the screen. 

We were obviously too close for a normal interaction. It was right as she stepped closer to me to tell me something — someone had snapped a perfectly timed photo. I had to say, the photo did Y/N a lot of justice. The moon was hung in the background like a sliver of a sand dollar in the sky and it perfectly framed her face in cold white lighting. 

I had my head forward, almost like I was telling her a secret. The body language...well it didn't look good on the media. 

Ladybug caught my stare and she rolled her eyes very loudly at me. "The fuck?" My partner hissed under her breath, trying her best to keep a neutral expression. "You're dating, Y/N L/N? Are you fucking kidding me?" 

I ignored her, putting on a calm expression. Leaning forward on the couch to rest my elbows on my knees I shook my head. If I looked bored, there would be no reaction to go off of. 

"That's not my girlfriend," I blinked up at the screen, tucking my tongue behind my top teeth. "I was helping a citizen of Paris because...her dog died." Beside me, Raven shifted. 

"Oh yeah, I know that girl," Raven smirked, giving me a suspicious expression. She tilted her head to the side, almost mockingly. "She's a good friend of mine, and I don't think that she'd ever go out with Ad—Chat Noir." Raven coughed. "Um, yeah she's also dating Luka Couffaine. He's a guitar player. Much cooler." Raven unpredictably winked at me, as if she was telling me to go along with it. 

"Right," I cleared my throat, slightly angrily. "Luka Couffaine is much cooler than me." 

Nadia looked confused, as if we'd turned the conversation in a direction that she didn't know how to turn into breaking news. She looked down at her microphone. 

"How do you explain this photo then?" The screen flipped and this time it was a picture of me carrying Y/N  from her bedroom. I remembered exactly when it was taken. It was right after I'd burst in on Y/N and  Luka doing — stuff. The day that Y/N's mom got Akumatized. 

The tension was certainly higher in this photo — and everyone knows what type of tension I mean. Y/N had kind of a defiant glare on her face, her hand was resting on my chest to steady herself. What was notable was the way we sort of fit together in the middle of the picture. My arms around her waist. My face angled just the right amount to meet hers. 

"This is ridiculous," Ladybug snapped. "I thought that this interview was supposed to be about Hawkmoth's attack on Paris, not Chat Noir and Y/N's supposed rendezvous." 

"I second that," Raven crossed her arms. She stood up quickly. Her wings spread automatically, lifting to shoulder height. "This is frankly unprofessional." 

Nadia held up her hand to stop her from leaving but before she could do anything, Raven had taken off, flying right out of the building through an open window. 

Nadia sighed, signaling the director to cut to commercial break. "Well fuck." 

Ladybug glared at me. "Real professional of you, Chat Noir. Messing around with Y/N when she has a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes. "Come on. You really think I'd do that?" I faced her, ignoring the gathering reporters around us. 

"I don't know, Chat, but you've been acting weird lately, and I think I have a pretty good idea why." She lowered her voice leaning to whisper in my ear so that the microphones couldn't pick it up. "You're in love with Y/N and the sooner you admit it, the sooner we can go back to doing our real job." 

Ladybug pulled away, shaking her head before leaving through the same window as Raven. 

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