State of Disaster

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Nothing was as it seemed, or so I thought. 

The move was quite simple. In plain words, Mom and I needed this fresh start. But things in Paris were obviously extremely messed up, to the highest possible level. 

First of all, upon avid research, I learned about the two teenage superhero's, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Second, I learned that there was an evil villain named Hawkmoth who regularly terrorized Parisians with no apparent motive. Third, on my first day here, I'd run into two random teenagers having sex, nearly been hit by a car, rescued by Chat Noir himself, and been thrown into the midst of some sort of mystery where Chat Noir knows my name and I can't trust anybody. 

Which is why, the first foot I step into my new house is an angry one and the words that come out of my mouth are none other than — 

"Mother, I'm moving away this instant," though the sentiment may have sounded sarcastic escaping my lips, I was entirely serious. "This place is really freaking weird. There are freaking superhero's and villains and —" 

"I'm going to stop you right there, Y/N," Mom answered putting her hand up. She looked relatively calm, despite the fact that I basically told her I was running away. "Don't you think I already knew about the state Paris is in before we moved? I know about the conflict between the superhero — thingy's." 

"You knew?" 

"I knew." 

"Well, why are we here then?" Baffled, I sat down at the table, stealing her coffee and taking a long sip. "This place is messed up. Like extremely messed up." 

"I know it doesn't sound good, but something in my heart believes that we're going to do well here," her eyes sparkle. "Do you understand?" 

"No. Not at all." 

"Like, you know when you just have that kind of gut feeling?" 

I admittedly did know. 

"It's like that," Mom says. "Somewhere deep down, I think you're going to like it here. And who knows —" Mom takes her coffee back from me, smiling. "Chat Noir's kind of hot, hey? Maybe you'll become a fan girl." 

Oh, you're much more than that. 

The thought popped into my head without any plain origin, confusing the hell out of me. Another pain shot through my head and I winced. 

"Are you okay?" Mom asked, slightly concerned. 

"yeah," I said weakly. "I just have a headache, I think." I stood to my feet unsteadily. "I'm just going to lie down for a bit." 

I didn't make it halfway to the stairs before I passed out on the ground. 

"Y/N, can you hear me? Y/N. Wake up. Y/N!" 

The voice was shouting at me from somewhere in the hazy fog of my mind. I felt completely numb, all parts of my body frozen in the state of half-consciousness. There was something I was supposed to remember. Something I came here to do. But what?

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" I screamed into the abyss. "Who are you?" 

The voice became clearer. "You know who I am, Birdy." 

Distant memories floated to the surface, but they weren't my own, or at least they weren't any that I remember. 

In my  minds eye, I saw a cold room with a tall man laughing at me. His chest was blackened with some kind of dark disease that spread from his core outwards. He looked like the epitome of evil. His eyes were dark, and his staff glowed through the fog. 

"So you've finally come back to me, Raven." His loud, cruel laughter sent chills down my unresponsive spine. "I guess you just couldn't stay away from my son." The laughter died down and a sullen expression overtook his amusement. "You really are made for each other..." 

He faded away slowly, the memory, or message, or whatever the fuck it was, was quickly replaced by another image. The face of the Catboy — I mean — Chat Noir. He was still masked, but I could see his wide green eyes searching my face. 

"Come back to me, Y/N. Remember." 

Remember what? 


I woke up with a start. Mom was hovered over me, a wet facecloth pressed to my face. I wasn't in my bed. We weren't home. We were in Paris, and I was laying on my new bed. 

"You passed out, Y/N," Mom's eyes were dulled with worry. She removed the facecloth from me. "Jesus, Y/N, I thought there was something seriously wrong. One day in, and you're already fainting all over the place." 

I laughed weakly, getting used to the feel of oxygen re-entering my lungs. "I don't know what happened. I just.." 


There it was. That strange voice. "I just...uh...shut up." I hissed at its persistence. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing," I cleared my throat. "I don't feel too good right now, I guess." 

"Hmm." Mom stepped back from me. "Do you want me to call the doctor?" 

"No," I said quickly. "It's okay." 

"Sleep some more, okay? We'll see if you're well enough for school tomorrow." She responded. 

I sincerely hoped I wasn't. 

Between the wacky dreams and the bad feelings crawling into my chest, I slept very badly that night. The voice in my head continued to haunt me, but I couldn't figure out what it wanted, and what it was trying to tell me. 

The faintest idea that something was missing was beginning to irk me, but I couldn't begin to understand what it was. 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now